View Full Version : Filtering barrel aged syrup

Minnesota Tapper
08-21-2020, 07:45 PM
Will be bottling my first ever barrel aged syrup soon. Any tips or anything I need to do differently being it was aged? I plan to bring to 190 and run through filter press into bottler and bottle as I normally would. However ive read some will not use de in their press when filtering barrel aged. Is there a reason to not use d.e. and just the papers? Cant imagine papers without de will get it crystal clear.

Wolfcreek Maple
08-22-2020, 05:51 AM
We do nothing different when filtering our barrel aged syrup. We heat to 200 plus mix DE in and filter and bottle as usual,we've never had no problems doing it this way.

maple flats
08-22-2020, 08:19 AM
I filter just like regular syrup, but as long as it was filtered before aging you could cut the amount of DE, but I don't. A huge portion of what you filter out will be pieces of charcoal and char dust, but I like everything I bottle to sparkle, so I use the same amount of DE. DE is cheap.

Minnesota Tapper
08-23-2020, 06:28 PM
I agree, de is cheap and very worth having sparkling clean syrup. I was worried it may negatively impact the flavor. I ended up using the press with de and bottled with no issues. Syrup took on a very nice flavor from the barrel. Happy with the results.

maple flats
08-24-2020, 06:47 PM
What size barrel was it and how long did you age it?

Minnesota Tapper
08-27-2020, 04:28 AM
A 5 gallon whiskey barrel aged 3.5 months.
Also a 10 gallon bourbon barrel aged only 3.5 months. Oddly the 5 gallon whiskey barrel taste was about perfect, while the 10 gallon bourbon barrel was a touch stronger. Not too strong but wouldnt want any stronger. I picked up both barrels from local distilleries and were dumped less than a week before i filled them. Maple flats I read alot of your comments in other threads about your experiences in barrel aging. I was suprised how fast the 10 gallon barrel aged.

maple flats
08-27-2020, 01:16 PM
The 10 might have had some bourbon still in it. The guy I have gotten my empty barrels from says he drains them further when he gets the barrels. He says he gets any where from 2-3 oz to over a pint from some.
If the 10 didn't still have some bourbon in it I have no idea why the 5 tasted perfect and the 10 a little strong.
My next barrel will have aged longer than in the past, I fully expect to be able to blend in some very dark syrup so it results in line with my other batches. My thinking is that all batches should be roughly the same finished taste. I don't know how others do it.

Minnesota Tapper
08-28-2020, 08:08 PM
Maple flats I agree im hoping to continue forward with somewhat consistant flavor/strength. Id be interested to hear how your long aged barrel turns out. Too strong or I wonder if it reaches a certain point and the barrels wont add anymore to the syrup. Im Considering filling 2 -5's and a 10 gallon barrel now to be opened next spring. Worse case I would just blend in more syrup if it was too strong.