View Full Version : Nw wisconsin 2021

Brad W Wi
02-05-2021, 09:19 AM
I'm going to start a new thread this year. Right now it's -1 outside but it's got me getting ready. I'll be picking up my supplies next week and then things start moving, slowly but moving. I'm hopping for a normal season this year. I just turned 70 the beginning of Jan and with the helpers I have I'm the youngest. All friends that volunteer, we tap 400 trees with pails. We have fun doing it and it gives us all something to do that time of year. Let me know what's happening with you and yours this year.

maple flats
02-05-2021, 02:52 PM
I'm 74, and I am in the middle of New York State. I also have about 400 taps (this year and the previous 2). I am the old guy, I get help from my 7 yr younger brother in law and one of my sons (and his significant other) at times. We try to keep it fun.
The most pails I ever did was about 120. Now all of my taps are on tubing and high vacuum and the sap all flows to the sugarhouse. My high vacuum (26-27") is by using a vacuum pump that is likely older than I am, it is a BB4, a piston dairy pump by Babson Bros, who later became Alamo.

Brad W Wi
02-05-2021, 03:55 PM
Dave tapping must be what's keeping us going. Three years ago my wife and I did it all alone. I'll probably stop doing it when I can't handle pails, I just don't think I could stand looking at them lines all over the place. Nothing wrong with them, just not for me. Keep going though, my hat's off to you!!!!!!

02-05-2021, 10:00 PM
I have kept my old flat pan, buckets and sugar house. Some day I will go back to them.

Brad W Wi
02-06-2021, 09:18 AM
3500 taps will keep you busy

Jeff E
02-08-2021, 08:48 AM
I agree Brad, time to get our ducks in a row. I always try to be ready to go by the last weekend of February. It takes me 2 weeks to get everything tapped, and leaks fixed. Last year we made syrup the end of February.
Doesn't feel like it right now though. We had 27 below this morning. Like my daughter said once when she was little..."Dad, why do we live where the air hurts?"

I am getting stuff squared away in the sugar house so when the Birkie is done, we start drilling.

02-08-2021, 10:40 PM
I plan to start tapping right after this cold spell.

Brad W Wi
02-11-2021, 04:19 PM
Like Jeff I'll wait to after the Birke

Jeff E
02-25-2021, 08:54 AM
Well, its Birkie week! With the 10 day forecast showing most days above freezing I am starting to tap.
Everything is still frozen, no real welling around the tree bases, but I think in 7 days or so we could be getting sap.
I will focus on being ready with 1/2 of my woods in the next week, then moving to the colder side after that. Snow is about as deep as my muck boots. but soft, so no snowshoes needed this year.
Everything I am putting in now is with Check Valves, to help buy me time doing this early tapping.

Anyone know what there is for frost in the woods in the NW part of Wisconsin? My guess is about a foot, but its just a guess. Time to get after it!

02-26-2021, 09:15 PM
I will finish tapping tomorrow. Most taps are running. I might start to ro tomorrow

Brad W Wi
02-28-2021, 10:16 AM
Snowing like the dickens now so I plan to start putting out pails on Tues Morning. I've got everything ready other wise.
GOOD LUCK to all. Keep everyone posted if you can

Brad W Wi
02-28-2021, 10:20 AM
Snowing like the dickens right now. I'll be clearing snow tomorrow so I plan on starting to tap on Tues. GOOD LUCK to all and keep everyone posted if you can!!!!!

cedar syrups
03-01-2021, 09:11 AM
cold but sunny looks like mid week for a run will be tapping on tubing this week looks like another year of wearing snowshoes have around 550 taps to drill

Jeff E
03-02-2021, 09:19 AM
I am going to be out there every chance I get this week getting tapped. It ran decent on Saturday, and so far I've been able to get about 1/3 of my woods on-line, tight vac with only 75 vac leaks to fix. The squirrel wars are on.
Probably not much activity on here this week-we are all going to be busy.

03-02-2021, 07:46 PM
Hello all, I am in Northern WI and tapping trees in my backyard for the first time. I tapped 5 trees so far today and four of them gave up about a cup or so. Hoping for some more flow later this week when it's supposed to warm up a bit.

Dave Evenson
03-03-2021, 08:05 PM
Tapped yard trees on Saturday, Feb 27, about half dripping, and woods trees Sunday, about the same. Expected more today with near 50 degrees, but not much yet. Cumberland Area

03-05-2021, 08:24 AM
Will boil today

Dave Puhl
03-08-2021, 07:59 PM
Jeff E..are you up by the Clam Lake area?

Jeff E
03-09-2021, 02:22 PM
I am by Spooner, Washburn County. But I do spend time in the woods by Clam Lake!
Boiled Sunday and Monday nights. Nice early syrup. I am about 90% tapped. Some low areas yet to get to.

03-09-2021, 03:57 PM
10 day forecast looks incredible for Oneida/Vilas county area

03-12-2021, 08:11 AM
I plan to finish tapping my bags today. Got sap line tapped on Tuesday. Some sap, NW facing slope, looking forward to a season without knee deep snow, so far!

cedar syrups
03-12-2021, 08:51 AM
so far its been a good start the snow took a beating from the rain and warm weather. have all of my 550 taps on tubing we have made almost 30 gals so far sap is a little lighter than most years running at 2% but the forecast looks great after today hope everyone is having a good year. I,m also looking for a good used evaporator for like 300 to 500 tap range I have an R/O so i think that would do the trick let me know if hear of of one thanks.

Jeff E
03-22-2021, 09:13 AM
Hanging in there. We still have snow this morning on the north facing slopes, some frost remaining, so with this current warm spell I am hoping for a second with, later this week. NOT GIVING UP!
An old timer told me hang in there, you usually make more syrup in April than March...

A chance to clean up, repair, tweek, walk the woods and get limbs off of lines after the 40 mph winds yesterday! We will see what Thursday brings.

Brad W Wi
03-25-2021, 04:07 PM
It's Thursday and I'm still holding out for a couple of days. Last nite 28 it's 4 in the pm now sun trying to poke out. Temp all day at 32 degree mark. Tomorrow will tell. Anyone else out there holding out???? We have bottled approx. 55+ gals. Not the best year not the worst

cedar syrups
03-26-2021, 08:58 AM
i,m holding out for this weekend there should be a couple of good runs in there . my syrup is darker this year, but looks good tastes fine sap is around 2% where last year it was more like 2.5 to 3% for most of the year, have almost 70 gals so far so yield is lower than normal hope we can get another 30 or so.