View Full Version : RO Room at 25F

Amber Gold
03-08-2021, 09:18 AM
Saturday morning, I found the RO room at 25F. I was in it Friday morning and the temp. was fine...say mid-40's. Because it's been so cold out, I think I moved the space heater and inadvertently set it on a pebble which kept the heater from coming on...safety switches...

So Saturday morning, I crank the heat up and get the room warm. I don't think it was below freezing long enough for the big things to freeze solid...thinking the membrane housing, high pressure pump, so maybe I'm OK??

Is there anything I should watch for or check out before I run the RO for the first time since it happened? We should be boiling again Tuesday or Wednesday night.

Thanks for the help.

03-08-2021, 11:45 AM
That sucks. I know the feeling.
Just be sure nothing is leaking before you start it, and I guess check the permeate for sugar. Obviously make absolutely certain there is no ice in it when you start it.


03-08-2021, 12:25 PM
The book for my ro said if you having freezing heat room for at least 2 days to be sure there is no ice. I think you will be fine.

maple flats
03-08-2021, 02:22 PM
Sorry, I can't help, mine never had issues with the temperature.

Amber Gold
03-08-2021, 05:32 PM
Thanks guys for helping me feel better about it. I didn't see signs of water on floor, so assuming nothing's cracked.