View Full Version : Anyone anywhere making syrup this week?

02-10-2021, 11:04 AM
Hi Traders,

Trying to update the season so far. Anyone make anything this week? I think it's cold everywhere but thought we'd check anyway.

Let us know


Send sugarhouse or tapping photos too.

220 maple
02-11-2021, 04:31 AM
Yes will be boiling today in West Virginia, second boil this week boiled Monday, been getting some real good runs when temps jumps into the 40s, Yesterday with the high of 39 got a good run, conditions are near perfect here lows in the 20s plus we have snow! A neighboring camp has been production since the middle of January!
Mark 220 Maple

maple flats
02-11-2021, 10:50 AM
Too cold here, nothing above freezing for at least a week. At that point, it still takes 2-4 days for the trees to thaw because of the extended hard freeze.

220 maple
02-11-2021, 05:46 PM
Started today with 2400 gallons of sap which by my sap hydrometer was reading 2.1, started RO at 6am, started boiling around 11am when finished had 60 gallons of syrup in the barrels! A great day at Bowers Maple Farm. Petersburg WV
Mark 220 Maple

220 maple
02-11-2021, 05:52 PM
Also three miles south at BESS Farms another 5 quarts of walnut syrup was produced, bringing the total so far to 5 gallons, the goal is 20 for the season, high dollar syrup, 2 to 3 dollars a ounce!
Mark 220 Maple

02-12-2021, 08:59 AM
-21 C last night and likely no days above freezing in the next few weeks so we're a ways off from making syrup in Eastern Ontario!

02-12-2021, 09:33 AM
-21 C last night and likely no days above freezing in the next few weeks so we're a ways off from making syrup in Eastern Ontario!

Takes a good bit of time for trees to thaw out after weather like that. Only -11 deg F here this morning (which strangely enough is colder than -21 deg C), and the wind coming off the lake is brutal.

02-12-2021, 10:38 PM
Dr. Tim If you get a chance go out to NOAA weather and look at Texas.

02-13-2021, 09:46 AM
Trying to avoid looking at the weather, although I saw the pile-up accident in Texas on the news. Glanced at the thermometer when I got up to take the dog out this morning.... -12.8 deg F (~ -25 deg C). She did her business fast. Has warmed up to -1 deg F now (10:45am). Not a lot of snow here (5-6" on the ground), but darn cold. Probably not a lot of tappers out there today.

Bruce L
02-14-2021, 06:11 AM
Minus 13 Fahrenheit here yesterday morning,big warm up this morning,it’s 8 degrees Fahrenheit. Usually tap this weekend,not looking like it though