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View Full Version : 2x3 & 2x4 Evaporator w/ Flue Questions

01-28-2021, 11:23 AM
50-60 taps. Would like an efficient evaporator- in the teens + gph range. I'd also like 2 separate pans, to make it easier/possible for me to rotate the front pan to reverse flow.

SL makes a 2x3 with flues, but it's a hybrid pan (non-reversible).

Why doesn’t anyone make a 2x3 two pan set-up with flues? Is it because it ends up being about the same volume to fill and efficiency of a 2x4 flat pan?

Is a 2x4 too big for the number of taps I’ve got? I was concerned the volume to get a 2x4 w/ flues sweetened and filled may be too big for my number of taps.
Appreciate any thoughts!

01-28-2021, 02:08 PM
I suspect that hybrid pans are popular compared to two pan systems because they are cheaper. The reversible option seems overrated to me. I have a two pan system but I have never bothered reversing it. By the time it needs cleaning I just clean it. However, I really like having two pans because cleaning a small syrup pan is much easier than cleaning a large hybrid pan if you have to lug it to a water source.

You could probably run a 2x4 with that number of taps, especially if you're not running an RO.

Maple Producer
01-28-2021, 02:59 PM
Here is my opinion... You wont be sorry especially if you grow your operation going with the 2x4! It also depends if you add preheater and forced draft and ect. I currently run a 2x6 with 185 taps and I struggle sometimes getting my batch done in time for the next one, However I don't have forced draft, preheater or an ro machine so.... hope it helps!!

01-28-2021, 03:23 PM
Also, I would consider the 18 inch two pan systems by CDL, Lapierre, and D&G. I think Smokey Lake is making a 2 pan system for their StarCat evaporator too. Personally I think a greater length to width ratio makes sense for efficiency. The further the flue gasses have to travel before exiting the better. It gives them more opportunity for contact with the pan.

01-28-2021, 03:53 PM
I am currently in a 2x6 configuration, smokylake hybrid (2x4) with a 2x2 syrup pan. they are connected with 2" sanitary fittings so i can just lift off the front pan for cleaning without draining the back pan. it takes 15gallons to fill the smokylake+2x2 to 1.5" which is where i keep the float set at. I haven't really clocked the boil rate on it, but in the early season so far i have had no problem keeping up with 138 taps on buckets. I've found that i can feed the fire until i run out of sap, and then just let it burn out with no fear of scorching. No RO, but I do have forced draft.

maple flats
01-28-2021, 04:26 PM
I also suggest you look at the 18" x various length options out there. There are several choices available. They are 2 pan set ups and ecolbeck is correct, the longer length adds to its efficiency. I think one or more also offer a 20" wide.
If you are relatively new to making maple, look at used ones. If you are anything like most of us, you will out grow the small pans and selling a small used evaporator is easy to get a sale on. Unlike trying to sell a 4'x 12 or 14'. Those bigger ones can often take a long time to sell, most likely because of R.O.s playing such a large role. Now producers who would have used those bigger sizes, do it all on a 2x6 with an RO concentrating the sap for most of the gallons that need to be reduced in volume.

LMP Maple
01-28-2021, 05:29 PM
I love my Mini Pro. A picture is in my thread. It gets a realistic 12-13 gallons per hour. I have seen others that claim they are getting more with this rig and I am sure its possible. It functions like a big evaporator easy to switch sides etc. This would be a good option for you if you stay in that 60 tap range. Add an RO and I think you could be in the 100-125 range maybe more. I have been very happy with mine. I will say there are many great options out there. Good luck. A quarter of the fun is looking and dreaming.......My wife wont let me go to Bascom's anymore.........

01-28-2021, 09:25 PM
M2salmon I had 53 taps last year, and the year before that. I have a SL 2 x 4 high output raised flue pan set. The front pan is the syrup pan. It works well with this many taps. You can collect a lot of sap on a big run day with this many taps. I have had the 2 x 3 pan twice prior and would not go back. I went from 8 to 10 gph to between 40 and 50 gph. The SL does have the blower option. I do not boil concentrated sap it is straight from the tree. This is my opinion.

01-29-2021, 08:44 AM
Gents, thanks for all the thoughtful feedback. Sounds like 2x4 with flues will work for me. Seems odd that no one offers 2 pan 2x3 with flues but with the surface area (and efficiency) maybe it’s about the same as 2x4 flat pan that’s much cheaper and not too much bigger footprint. Drooling over SL raised flue 2x4 and the mini pro Lapierre. It will be another year at least before I buy. Combining sap and boiling at my brothers place on a 2x6 Leader. Thanks again !

01-31-2021, 08:14 AM
I love my Mini Pro. A picture is in my thread. It gets a realistic 12-13 gallons per hour. I have seen others that claim they are getting more with this rig and I am sure its possible. It functions like a big evaporator easy to switch sides etc. This would be a good option for you if you stay in that 60 tap range. Add an RO and I think you could be in the 100-125 range maybe more. I have been very happy with mine. I will say there are many great options out there. Good luck. A quarter of the fun is looking and dreaming.......My wife wont let me go to Bascom's anymore.........

hi LMP...what are the specs on your mini pro...does it have flues or a blower

01-31-2021, 08:25 AM
Mason offers a two pan 2'x4' raised flue evaporator, It is not on his website, but if u call or email he has the info, Depending on how 2021 goes, this is on my list for 2022