View Full Version : How big is big enough? Attachment trees for the mainline.

11-29-2020, 12:00 PM
I am re-doing my small tubing set up. (50 taps) I will be putting up new 3/4 mainline, but will be changing the end layout so it doesn’t go across a hayfield. I had previously held the high tensile wire up by wrapping it around a large cherry tree (with extra tubing as padding to not cut into the tree). However, the only tree near where I want it to end up now is a small maple, about 9”ish dbh. Is this a big enough tree to put that much stress on? I can do side ties to increase tension, but doesn’t that ultimately put stress on the tree? Yes, I could move it if I see it it too much for the tree, but I would rather not have to re-do it, AGAIN.
I want to keep this tree alive and well, but it would be really convenient to use it.


minehart gap
11-29-2020, 05:20 PM
How high off of the ground will your anchor point be located? Maples do not have deep roots even though sugar maples are deeper rooted than red maple. If you are attaching it low to the ground, I think that you should be more suitable than 5 or more feet up the tree. Also, what soil is the tree growing in? If the soil is more sandy or loam it will make for a weaker base that the roots are growing in. Another concern is if the area lays wet, that would make a weak foundation as well.

11-29-2020, 06:18 PM
Hmm . . . good points. It is on the side of a gradual hill, near the top, so definitely not wet. Right next to a hay field. It's a sugar maple, not a red. This is near the bottom of the run, last stop before the sugar house, so I don't need to go above 5 feet. I can probably adjust it to 4 feet, but not lower. Soil??? Not particularly sandy, or loamy. I should somehow take some measurements(?) and track any movement in the tree if it gets pulled some.
Thanks for the comments!

11-30-2020, 03:42 AM
what if you put in a post with the wire running over it tide back into the ground. kinda like grapes are hung.

minehart gap
11-30-2020, 06:42 PM
Continuing on the idea from amasonry, two wood posts with a brace post between and an angle wire puting tension against the main line wire would work well too. Just like a end brace for high tensile fence.

12-03-2020, 06:56 PM
Good idea - the end of a fence row!