View Full Version : Cooling Maple Cream

11-25-2020, 03:27 PM
Has anyone tried letting the cream cool down slowly to 70 degrees before putting it in the cream machine. I was wondering what happens if you cook it to temperature and then let it sit overnight to cool down. Thanks

11-25-2020, 06:30 PM
thats what alot do it cool it in the fridge then process. we use a cold water bath with constant flow

Thompson's Tree Farm
11-25-2020, 07:28 PM
My routine is to cook it in the evening, put it on the front porch (enclosed) and stir when I get up the next morning. I still use a paddle machine. The porch is cooler than the rest of the house so it cools a bit faster. Biggest problem is the winter when the porch is usually well below freezing. I may have to bring the syrup inside the house for a couple of hours before it is stirred. I boil the syrup in the paddle machine pan.