View Full Version : Dad Hung up His Gathering Pails Forever

07-14-2020, 01:20 PM
My father, Paul Putnam of Charlestown, NH, hung up his gathering pails for good yesterday as he passed away. At almost 84 years, he has gathered many, many thousands of gallons of sap and lugged countless number of pails over his lifetime. He and his brothers ran Putnam Brothers Sugarhouse in Charlestown, and he was the last surviving brother. Dad’s love was gathering the sap and was content to let his brother boil. I grew up spending many hours when little riding in the pickup while he gathered roadside buckets, then helping when becoming big enough too. He talked about how in high school, he and his brother hooked a Farmall H and John Deere A together by chain, and would drive 3 miles in unplowed deep snow to reach the trees by going a few feet forward and a few feet backwards until they made it. During the depression and WWII, maple was the family’s source of sugar. At 82-1/2 years old, Dad retired and sold the farm as his health was deteriorating, but still came over to my small setup and sat in the chair while I boiled offering words of wisdom. My brother started his own sugaring operation and Dad always looked forward to the daily sugaring report from both of us. Sugaring won’t be the same this coming year, but he taught us well.

07-14-2020, 02:18 PM
So sorry to hear that, BAP. Sounds like he lived a great life, though. Prayers for you and your family.

07-14-2020, 04:16 PM
It brings tears to my eyes as I write this reply to you. My sincere prayers go out to you at this time. You have great memories and stories you can pass on. God gained another great man and your father will always be by your side.

minehart gap
07-14-2020, 04:34 PM
BAP, sorry to hear of your Dad's passing. Carry on his traditions and he will always be with you.

I have to admit, a tear came to my eye while reading your post.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.

07-14-2020, 07:42 PM
Sounds like your Dad was a Great Man. I Hope the good memories of him carry you well through your Loss.

Did he operate the Dairy Farm In Charlestown?
I took my Daughter there once to look at the cows, shes obsessed with cows. Nice family there.

07-15-2020, 06:29 AM
I'm sorry for your loss. That's a nice tribute you wrote to your dad. It's always sad when we lose that direct connection to the past - sugaring or otherwise. I'm glad you all had so many years together.

07-15-2020, 08:01 AM
Sounds like your Dad was a Great Man. I Hope the good memories of him carry you well through your Loss.

Did he operate the Dairy Farm In Charlestown?
I took my Daughter there once to look at the cows, shes obsessed with cows. Nice family there.
Yes Nate, I forgot to put that in. They had a dairy farm, milking 450 Holsteins with another 400 young, plus did 1000+ cords of firewood. I was part of the farm growing up and until 10 years ago when I got disabled in a farm accident.

Super Sapper
07-16-2020, 05:42 AM
Sorry for your loss

07-16-2020, 06:51 AM
Thank You everyone. It’s hard but it was his time.

maple flats
07-16-2020, 08:45 AM
Sorry for your loss. Those memories will survive a long time.
While my dad did not make maple syrup, I still have fond memories of him working with me and my brother in the woods. He cut wood for his large home and most of what my brother needed for his big old farm house. My dad also worked by himself while my brother and I worked together in our business. We told dad not to cut trees all alone in the woods but he kept doing it anyway. Even in his mid 80's he would go out and work for 4-5 hrs without a break. At one point my brother and I bought him a hydraulic wood splitter, but after using it once he decided he'd rather split with a maul and wedges. Dad died at 91 (back in 2003) after about 4 years of decline.

Windy Acres
07-16-2020, 03:37 PM
Very sorry for your loss, remember the good times!

07-16-2020, 04:22 PM
My condolences. Some of my fondest memories are of haying, sugaring and cutting wood with my father and grandfather.

minehart gap
07-16-2020, 06:48 PM
Some of my fondest memories are of haying, sugaring and cutting wood with my father and grandfather.
Dr.Tim, you got another tear in my eye remembering sitting in the Jeep with Pap after cutting firewood and his Little Debbie donuts and Irish coffee. I accidentally got the wrong cup on time when I was about 5 and that coffee was just as strong coming up as it was going down. Lot of shine, a little coffee.

It's good to sit back and remember our loved ones that have gone on. A bit sad, but good to know who you came from.

BAP, I know that we have never met, but I feel your pain. I think that we all do.

07-17-2020, 10:39 AM
Sorry for your loss. I have similar memories of my dad. Doing whatever it took to get the buckets in the woods with his Massey that was missing a front wheel. But his greatest passion was cutting firewood. That's a big loss for me.

07-18-2020, 02:15 AM
My condolences. I have many fond memories of making syrup with my dad too.

buckeye gold
07-18-2020, 06:00 AM
condolences for you and your family

Count your memories as treasures. My dad died when I was a young man. One thing I wish, is he never met my wife or knew his grandkids and I wish he had. He also was my biggest fan for pursuing my chosen career in Natural Resources and he never got to see me complete that dream. So store away those sweet memories and be glad you had time together.

07-22-2020, 07:05 AM
Thank You all for the kind words and thoughts. While it is hard loosing Dad, I know that he has moved on to a good place and will forever sugar in the big sugar bush above.

07-23-2020, 06:15 AM
So sorry for your loss BAP. May you one day reunite in Heaven with your dad.


Robert K
07-24-2020, 07:21 AM
BAP , my condolences to you and your family. Cherish the memories and live life to the fullest, it sounds like your dad did.