View Full Version : Bourbon Barrel Chips

red dorakeen
02-08-2021, 02:28 PM
I'm getting some of these Whiskey Barrel Chips (https://www.atlanticbrewsupply.com/Brewers-Best-Whisky-Barrel-Chips-4-oz_p_3005.html) to try in some home-brew and syrup.

Anyone here tried this for a bourbon barrel syrup?

maple flats
02-08-2021, 03:16 PM
I've never tried it, but I've heard of someone selling syrup with an actual charred oak chip in the bottle.

Crooked Cellars Farm
02-08-2021, 04:06 PM
We tried "oaking" a wine batch we were making once. We missed a crucial step of sterilizing the wood chips before we added them. It caused the wine to go bad. I forget what we needed to do, but it never crossed my mind. If your adding the chips to your bottles you may need to consider adding them when your syrup is hot(bottling temps)to "sterilize" the chips as they go in. Or if your putting syrup into a drum, maybe put your chips in first and then add your hot syrup (bottling temps)as you would if you were bottling. This is a interesting way to possibly bourbon barrel age syrup and much cheaper for those of us that don't have the ability to fill a bigger bourbon barrel. Let us know how it turns out if you try it.

02-08-2021, 09:56 PM
I plan to try charring some white oak in my wood stove , then soaking in bourbon for 5 or six weeks. I going to put chunks of the soaked chard wood in half gallon masons jars with syrup for a few weeks and re bottle. I did some years ago in a barrel but it cost me 150 for the barrel.

In da bush
03-26-2021, 07:02 AM
I know the Big guy that makes bourbon barrel aged syrup uses a barrel that aged bourbon for 8 years or more, and uses a "wet" barrel, recently dumped and still has residual alcohol left behind as well. IMHO, it’s not as easy as adding barrel chips. If it turns out comparably I’d be interested to hear your results.

04-02-2021, 03:32 PM
I took a gallon of syrup, threw it in a pot with a fist full of barrel chips, let it boil for 15 minutes, re-filtered and bottled it. Came out really well!