View Full Version : Boiling Pic Last Night

03-03-2021, 11:55 AM

Boiled 80 gallons in 3.5 hours last night from lighting the fire to shut down. I added a blower and made the door air tight. It's doubling our boiling rate.

03-03-2021, 12:12 PM
Nice way to kick off the season. I'm going to have to seal my leaks a little better....doubled boiling rate is great incentive. What did you use to better seal the door?

03-04-2021, 05:26 AM
I added flat stock to the inside of the door frame and bolted an additional layer of insulation to the door. When you close the door the added layer seals tight against the flat stock. Last year we were getting 15gph using natural draft. I am getting 19 now. I also added a Smoky Lake blower to the back of the fire box below the grate. I would never ever boil without it now. The difference is unbelievable.


03-08-2021, 02:15 PM
That is an awesome idea. I may have to copy it. My door get SO hot, its the only part of my arch that wont hold paint LOL

03-08-2021, 02:21 PM

Boiled 80 gallons in 3.5 hours last night from lighting the fire to shut down. I added a blower and made the door air tight. It's doubling our boiling rate.

I love the photo... The only thing your are missing is snow ?? but from the looks of your stack you may have just melted it all in a 1/4 mile radius....

Thanks for sharing...