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02-22-2021, 07:32 PM
Is anyone in maple country using a sap spy sensor hub?
Looking for a little insight on it if you could.
Reliability, accuracy, and easy function??

Thank you

02-25-2021, 02:03 PM
Ask me again in late-April....just ordered 3 units to test. They should arrive early next week. Although we use a Smartrek system and have over 100 sensors in the woods and in sheds, our internet goes out with some regularity...especially during the spring when we need it the most. Since this works entirely on cellular, we thought we'd give it a try as a backup system and also to provide a review of it. So far I can tell you that ordering was quick and easy and all pre-sale questions were answered promptly. Nice online videos on installation and operation. Has alarms you can set for different tank and vacuum levels. Looks very straight-forward and easy to us. There will be a renewal fee for cellular annually, but the first year start-up cost is included in the price.

03-01-2021, 07:01 PM
Thanks DR Tim.
I would be interested to hear how they work out for you. One of our sugarbushs is 30mins away. And to drive over just to find 200 gallons in the tank. Or worse to find the tank overflowing is a struggle.

03-02-2021, 07:53 AM
Crew will be installing them in the next couple of days. Good setup instructional videos on their website. Looks pretty simple and straightforward.

03-02-2021, 09:59 AM
I'm curious about this. I'm interested in doing some remote monitoring, primarily for vac levels in the woods. It's hard to tell from their website if this system would be ideal. I like that it uses the cellular network, but beyond that I'm not sure if this would really work for me. It looks like they just use the hub and not specific sensors... right?

Dr. Tim. Howare you using this system at PMRC? Tank level monitoring?

03-02-2021, 12:42 PM
Dr. Tim. How are you using this system at PMRC? Tank level monitoring?

We will use all the functions: temperature, vacuum level, and tank level. Looks like the vac and temp are in the box, but the tank level sensor connects via a wire. Seems to be targeted at smaller to moderate-sized producers and is reasonably priced. Basically we're just trying it out so we can answer questions and as a backup to our H2O Smartrek (ST) system. The ST system works well, but our internet itself is flaky...especially in the spring (seems to be a perpetual problem...cold/wet causes issues). Since SapSpy works on cellular, it doesn't require our network to be working. Secondarily, ST doesn't do so well with Apple phones....it is made to run on Android systems. All of us at UVM PMRC have iPhones. We'll use the SapSpy system as a backup if something really bad happens. It won't give us info about each of our individual mainlines, but if an entire pump goes down or a tank is about to overflow, it'll let us know.

03-02-2021, 05:59 PM
I know the design/ builder well, he is 30 minutes away and runs a decent size sugar operation. Multiple units were beta tested last season and they felt worked very well. He has an engineering background also

03-02-2021, 06:28 PM
i have had the SapSpy in our woods for just over a week now. I think its the best in between option from a wifi camera set up and a full scale monitoring system. I've had great luck with it telling me what the vacuum is and the tank volumes. Super super easy to install and use. My temperature is off because the vacuum pump throws heat through the wall and screws up the sensor for an actual reading. Awesome to be able to check what the vacuum is while your working in the woods to see if the leaks you've fixed are actually helping or there is a bigger leak somewhere else. I'd buy another one in a heart beat. Actually convinced my buddy to buy one for his remote woods.

03-02-2021, 08:25 PM
Sugaringman, would you be willing to share the setup you purchased? Number of sensors and such.

03-02-2021, 09:45 PM
Sounds like this is a good option if you want to monitor vac, tank levels, and temp. in your sugarhouse, at a pump station, or at a releaser/tank location. Probably not the best option for monitoring mainline vacuum in the woods for leak detection. For that a basic monitoring system with several sensors is probably cheaper and more effective.

03-03-2021, 03:54 AM
Right on general
It’s a great option for the smaller producer. CDL wants nearly $2400 for there basic set up. And this will do the same thing.
I find it would work well. If your searching for a leak in the woods you can monitor the vacuum level as your making the repairs to see if you’ve made any improvements. For me our furthest sugarbuis 25mins away so it would save traveling back and forth time and money.
I’m going to order one today. I will let you all know how I like it.
Should get a good feel for it’s operation next week.

03-03-2021, 05:15 AM
Sugaringman, would you be willing to share the setup you purchased? Number of sensors and such.

The SapSpy only is one station, and doesn't connect with others. So it'll give you the basic information you need to make decisions, temperature, vacuum, and % volume in the tank. I could see how you could put others out into the woods if you wanted to as they run off a battery that will last a week or two or more potentially. They are currently priced at $895, so for me its worth knowing what that vacuum and tank is doing. As the orchard it is in is 40 min away. You can make a lot of decisions from those two data points. It also allows you to plot the data given. Which is pretty neat to see if the vacuum is staying constant or there is a decline in vacuum over time. Also allows you to see how fast the tank is filling. Have calculated the %volume in the tank, so that now I can tell how many releasers dumps have been made. On a larger new install, I may do a complete monitoring system. For the cost of this one though its well worth it.

03-03-2021, 07:06 AM
Sounds like this is a good option if you want to monitor vac, tank levels, and temp. in your sugarhouse, at a pump station, or at a releaser/tank location. Probably not the best option for monitoring mainline vacuum in the woods for leak detection. For that a basic monitoring system with several sensors is probably cheaper and more effective.

Yes, that's the slot I see it fitting into as well. Simple single location or remote areas where having a network/internet signal is impossible. Smaller systems monitoring the pump and tank. Not really designed for monitoring multiple mainlines.

03-03-2021, 07:09 PM
Ordered my this afternoon
After a few nice chats with the owner of Sapspy I felt comfortable ordering and trying one out.
Should have it in a day or two. I can’t wait. New toys are fun

03-04-2021, 04:53 AM
Will have to say the owner of SapSpy has been nothing but helpful. Super nice guy and more than willing to help with any questions. Also willing to take ideas that one may have to include in potential future upgrades to the system.

03-04-2021, 09:03 AM
I agree. He was very responsive and pleasant on the website "chat" function and during a quick phone call. Shipped the product quickly and said to call him if there were any questions.

05-03-2021, 03:14 PM
Just circling back to this thread after the season. Our SapSpy units worked very well the entire season. We did have some power outages and lots of internet outages during the season, but the SapSpy monitors worked well throughout. Definitely planning to get a few more of these for a couple of new sites before next season.