View Full Version : 2021 Southwest PA Tapping
01-25-2021, 07:14 AM
Starting the thread for SWPA.
Anyone thinking about pulling the trigger and tapping this coming weekend? Weather is starting to look good.
I have hung most of my new 3/16 line and am itching to tap and get the new vacuum box going!
01-25-2021, 10:14 AM
This weekend is looking more and more like a good starting time. I'm not ready....guess I gotta stop procrastinating.
01-25-2021, 02:56 PM
I plan on tapping this weekend or early next week, whenever I get back home from work.
01-26-2021, 07:47 AM
I tapped this past weekend. Plan on washing tanks and setting releasers this coming weekend, looks like sap next week.
01-28-2021, 10:48 AM
I'm starting to think maybe next weekend for tapping. Now through Wednesday doesn't get higher than 34. I don't think I'll miss much if I wait one more week. I'm not quite ready and I wanted to rerun some lines (of course my 3/16th tubing has been on back order for 3 weeks).
Manada Hill Maple
01-29-2021, 05:27 AM
I'm starting to think maybe next weekend for tapping. Now through Wednesday doesn't get higher than 34. I don't think I'll miss much if I wait one more week. I'm not quite ready and I wanted to rerun some lines (of course my 3/16th tubing has been on back order for 3 weeks).
How much 3/16 do you need? I had ordered some from Leader a few weeks back and saw it was back ordered. In a panic I called and asked them to remove it from the order and ship everything else. I ordered a 500’ roll of Lapierre. I ended up getting both the Leader and Lapierre rolls delivered.
I haven’t touched the Lapierre roll and won’t need it this year. You are welcome to have it, if you would like it. I am located in Harrisburg.
01-29-2021, 08:53 AM
thanks for the offer! i'm south of pittsburgh.....a little far for a tubing run. most of my stuff can wait until next year but i was hoping to reroute a few lines. i did a panic 2nd buy also on monday and have yet to get any ship when everything finally ships this summer (haha) i'll be set for next season.
02-01-2021, 10:04 PM
I held off given the changes in the forecast. Looks like this Thursday and Friday could produce a run, but then there are 8 days in the forecast that never break freezing. Debating on tapping or holding off?? 3/16 with check valve spiles and the extended cold shouldn't shorten the tap hole life too badly.
What are others thinking?
02-02-2021, 08:20 AM
If forecast holds.....I won't be tapping until the 13th and 14th. I've been busy and not really ready so I'm welcoming the cold blast :)
02-18-2021, 07:38 AM
Roughly 80 out of 100 taps done. I'll be done tapping Saturday. Next week looks comes the start of the season :) Hopefully it doesn't warm to quickly. Last year I called it by March 10....that's less than 3 weeks away.
02-20-2021, 07:29 PM
Tapped today - ready for next week.
02-21-2021, 08:11 AM
I tapped this past weekend. Plan on washing tanks and setting releasers this coming weekend, looks like sap next week.
Andy, Folks,
Opposite corner of PA is cold. Might warm some today. Did you make some syrup yet? Much yet to do before we are ready this year. May tap this week???
02-21-2021, 08:10 PM
With the help of family and friends, I just finished getting everything tapped. At one point we had 5 different Dewalt drills going at the same time in the woods.
And the weather is cooperating. The forecast calls for a big run on Wednesday when it gets up to 51 degrees. Maple Syrup season is here!
02-22-2021, 07:39 AM
Andy, Folks,
Opposite corner of PA is cold. Might warm some today. Did you make some syrup yet? Much yet to do before we are ready this year. May tap this week???
Chris Chris, that forecast that had me excited a month ago changed quick! No syrup yet! Probably tomorrow.
02-22-2021, 08:45 AM
officially started yesterday. sap was flowing pretty good. this week looks good.
I Started yesterday. Since it is my first year, I didn't know what to expect. I was happy with the 6 gallons of sap that I got when I went back at 4 pm to check. I already boiled 6 gallons that morning. This might become an addiction! I am using 2 five gallon SS pots on Propane. I'm already looking for a continuous-flow pan and evaporator for next year. Ha ha.
02-24-2021, 07:00 PM
Nice little run today! The trees are waking up! My ROs and evaporator are all working! The weather forecast suggests a very nice run this week and I'm ready to take advantage of it!
02-24-2021, 07:34 PM
5 day forecast looks great...10 day not so great. pretty warm. last few years I've been wrapping up the beginning of March. Long winter = short transition into spring? Luckily its just a hobby so short or long season...still something good to do this time of year.
Tank is showing about 150 gallons. Need to get the evaporator ready for this wkend.
02-24-2021, 08:13 PM
SRM, To late to say might become an addiction, welcome to maple sugaring and open your wallet.
02-25-2021, 05:49 AM
5 day forecast looks great...10 day not so great. pretty warm....
During maple syrup season, I check AccuWeather and several times each day. After I read your post yesterday I checked out the lows in the 6-10 day range. This morning I checked them out again and they were entirely different with several well below freezing. I don't care how warm it gets during the day, so long as it gets back below freezing at night. Warm days and cold nights make for big runs! I'm ready!
02-27-2021, 09:38 PM
collected 300 gallons and slowly working my way thru it w my driveway operation. :)
02-28-2021, 09:08 PM
collected 300 gallons and slowly working my way thru it w my driveway operation. :)
That was a big run on Friday and Saturday! And it was still running today though much slower! I kept my ROs humming and my stovetop evaporator boiling all night Friday just to keep up with it! I'm expecting an even bigger run starting Wednesday.
03-03-2021, 08:12 AM
When I got up this morning, the low of 22 surprised me; I was expecting 28 or 29. Then I checked out the forecast for the rest of the week and all of the highs and lows had gone down by about 5 degrees. The cold weather from early February is back!
I'll get some sap today, but not very much until Sunday. Meanwhile, those of you who live south of Pittsburgh generally have temperatures that are about 5 degrees warmer than mine. You could get the run that I was expecting.
03-09-2021, 05:15 PM
How much season do you guys think we have left? I'm just wondering how this warm spell will affect us. Looks like we are going to have some decent weather next week. I hope it keeps flowing!
03-11-2021, 10:32 PM
I think we're at the mid-point of the season with 1 to 3 weeks of maple syrup left before the trees start to bud which would ruin the sap. As you point out, next week's forecast looks perfect. The problem is that the old holes that we drilled in February may have healed over during the warm weather this week. We may not get much sap without drilling new holes.
03-13-2021, 10:26 AM
I am considering pulling taps and cleaning tubing and gear tomorrow. East of Pittsburgh and the warm week really sped up the trees. Buds are visible and it doesn't seem worthwhile to push it.
I was wondering if the smaller tap holes could be drilled bigger instead of drilling a new hole in a different location. Did anyone do this when the season warmed up and the holes healed up before the season really ended? I'm only running 30 or so taps and this might be feasible since I have both size spiles etc. I recently got half of what I usually have gotten and wonder if this (the holes healing) is what happened? Next week looks like lows in the 20-30 and highs in 40-50? Any suggestions?
03-13-2021, 12:40 PM
Its actually bacteria in the holes that stops the flow and not healing up.
You can reem the tap holes but highly doubt it's useful at this point in the season. Even with some decent weather, lots of the red maples are nearing the end (buds) and will normally just "turn off" and stop running around now even with some freeze/thaw cycles.
Thanks for the information.
I pulled a few today, the rest by the weeks end. Then it will be time to order an evaporator and supplies.
03-14-2021, 10:48 PM
SRM what are going to get for an evaporator?
03-15-2021, 01:24 PM
I've got 180 gallons made, looks like we'll keep running through this Sunday then done. Hope to land at about an average season.
SRM what are going to get for an evaporator?
I'm not sure, but I think a continuous flow pan 2x3 or 2x4. I like Mason's XL but that was the first one I looked at. I will go to 75 taps next year or more. I have the trees and a plan to get the sap off the hillside without following deer paths like this year. Total taps will be 100 to 150. I just don't know if I should buy a pan and try to make a wood burner that will work or to buy a complete system. Probably the later, but there are just too many ways to go about it. I do want a SS pot with a spout for bottling, I made a mess this year with a funnel and jar. I got about six gallons this year, maybe a little under. I have to go back and look at all my notes and make a spreadsheet with the info. I've just been collecting, boiling, buying propane, finishing, repeat for the last several weeks. I need a simpler system. I'm trying to keep the Evaporator and arch to around 1,500 so I can buy a warming pan and some other helpful things. I have all the wood I need, so I won't go with anything but a wood burner. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
On the ledge
03-16-2021, 03:18 PM
I replaced my 15 year old leader 1/2 pint with a Mason 2x3 this year. A big improvement boils a lot faster. He's a great guy to do business with, it was ready when he said it would be. with a hundred taps you would probably want to go with the 2x4.
I replaced my 15 year old leader 1/2 pint with a Mason 2x3 this year. A big improvement boils a lot faster. He's a great guy to do business with, it was ready when he said it would be. with a hundred taps you would probably want to go with the 2x4.
Thanks On the ledge, He ,(Mason), was the first I emailed and he responded the next day! Gave his number and said I could call anytime. Who does that now-a-days? I'm old school in most things and his quick response is why I will most likely go with him. I contacted a few other dealers, manufactures and heard nothing back and it has been a few days. I think you are right about the 2x4. I spent 6 to 8 hours a day boiling down 20 -25 gallons of sap with my propane and 5 gallon pots. The good news is my wife is excited....not to help, but to get a sugar shack. Maybe I can trick her into helping? Doesn't the steam from boiling sap moisturize the face?
On the ledge
03-16-2021, 04:35 PM
I would also recommend you get the arch paper he offers, I got it and you can almost put your hands on the side of the arch. I put an old living room chair in my shack my wife loves it. Doesn't really help but hangs out and has a couple boiling sodas with me.
I decided to pull the rest of my 27 taps on St. Patty's Day. (Ha, I noticed I started my first year with 10 back in late January) I had a few trees still producing, but not enough to keep going. Today I'll finish and bottle, then I'll see how much I made this year. My goal was to make 6 gallons of syrup.
03-22-2021, 07:48 AM
Gathered 550 gallons of sap yesterday and boiled out / pulled the plug. Final syrup tally won't be done until tomorrow but will be close to 250 gallons. That'll equal a solid average season for us.
03-23-2021, 08:53 AM
Bottled my last batch on Sunday - finished with 27.1 gallons on the year. Very happy with new 3/16 vacuum set up and the yield it gave me even on a short season.
Anybody know any carpenters around Southwest PA that would help build a sugar shack? I have a sawmill and the wood, I just need help with the frame and roof. I thought I'd ask here just in case fellow maple syrup producers in this area had relatives that might be interested. I plan on starting as soon as I can. Pm me with contact information
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