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View Full Version : Hand site level now on Amazon

maple flats
01-08-2021, 04:02 PM
I just got a note that Amazon has a David White hand level for $22.00. I don't know if it's a sale or regular price but those who want to use such a tool to help keep the desired slope, these do help.
This price may not last.

maple flats
01-09-2021, 11:00 AM
I've seen hand levels like these or similar at maple dealers for $32 up to about $45. They all work the same. You do not need to know the distance, the stadia lines on the lens will give you usually a percent of rise or drop, for example, going down, hold the site level steady and looking thru watch the bubble, once centered, the 1st mark below the center line is 1% drop, or 1' in 100 (or 6" in 50 etc). 2 lines below center is 2%. You do not need to even think about the distance, the % rise or drop will be correct. If you are working very flat, low slope land such as much of mine (thus maple flats) you can do as I did. I used an old camera tripod and made a wooden holder that attached to the top platform. I then had a screw adjustment to set the angle perfectly and I then had a helper hold flagging tape on trees at that level. I then had to measure how much lower (or higher) my starting tubing was set at and I adjusted accordingly. If you have 2% or better slope you can do it all free hand, in areas where I used that method I was trying to get up to a 1% slope or as close as I could to it.

Father & Son
01-10-2021, 01:11 PM
I have the same level Dave. When I bought mine it was sold under the Stanley name at Home Depot. Works great on any terrain.

01-10-2021, 01:24 PM
I used an app for my phone called Theodolite. Was very accurate for what it is.


Was even able to snap photos of my layout with measurements.

01-10-2021, 06:09 PM
Dave, I use a cheap sight level to to get my drop in feet from the my last tap to the collection barrel. I'm 6'4" so a spot that I see at level will be 6'. Going to that spot and sighting again will give me a 12' elevation etc. etc. This gives me elevations on various trees and where my last tap should be. I want a minimum of 18-20 foot drop (30' foot would be nice but not possible in my sites) and this sight level gives me a rough idea.

maple flats
01-17-2021, 09:28 AM
I just got another email from Amazon, they now have Johnson Level & Tool 80-5556 Contractor Hand Held Sight Level

Johnson Level & Tool 80-5556 Contractor Hand Held Sight Level, for $15.61. I'll bet this lower cost one is just as good for laying out tubing systems.