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View Full Version : What Mainline/ Lateral line Tubing Options are there in Canada?

09-01-2020, 06:22 PM
What Tubing options are Available in Canada? I'm from BC on the West Coast

I need to order a minimum of 2500 feet of mainline and (20) 500 foot spools of lateral lines

I have previously used Leader 30p Tubing, however with Covid, customs and shipping times lately I'm hesitant to order internationally

Anyone know prices for Mainline Tubing and Lateral line tubing from Canadian Suppliers like CDL or Dominion and Grim?

Are Some brands worth avoiding?

Is Spin Seal Tubing Any good?

09-02-2020, 11:34 AM
Bryan - where are you located? Lapierre, CDL, H20 all have outlets in Ontario you can contact for pricing. Tubing prices tend to fluctuate with the Canadian dollar and the price of oil since the resin is typically priced in $USD.

I've used both Lapierre and CDL 5/16" lateral tubing and like both. I've heard good things about DSD Stars tubing but haven't used it yet. I haven't used the CDL Spin seal tubing but I like the concept.

09-02-2020, 12:09 PM
If you like rigid tubing, Leader 30p is good. We've been switching to more flexible lateral line material recently, and found Lapierre and CDL tubing to work nicely. Haven't really tried H2O or DSD. Haven't installed any D&G tubing since 2004.

CDL Spin Seal is good for larger operations. Likely not cost feasible for the number of taps you're doing. Lapierre FlexClip seems to be a good entrance (quick and easy). We have several boxes on the shelf ready to install this fall, but haven't gotten to them yet. DSD makes a nice simple entrance that we've heard good things about. Almost all manufacturers make a decent saddle, but some are simpler to install and some are slightly more prone to leaks under high vacuum.

Your best bet is to choose one supplier for both lateral line, entrances, fittings (tees, spouts, etc.). Better chance they'll all fit together properly. Occasionally you'll hit a combination of things that don't quite work well. If you've got a mixture of fittings/tubing you'll end up in a contest of "who's equipment is at fault?".

Is this a gravity or vacuum install?