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01-31-2021, 12:19 PM
This year is kicking off and my plan is in place. I am already thinking bigger next year and while I知 at it this year I知 planning ahead.

I知 going to install a mainline for the first time next year and want to incorporate a sap guzzler style pump. I have ability to build a dedicated pump house. I致e seen so many setups and I知 wondering how to go about it? What parts (releaser, etc) in addition to the pump do I need? Any reference material or go-bys I can research. I知 in a part of PA where there aren稚 any larger maple farms to study.

01-31-2021, 06:11 PM
Sap guzzler is a diaphragm pump. No releaser needed, just power and a strainer for the ice in front of the pump. Search youtube for some videos.

02-01-2021, 06:52 AM
Yes, all you really need is a strainer on the sap inlet then connect sap line to it and connect pump outlet line to tank. The guzzler pump fittings are 3/4" to 1-1/4" depending on pump type and options.


02-01-2021, 11:20 AM
Would the pump house need insulation and some type of heat source to prevent damage during hard freezes ?

02-01-2021, 12:45 PM
You don't want the pump to freeze while it is pumping or when it has sap inside. The operator manuals for Guzzlers have a procedure for disconnecting the pump and purging sap from it, if there is any chance of it freezing. Many people use a heat light or heated enclosure. I have heard of the pump housing being destroyed due to ice when left running all night in freezing conditions. My S3/S4 controllers have an automated sap purge cycle which eliminates the need to manually drain sap from the pumps if they freeze.


02-16-2021, 09:30 AM
Has anyone run across torn diaphragms? We have a heat lamp, 10" filter and housing before our guzzler, our temp turn on is 34 and shut off is 31.
Is there a concern running "dry" to start the vacuum process? We haven't had ice, but have gone through 2 diaphragms.

02-16-2021, 02:25 PM
I believe the guzzler pumps are marketed as being able to run dry. Ice in the line or freezing in the pump are your worst enemy. I had an issue tearing diaphragms but it was because i was trying to transfer sap going from the stock 1 1/4" down to 3/4" line and it was restricting the flow too much.

02-16-2021, 03:05 PM
Diaphragms do age and eventually crack, especially if you store them somewhere they might get exposed to ozone (electrical equipment). Nitrile/buna rubber is more sensitive to ozone than other types, but it is FDA approved. It's a good idea to have a spare set close by (stored carefully, sealed, in a dark spot that isn't too hot or too cold), as getting them during the season might not happen as quickly as you want. Best place is in a sealed glass jar in the fridge (plastic bags/containers allow oxygen to pass) -- just don't let you wife find them.

02-21-2021, 03:50 AM

Here is my solar powered pump station that houses a 24v 3/4" guzzler controlled by an S3 Mountain Maple controller and 12V transfer pump. While the controller offers excellent freeze protection I am leary about the large screen which holds about two cups of sap freezing over early in the season. I do have two 24V heat pads operating off a seperate thermostat one on the pump cover and the other mounted inside a 4" stove pipe slipped over the screen assembly. The thermostat sensor is inside the pipe on the opposite side of the screen and turns on at 32F and off at 40F.

02-21-2021, 07:00 AM
Looks and sounds like a great setup you've got there. Do you happen to have a link or part numbers for the heat tape and thermostat you used ? Trying to find a reputable brand with 12v.

02-21-2021, 08:02 AM
I found the stuff on Amazon. I ordered two thermostats and weirdly one came with English directions on the back and the other Chinese... Links below

For the Solar bits I have a Victron solar controller and 24v to 12v converter, 3 Rich 170w Panels and Blue Sea Systems fuse panel. That charges 2 Deka24 marine batteries.

The great unknown was would the 12v pump transfer sap 1000' with a 40' rise to the sugar shack. We had to spend the $$$ on 1/2" tubing, wire and the time to install before we could test it. It did indeed work as designed. The pump is controlled by Mountain Maples transfer up controller so when the tank level hits the lower sensor the pump stops, the drain valve opens and the 11 gallons that is still in the live drains back to the tank.


Heater strips
https://www.amazon.com/24V-Polyimide-Heater-Film-45mmx100mm/dp/B06XQTDGCM/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Icstation+24V+30W+Flexible+Polyimide+Heat er+Plate+Adhesive+PI+Heating+Film+45mmx100mm&qid=1613915962&sr=8-1

02-22-2021, 10:32 AM
Thanks for sharing the info and links. I will look into those and spend more of my money on this hobby haha.

Glad your set up worked out after the install, I'm sure you slept well the night of the first test.