View Full Version : When to start tapping
12-28-2007, 11:59 AM
When do you start tapping? It feels like April out there today 45 degrees. Last year I tapped at Valentines day and had already missed the first good run. I know tapping times are differant by region. But my trigger finger is gittin itchey. I'm probabley in about the same region as central PA. I don't want to tap to early and have the holes start to heal. So when do you guys in PA start tapping
12-28-2007, 12:40 PM
Its only December!!!!!!!!
12-28-2007, 03:17 PM
It's not so much an exact date, watch the weather long range for your region. There are general times that people always tap area to area, but you won't find me waiting for a specific date if the weather is right and we are close to the season anyway. Your looking for trends in the weather not fluke days. It will take several days to get the trees to thaw out anyway once they are frozen solid.
Dennis H.
12-28-2007, 04:25 PM
Sawyer, I was wondering this samething myself. We have been in the high 30's low 40's all Dec. and they are saying we are to be above norm for the near future! I am located in Central PA just west of Harrisburg.
So I am hoping for a real cold Jan and 1st 1/2 of Feb.
Will sap run if we never have a long cold spell?? Time will tell.
12-28-2007, 06:26 PM
Dennis- This is how it is going to work. Its going to freeze up real cold in about a week. Then its going to freeze solid till Feb 14. Then starting feb 15 it going to be 40 days and 20 nights, clear skies, no south wind, Sun, for 6 straight weeks then turn warm. Your going to get two gallons per tap hole for 45 days straight unless it runs a little better once in a while. Thats Therons long range forecast. Theron
Russell Lampron
12-28-2007, 06:37 PM
That sounds like a pretty good forecast Theron. I hope it is at least 1/2 right. I think we are in for a good season this year. Everything has been more like normal so far.
12-28-2007, 06:45 PM
Russ- Its seemes a lot more normal here too. I do kind of hope it gets cold and stays cold for a while but mainly for my own selfish reasons so I have more time to get ready. Last year it seemed like it would never get cold but this year it seems normal like you say. Im going to be ready by the end of Jan but hoping to wait till mid feb. Theron
12-28-2007, 06:55 PM
That forecast had to be written by the maple syrup gods
12-28-2007, 07:03 PM
Nope just me. If you say it it will happen. Power of posative thinking. Thats how it is in Therons world. Theron
12-28-2007, 07:08 PM
Its a good 1 and i like it
12-28-2007, 07:39 PM
Dont forget,,the sugar content will never be below 3% the entire season with an average of 6% :)
12-28-2007, 07:42 PM
Long range forecasts seem to have something else in mind. Remember last Dec/Jan's warmth. We're gonna see it again.
First week of January is supposed to be cold, followed by record breaking warmth for the 2nd and 3rd week of Jan. 50/60's for central pa/nj.
Seems to be the trend the last few years - warm Janaury, cold and snowy March.
Where's mountainvan to chime in with Janaury through April syrup production. Last years New York tapping thread decribes his experience. It's a good read.
For those planning on tapping early, my experience last year was that even though the weather remained good late last season, my taps stopped producing after 5 or 6 weeks, even with alcohol swab on the taps that some recommended. In early April after my taps stopped giving, I reamed all my taps with one size larger bit and doubled my annual production from 4/1 through 4/16.
12-28-2007, 07:45 PM
I like my forecast better. Theron
Valley View Sugarhouse
12-28-2007, 07:46 PM
reaming is a wonderfull thing on a small bush.. Have any of you tried the throw away 5/16 sanitary adaptors?? people I have talked to claim to gain 2-3 weeks of flow with increased flow throughout the season..
Dave Y
12-28-2007, 08:23 PM
Reaming is a good thing no matter how big the bush is. I reamed last year because I was told a large producer was reaming and I think he has about 60000
taps. reaming earned me 1500 dollars last year on 900 buckets. Last boil was april 21. I plan on tapping 1/64th small this year, just so I can ream twice if I have too.
12-28-2007, 09:23 PM
It's still Dec and there is no way they can acurately predict next week, much less three weeks away. Don't get too concerned, it has definitely been colder this year so far than last and the Northest has gotten probably as much snow already as they got the entire winter last winter.
12-28-2007, 09:48 PM
I'm tapping tomorrow!! Just one tree though. Putting in my test tap, same tree for 15 yrs. Iwas hanging tubing today, put in a couple nails and the sap was flowing. I should have enough sap to find out the sugar % by tomorrow night.
12-29-2007, 12:38 AM
Sawyer40 - If you don't have your own records you should talk to some of the local producers in your area who've been making syrup for a long time. We're in eastern Ontario and when I grew up we didn't go to the bush until I was off school for March Break (2nd week of March). We've kept records for the past 20 years and generally we make our first syrup around March 13. This can vary a week or so for us but it's a good starting point. Every area will be different based on your latitude and elvation. Check out our website (\ennismaple) and I've got a graph that shows the first and last day we made syrup every season since the late 80's
Dennis H.
12-29-2007, 09:43 AM
Theron I like your forecast for upcoming season. We can only hope for it to happen.
I am with Sawyer in that this is my first time tapping and I think I have everything ready to go, it just looks like the it will never get cold.:rolleyes:
I need to get me a Farmers Alamanac:p , Maybe that will tell me wha to expect.
12-29-2007, 11:40 AM
Dear Theron and anyone who is interested,
Sugaring season will be opon us sooner than you think. It was a year on Dec 26 I had a5 way by-pass. Did alot of thinking on that day and things will be different this year. Ladt year Jan 3 I had my boys tap acouple of bushes, (It was prefect sugaring weather) pulled off the first syrup Jan 5th. 450 gal .No choice there I was out!! Don't know if it will happen the same this year or not. I will just have to keep sniffing the air and see what happens. Boys have been working in the bushes for the last 2 weeks. Cleaning up making repairs. My largest bush to be done today. Then we wait. Sugar house needs to be oranized, its really bad from Christmas orders. Running REAL low on syrup. Not adding any more taps this year just concebtrating on updating and putting in more vacuum on 2 bushes. I think this year that is where the edge will be for us.
Good luck to everyone this year!!!
12-29-2007, 04:34 PM
Richard- The fourth trough the twelvth look like good sugaring weather. I go on accuweather and all I can get is 15 days. Do you have any way or can you go further somehow on the accu weather to see what they project or is the 15 days all you can get? Does this every year here it seems like. If you dont tap in January it turns out to be great sap weather if you do tap itll probly freeze right up. Mother nature is trying to tempt us. Theron
12-29-2007, 06:11 PM
Steady Man,,,,,,,,,,,,
12-29-2007, 06:14 PM
Theron -
For weather, check out -
Very intense weather forum - blows accuweather away. Many mets are on the forum. Might be more than you're looking for. I am a snow fanatic - so when I'm not on Maple Trader, I'm on Easternuswx, at least in the winter
12-29-2007, 06:19 PM
Its a good thing you guys don't have microphones on your computers, then we'd all hear those drills warming up. I know some of you guys have at least installed the bit into your drill by now.
Just let those batteries charge for a bit longer, you'll need it in Feb when those trees are frozen solid and starting to thaw.
Anyone that's got the fever and is itchin to drill, come up I-95 to maine. Just have to work in the woods with me installing some pipe. You'll be tuckered out for sure and forget all about tapping. There is still some rooms available at the Roy's.
12-29-2007, 06:55 PM
Parker- No worry I wont be ready till feb but then im going to have a itchy trigger finger. Got a brand new milwalkee 18v just ready to start borin holes. I want to see the BIGSAP. Theron
12-29-2007, 06:56 PM
Danno- Thanks for the site. Theron
12-29-2007, 07:48 PM
Well I was in the sap shack today and just couldn't resist. I had to start my gas drill just to hear it run. I have just about all the main line out in my second sugar bush. With this nice weather (it was 50 something today)I might just try to finish that up so all I have to do is tap whenever the time comes. Cleaning the evaporator is on the list for new years day.
Ennismaple there is only one other I've found in my area that taps a good number of trees. He came in the sawmill about a month ago looking for beams and lumber to expand his sugar shack. I got his phone# and an invite to see his operation. I'm going to look just to see how he does things and maybe I can get some ideas on making things easier.
andrew martin
12-29-2007, 08:35 PM
For all you folks who have drills and tappers in hand, and press the trigger just to hear the motor turn, come to Central KY about January 22nd. We'll be tapped and boiling. This may seem early to some, but our season is usually over by the first week in March.
Dave Y
12-29-2007, 11:03 PM
The way things are going for me I will tap the day after I set my tanks in the woods.
12-30-2007, 08:33 PM
Parker- No worry I wont be ready till feb but then im going to have a itchy trigger finger. Got a brand new milwalkee 18v just ready to start borin holes. I want to see the BIGSAP. Theron
I'd bet that this time next year you'll have a gas powered Tanaka drill when you realize how much faster it is! I can push about 1200 taps per day with ours if I can find a hammer man that'll keep up to me!
12-31-2007, 04:49 AM
You lug a gas tapper around? and you use health spouts?Have you ever tried an 18 volt dewalt?
12-31-2007, 05:14 AM
Ennismaple- I have one of those drills like yours at work I can use if I want. I bought a cordless drill becouse I never have had a real nice one and I thought it would work pretty good for tapping. This drill is pretty neat. It is 18 volt but it has a real compact battery. Its called a lithiam ion. Comes with two bats and a charger. I charged up the bat and it is real powerfull. You can drive 4" deck screws like nothing. I always wondered why some people really like the gas rigs and some like the cordless. I know the syrup people sell the gas rigs and lots of people like them. The gas is way faster? Theron
Breezy Lane Sugarworks
12-31-2007, 06:47 AM
The gas vs. cordless is just like Ford vs. Chevy vs. GMC I guess...
Dennis H.
12-31-2007, 09:06 AM
The only advantage I can see with gas is that to "recharge" a gas drill you carry a small can of mixed fuel and fill'er up.
A cordless you either have to get several batt's and have them all charged and ready to go or call it quits for awhile while they are charging where there is power to place the charger.
I don't have a 18V LitIon but I do have a 14.4V and it works great it does have two batt's (Which I just had to get new ones). I love it but it sure is a bummer when you are doing alot of drilling and run through both batts before the first one is recharged.:(
Just my 2 cents.
12-31-2007, 09:44 AM
well the worm moon is not until march 21st this year. and i figure we wont see a good run till then. i will start tapping same time as i always do feb 18th i use dewalt 18 volt drills and lots of batteries. the price of gas you can buy more batteries. i have found in the gas vs batt debate a slow drilled hole will out run, a quick drilled hole and you get a better seal with the spout.
12-31-2007, 01:06 PM
I used to use my gas tapper, but have since switched to an 18v DeWalt. A LOT lighter to carry around for hours when tapping. I think I can usually get 150-250 taps done on a single battery, using 5/16s spouts.
My gas tapper is a slower speed than the cordless. So Jeff, I should be going in slower, you think? I do get a fair amount of "leakage", assumably because the help drives the spouts in to far, cracking the bark. But when we are really careful, it seems like a lot of them fall out in the wind or when the buckets get pretty full.
12-31-2007, 04:07 PM
Jeff- Whats the worm moon? Theron
Russell Lampron
01-01-2008, 06:34 AM
Go to Google and type in "Worm Moon". It is the indian name for the full moon for the month of March. It is also known as the "full sap moon" which I like better.
01-01-2008, 06:49 AM
Jeff- you think a slow drilled how outruns a fast one? I was taught to set my drill as fast as it will go and use the sharpest bit i have,,makes a smoother hole and does not seal off the tubes in the wood,,allowing better flow?? Seems like those slow speed holes have burn marks from the drill??? What are your -or anyone ealses- thoughts? I helped one year with a gas tapper and it seemes heavy-combersom,,,had to take gas with you-I hate handeling gas or oil and tubing lines,,,personal prefarance I guess,,I just like grabbing 4 batteries and going,,,,,
01-01-2008, 07:28 AM
i have not used a gas tapper for 20 years. when we did all buckets we used a gas tapper. i guess the debate turns into drill bits. the bit used on the gas tapper would drill so fast that and the weight of the tapper the holes were not good quality and the buckets would fall of the tree. dad would drive those spouts like nails in the trees, and i can still see the tree damage from that generation. as for your question parker i use a dewalt on the slower speed and a canadian tapping bit. and have good results. the bit is long enough for thicker bark for tap depth. with the super long bits sometimes they were drilled too deep or not deep enough that causes the tap hole to crack and not heal.
01-02-2008, 12:56 AM
You lug a gas tapper around? and you use health spouts?Have you ever tried an 18 volt dewalt?
We've got one and I used it to drive roofing screws into the steel and hardwood strapping for our new tank house. I betcha I didn't get 150 screws driven before the battery went done. Since so many of you here like them I may try it to tap this year to see if I prefer it over the Tanaka.
I've used the Tanaka for as long as I've been allowed to tap. Fuel's not an issue - as long as it's well maintained there's no fuel leakage. I can do about 300 taps on a single tank of fuel which is exactly 2 cups worth (just checked the product info). That means we can tap our entire bush with less than 2 gallons of gas (total of $8 in Canada). Our truck or ATV is never far from where we're tapping so the fuel gets kept there. Plus, after 300 taps I'm ready for some water and food to refuel my own tank!
I don't run the drill at full speed since you're more likely to bury the bit up to the chuck and snap it off. As long as you're not careless the holes are as clean as can be so the spouts seat well.
The Tanaka weighs 11 lbs; A Dewalt 18V is 5lbs so yes weight is an issue with the gas tapper. Don't laugh - I lift weights for a month or more in advance of tapping to make sure my office body doesn't break down during the season. I've got a slightly wonky back and also try to strengthen my arms and shoulders to make tapping and stretching lines easier.
The big advantage I see of the Tanaka over most 18V cordless drills is the 2 handed operation. The Tanaka allows you to use both hands to make pushing and pulling it easier. I know some cordless drills come with an optional handle but not all.
As with most things in making syrup there's no right or wrong answer. On your suggestions I'll try the cordless drill. I'll let you know how my comparison goes once we're tapped.
01-02-2008, 03:49 AM
Ennismaple- I know what your saying about the batteries. I have always been turned off cordless becouse of that. I think the cordless tools of today fat surpass the ones of yesterday. That 18 volt milwalkee is powerfull as heck. The one I have just came out and is light as a feather but real powerfull. Im not sure on the bat life tapping but it seems to hold up good. I think you can get a charger that plugs right into the vehicle than you can have one charging while your tapping. I figure with the syrup theres no right or wrong, many ways to skin a cat. I was told to use a sharp bit and run it slow. The way it was explained to me if you drill real fast you kind of burn the edges or smooth them over. Makes it so the sap doesnt run as good as a slow drill that leaves a relatively porous surface. That does make since to me. YOur tenaka definitely does that. Im going to just run mine on a slow speed. YOu here different things from different people so ? Theron
Breezy Lane Sugarworks
01-02-2008, 08:10 AM
A good sharp bit shouldn't need too much "pushing". It should pretty much drill its own hole I would think. If you're tapping a lot of 7/16 holes though I can see how the gas tapper would be a little bit more feasable, but not for the 19/64 or the 5/16 holes.
01-02-2008, 08:30 AM
The $ 20 bits that Bascom sells are more than worth the money and they pretty much tap themselves and make a nice clean round hole. I have one I have used for 2 years(1,000 taps) and will use it again this year. I bought a backup just to be safe in case I lose it or break it. I have been using a cordless drill for 15 years other than the one year I used a Tanaka and I don't think I have ever broken a bit. Maybe it's because I tap on slow speed.
That brings up another good discussion, what speed others tap on with a cordless drill??
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