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View Full Version : Cv spouts- Calling Dr. Tim Perkins.

12-31-2020, 06:28 PM
This question is directed at Dr. Tim but would appreciate others input as well.
I'm going on my second year on my neighbors woods and wanted to get some info on cv spouts and stubby cv spouts. Which is more financially beneficial and what are the pros and cons of each?

12-31-2020, 08:01 PM
We’ve used both types over the years (CV adapter or CV spout). Now we mainly use CV2 spouts, primarily because we prefer polycarbonate spouts because they “stick” in the tree better and because they are not as prone to overheating in hot weather as black nylon spouts. That’s less of a tissue now with polycarbonate adapters. In testing there is little difference in performance. After several years we could detect a tiny “stubby” effect (very slight reduction in yield). Some people have issues with breakage of the ball retaining teeth. This occurs with some hammer types. Rarely happens with tapping hammers. Again, not an issue with the new adapter design. Use of adapters is a little faster perhaps, and doesn’t require cutting off an inch of tubing each year. Mostly the decision comes down to personal choice.

12-31-2020, 09:40 PM
Thank you, happy new year!

01-01-2021, 12:35 PM
Is anyone else having trouble getting check valve adapters? I ordered 6000 back in May and have yet to get them. Talked to dealer a couple of weeks ago and Leader said they hope to have them sometime after new year. Seems to me that is cutting it close for this year. A little qlitch and its to late for this season.

maple flats
01-02-2021, 11:58 AM
Maybe because they have a financial man not a maple man for president now?

01-07-2021, 11:37 AM
Is anyone else having trouble getting check valve adapters?

I checked with Leader since I'd heard this a couple of times. Leader Evaporator is offering CV spouts in clear and several translucent color variations this year. Clear spouts have been hard to keep in stock, but various colors are available in quantity from the Swanton plant. You can still see through the colored CV spouts similar to the clear -- I don't believe there is any difference in price. More spouts are arriving in Swanton weekly in pallet quantities.


For some reason there are issues with the manufacture of clear CV adapters Black CV adapters are in stock and available.


If the main plant in Swanton doesn't have what you want, you might try with local dealers/distributors. https://leaderevaporator.com/find-a-dealer/ Typically Dealers stock up before winter comes. If they don't have them at your local dealer -- try the main Swanton plant or an H2O distributor https://h2oinnovation.net/en/produit/spouts-fittings/

I can't give you exact numbers, but part of the issue is that CV spout and adapter sales have been quite strong this year. Not sure exactly why, but part of that could be due to an new agreement with H2O Innovations to sell CVs in Canada. IPA was unavailable for use in cleaning maple tubing this spring. I got several questions from Quebec producers asking for information about CVs over the last 9 months.

maple flats
01-07-2021, 01:30 PM
Back to the original question, I used the CV tap adapters and stubbies for 3 seasons, then switched to CV2 spouts. I far prefer them, I found the stubbies
CV tap stuck out of the tree too far. Yes, the combo is a price savings, but I find the convenience of the all in one CV2 out weighs the cost difference. Both seemed to work equally.

01-07-2021, 04:47 PM
Thank you Dr. Tim and Dave.
Dave did you find Cv spouts to be effective? 1/3 of my woods has new drops this year but considering ordering them for my system with one year old drops.

01-07-2021, 05:37 PM
We've used both and which direction you want to go is personal preference.

The single CV2 won't give you a possible leak point like an adapter to the CV can. We have had the tip break off in the tree a number of times when we pulled the taps - that's how well they seal in the tree.

We don't replace our droplines every 3-5 years like many sugarmakers do so losing an inch off them each year results in a reduced tapping area over the 10 year lifespan of our laterals.

For our woods, cutting old CV2's off and installing new ones are extra hours tapping or spent before we tap that we don't have to spare given our day jobs and other responsibilities.

We used the poly CV adapters one year and found them next to impossible to remove from the black stubby. We had to use 2 pairs of plyers to get them apart. It's good they marry together so well but suck to get apart!

With the black CV's attached to the black stubby I tap this year's hole, twist the old CV off the stubby, insert a new CV in the hole, tap in the CV, twist the stubby into the CV and give it two light thumps to seat it. If I have a hammer-man with me he does the last few steps while I move on to the next tap. It is definitely faster than any of the other CV options.

01-08-2021, 12:12 PM
The word I received from my dealer this morning after a salesman meeting yesterday was that Leader ordered 700,000 clear check valve adapters last June and has received 0. Seems the company that produces them is more interested in making sanitizer bottles. $$$ So I will use the black ones which I've used before without to many problems. The black ones are made by a different company.