View Full Version : Flushing a new membrane

02-27-2021, 08:00 AM
Year 3 and I put new membranes in to my RO bucket kit. I pushed 6 gallons of spring water through to get the preservatives out. Is that enough? I watched some videos on line and there's a HUGE range of advice. Any folk with experience replacing the membranes in the RO buckets specifically?

02-27-2021, 08:08 AM
From ROBucket website


02-27-2021, 08:29 AM
Sorry, I thought there were initial flush instructions in that manual but I don't see it. I would think a 10 gallon flush would be recommended. Carl who runs RO Bucket LLC has been very willing to answer all of my questions when I have contacted him.

02-27-2021, 10:10 AM
I connected with Carl. He wrote back right away! 6 gallons is sufficient for my RB20.