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12-25-2007, 07:27 PM
I just picked up a 3x8 Grimm the base is 29 long 7'' on end 8'' in middle. I have no base stack or pipe and never seen one for this small of unit.. I guess I'm a little confused on how i can make something to expand to 14 or 16 inches anyone have any pics? ill be ****ed if I'm giving bascom's $290 for one. I can weld just fine..thanks a bunch for any help..

12-25-2007, 08:25 PM
Drake, I'm little confused on what your looking for. Are you looking to make your own base stack? I think. The pattern for a base stack would not be that difficult to lay out. Your need the circumfrence of the the base plus a little wiggle room and any for making a joint overlap. Next for the top you need circumfrence of the stack pipe to sleave into. The height is usually about 6' to make the transition from the oval base to the round top. Too short and much harder to maintain shape and strenght. So as a guess your flat sheet cut would be approx 72" wide at the base(plus overlap for joint) x 72" tall x 37.68" (plus over lap) at the top if you go with 12" stack diameter. A sheetmetal guy would know about the crimps used to keep the base in the proper shape. You can see them in the pics in Bascoms catalog. With out them your base stack will want to stay round like a teepee. A sheet metal guy we know has made a few for local guys for way less than dealers but he only would use galv.

12-25-2007, 08:46 PM
ok, If most are 6' i guess I see how you get the tapper.. where in maine is this guy would he build me one? what did he charge you?

12-25-2007, 09:56 PM
The guy near us never made one for us but did a few others. He got fired from the shop he worked in. He made them there after hours I believe. If I heard right he charged well under a 100 a few years ago. You might want to check with WF Mason on here. He is a pretty talented guy with stainless.

12-26-2007, 07:52 PM
You may not want to or have the desire but I mad my own base stack for the 3 x 10 King which should be the same stack you desire. First I laid out a miniature pattern on paper and made the folds just like you would make them in metal.
I used Stainless from old bulk tanks for the material. I laid out the steel with the same pattern and made all the bends on my bench with a long stiff piece of angle iron, and carefully formed the stainless. I used SST pop rivets where the joints overlapped. It was a project for several days, but I did not want to pay the price for new. Some shots on the web page. I am sure you can find some one to make one for you.
