View Full Version : Tapped in Hudson, NH

LMP Maple
02-23-2021, 06:39 PM
All tapped in Hudson as of 1 today. Was running pretty well and when I went back at 4 was still coming in. First year with 3/16 on most of my taps. I have some 30' + drops. I think I will be selling all of my buckets! I really liked the everything about the tubing. I know there are cleaning issues however I will be taking it all down at the end of the season and going from there. Good luck to all, looks like we are underway in the south. Will be boiling tomorrow.

red maples
02-24-2021, 07:07 AM
Good for you!!! Still frozen here... even though I am east of you my woods are pretty cold and trees are still frozen in but should be soon!!! Good luck!!!

02-24-2021, 07:44 AM
Way ahead of me! Hope your 3/16 lines do well for you. I would much rather clean tubing each year than hundreds of buckets!

02-24-2021, 08:04 AM
I have about 50 gallons from one of my lines in Merrimack, the other 3 didnt run yet. Still a bunch of snow around the trees and the ground is pretty solid. I hope today it changes!!

LMP Maple
02-24-2021, 06:16 PM
Collected enough to do my first boil today in Hudson. Was still running pretty well when we were gathering. Felt good to get rolling even if it was only for a couple of hours. Looks like it may not get below freezing tonight which will help with the overall thaw. As long as that is not the norm we should be ok. Loving the tubing, def going to phase out the buckets next year. No RO here so beginning the long slow crawl to 220:). Looks like you guys have some impressive tap numbers, when it breaks you will be in for some long nights, exactly what we want!

02-24-2021, 07:19 PM
That's awesome to hear! I'm right by you, with a similar tap count at my house, then a few scattered across neighbors. Still on buckets, still pretty frozen and not getting much, we tapped Saturday. I'm hoping to get about 30 taps on 5/16 with a shurflow 4008 next year (very flat land). Wish I had anywhere near the slope you have. I can't wait to be done with bucket hauling and checking. Don't think we'll have much of a boil this weekend unless the trees thaw quick.

02-25-2021, 06:46 AM
Collected 80 gals. last night from the line runs. Nothing yet on buckets. Still a good amount of snow around all the tree bases. Yesterday and today should help the thawing. Hoping for a decent run over the next couple of days; enough to sweeten the pan.
Thanks, Bill

LMP Maple
03-03-2021, 07:11 PM
Up to about 3 gallons made here in Hudson. A good start for me as the last two years I have made about 6. Trees have really slowed down for me. Last weekend was a show stopper with lots of sap. I think the really cold weather with the wind the other night ground things to a halt. I thought it would run today but not much although the 3/16 was running at 4 today. I don't see much movement until next week with some real warm weather coming in. We could be looking at a real tsunami of sap next week. I may boil tomorrow if I can get a little more to justify firing up then don't see too much coming in this weekend. Going to can up what I have made this weekend and maybe catch up on some sleep. Next week should be fun. Good luck to all. Love reading about how everyone is doing. BTW sap all seems to be at 2% or better for me so far this year. Much better than last year here anyway. After removing the ice from one of my barrels today the sap that was left tested at 3%. Poor mans RO!

03-04-2021, 08:27 AM
Im at work in Hudson, BAE, and wishing I was home today. I have about 350 gallons sitting in my tanks waiting for me. They were already running this morning when I came in to work, so I assume should be a decent day and add another 50-100 gallons on the total I have waiting. I know a bunch of it was iced over but I should be able to get through it to suck the good stuff out.

LMP Maple
03-13-2021, 05:07 PM
Good week here is Hudson for sap flow. Boiled most nights, i'd say 15+ hours. Will have to can tomorrow as my draw off container is just about full. Was running again today however with the cold night ahead I will let it sit and collect and boil tomorrow. Looks like no flow till Wednesday after tomorrow which is ok, need a break. The weather looks good down here a least a week out. If it ended today I think I would be about where I was last year so been a good one for me. Sap all testing at 2%. 3/16 has made a real difference. Eyeing the Nano RO for next year. No wonder Bascom's does so well, I made a list of the stuff I want to get for next year while I was boiling last night, might be cheaper to park a used car in sugar house and call it good. As always having a blast, kids not running out the door as fast to help gather as this point in the season :D

03-14-2021, 07:31 AM
LMP check out Therobucket. Carl puts together some nice RO kits.

LMP Maple
03-22-2021, 11:21 AM
Done in Hudson. Pulled most of my taps Yesterday. Trees still have more to give although starting to get cloudy on the warmer runs. Work picking up for me so got to know when to call it. Good season for me should hit 10 gallons after I can up what I have finished. All sap tested 2 or better all season. 56.5 hours of boiling this year. Definitely getting an RO next year, off to Bascom I go……Good luck and push it as long as u can.

03-22-2021, 01:22 PM
I just pulled mine this morning, should've pulled them yesterday as I got nothing overnight. Glad to hear you got 10 gallons, we'll clock in around 7-8 after boiling tomorrow. It'll be my first WFE but I can't keep it all chilled until the weekend with our forecasts. Have you thought about a home made RO or are you already eyeing one off the shelf?

LMP Maple
03-22-2021, 06:33 PM
Pulled my last taps on the cold side tonight, the sap was cloudy. I know that does not mean it was over but I am glad I called it when I did. I was able to use that sap in my pans. This will be the first year I am trying the let it sit cleaning method with sap left in the pans at the end of the season. We shall see. I figure a month then check on it.
I am pretty handy but the prospect of building an RO does not interest me at all. I really like the Nano RO. I have heard nothing but good things about the R/O bucket and the support they offer. Selfishly I like the look of the nano better and dont really want another plastic bucket :), could be talked into one though. I know they are cheaper.

LMP Maple
04-06-2021, 07:17 PM
Made 12.2 gallons this year. I am sold on tubing. Going to list the buckets in the classifieds soon. It was amazing to see the racing sap on one of my lines with a 30+ change in elevation from the top. Looking at a shurflo set-up for next year in one of my spots with little slope and 19 taps. Got my better half talked into an R/O. The 54 hours in the sugar house swayed her pocket book. Had a blast but was burned out by the end with all the hours after work. Probably go with the nano R/O. Anyone have any experience with the shurflo set-ups or Nano? I am going to buy the units as I am handy but don't have the time to build either one.

04-07-2021, 08:29 AM
I have 3 or 4 ShurFlo setups I wont be using next year. I work here in Hudson near you, would be glad to sell you one of them. I have them in a black crate with the temperature switch. I use 12V Marine Deep Cycle battery to power them. If you have access to electricity where you plan to use it, just connect a 12v battery charger to the battery and connect the shurflo to the battery and they work great. I could sell you a battery, charger, and shurflo setup if it makes it easier on you. Send me a private message and we can work out a price.