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View Full Version : Leader Stainless Half Pint

02-23-2021, 11:52 PM
Was going to build a new evaporator this year and finally retire the poor old rotted out barrel stove I was using, but after wandering over to the local dealer I ended up picking up a Stainless Leader half pint. The thought of just bolting something together won over, and frankly I just really like the looks of this little guy! Think its going to fit perfect in my little 12x16 shack when I get around to moving it in after this season.




I did pick up the extension kit for it, but I have no idea what the stainless extension looks like yet so that will be a surprise. But figured I'd post some pics of it in case anyone wasn't aware this was out there and was shopping hobby evaporators. Leader doesn't seem to have updated their site yet with its manuals or pictures but I think it came out in spring of 2019? Slightly more expensive than a normal half pint by 200 bucks for the arch but the brick kit is less since its a bit narrower at the base. The extension I think, was something that just Sugarbush Supplies in Mason Mi requested but I could be wrong on that. Pans from 04' so its not quite as shiny as the rest of it. Anyways, just wanted to show this tiny ball of stainless off before its bricked and put to work.

buckeye gold
02-24-2021, 05:15 AM
I had a half pint after doing the propane thing. You'll like this set up. I rebuilt my arch and put a Smokey lake Hybrid pan on it a few years back. You'll get 4-6 gph out of that or maybe 7-8 if you have really good dry wood and keep on top of the firing. You should insulate the sides with ceramic if there's room.

02-24-2021, 10:22 AM
Thanks buckeye, I can't wait to fire it up and get going. What do you think of that Smokey Lake pan so far? I haven't dug around to check yet but supposedly it came with some ceramic blanket as well with the brick kit. Going to be crazy having all that heat going to the pan and not making a barrel just glow like a lava lamp.

Decided to dig out the extension just to take a peak at what it looked like along side it-


Stainless is a bit of a bear to take photos of but there is a rough idea of what the whole thing will wind up being.

Also found out they don't plan on making this version of the half pint much longer which really seems like a shame.