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View Full Version : ro sap to evap pan direct question

03-04-2021, 01:09 PM
Not sure where this post belongs but, I can evap faster than my ro can process. So, I plan on putting the output of RO tube direct to divided pan and plain sap in heater pan. My goals it be be able to evap constantly at the best production rate possible.
Should I reduce the psi to lower the sugar content but have that go direct to my heater box instead? or does that not matter? Maybe I should take a whole day to concentrate the sap then process the next day?...HMMM...
My testing shows brix ave of 1.75 of sap. Ro process brix is above 5 and if I run it twice I get a little above 8.

03-04-2021, 01:34 PM
I am in the same situation, my evaporator is faster than my RO. I prefer to do everything at the same time so I run my RO only while evaporating. To make that work, I do exactly as you suggested. I decrease the pressure on the RO and tune it to the evaporator speed. I don't get the full benefit of the RO, but I'm OK with that. Some RO is way better than nothing. The alternative would be to slow down the evaporator but that could possibly affect your gradient.

03-04-2021, 02:16 PM
If your looking for a consistent evap rate and best production rate possible start the RO and go get dinner. When you get back your head tank will be ahead of you and you can play catch-up with it. That is how we have done it for years. Hoping not to this year because we went the alternative route (larger RO)