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View Full Version : Calcium Hypo and washing machine question - 3/16

04-21-2020, 03:14 PM
The quick question is, what concentration?

I found a couple of references on here to 1/8 teaspoon per litre of water. Also found mention of others. So would like some verification. Tried searching research material also but when I found ratio info it was talking about sodium. And when talk is PPM, is that weight or volume? Not exactly a chemist here.

Using an Airablo washing machine, from bottom up. So flushing, quick scrub of spile, then plugging on the T. And mostly 3/16" tubing.

Have always used sodium hypo before but want to try the calcium. Found some local today on a quick look, 18kg pails of 70%. In the pool maintenance section.

buckeye gold
04-22-2020, 04:42 AM
The pool shops should have 1 pound bags. Weight calculations are easiest and best. Here is a formula

gallons of water x .0038 x desired ppm / dec. value of active ingredient of chemical = grams of chemical

100 gal x .0038 x 200ppm divided by .70 = 108.57 grams divide that by 12.78 grams per tablespoon = 8.49 tablespoons in 100 gallons of water.

It's hard to get it into solution quick, so you may need to recirculate in your tank. 200 PPM was the standard we used to disinfect tanks when I run the hatchery. I suppose you could use more to compensate for not getting it dissolved well. Maybe Dr Tim has a suggestion. We would let it set in our tanks recirculating for an hour

04-22-2020, 06:07 AM
After more google scrounging, I was kind of leaning to a one pound per 200 gallons ratio. Mainly from the video linked on the first page of the 6 page 3/16 thread. Which I want to re-watch when I get a chance to see if I missed anything. That may have been 400ppm? Need to re-watch. But was looking for some affirmation. That would mean we would get 8 wash water loads out of the 18kg pail I saw at the local place, using 1100 gallons of tanks per load. Give or take. I think. Have always used a 750 gallon tank but think will up that this year to 2 x 550.