View Full Version : Wet/Dry vs Single Line
01-17-2021, 10:52 AM
I was just looking to see what other people would do. I am going to add a patch of a few hundred trees to a wet/dry line. It is a long flat run to get there and it will travel by maples to get to the patch. I am debating on running either a 1 1/4 single line or a 1 inch dry and 1 inch wet. Either way I am going to tap the trees along the way and have them run into the line. If i do the wet/dry I would attach the saddles to the wet line. I will have enough cfm either way but am thinking if I did the wet/dry and a saddle leaked and froze the dry line would still run. The single line would be easier to run and if a saddle leaked on it and froze it would be easier to find because the whole line would loose vacuum. I know most people will say run another mainline next to it but my thought was might as well have the other mainline as the wet line and 3 lines would be overkill. Any thoughts?
01-17-2021, 09:10 PM
how many trees are you thinking are in this "patch at the end of the mainline? is the potential for more further than this patch that would use the same line in the future
being flat ground oversizing or adding a dry line is a good solution. i would tend to prefer a wet dry if there are enough taps to make it worth while.
Adding saddles to a wet dry is normally frowned upon due to the number of trees above that would be shut off if it were to leak/freeze. in this case i would not hesitate to add them to the wet line
01-17-2021, 10:09 PM
If you do a wet/dry and you want to add taps. You run a main line in the center of the wet/dry or what ever to hook the tubing to then hook the main in to the wet/dry or conductor line. DO NOT HOOK INTO THE WET with saddles because the co2 will cause turblance in the wet line and defeats the purpose of the hole thing. The idea is the co2 takes the express to the releaser and the sap runs nice and smooth. Also on a heavy run day the lines going into the wet line don't get good vacuum.
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