View Full Version : Trying to be tactful here..

04-02-2020, 06:37 PM
I know the virus is in the news ad nauseaum...but we will all be affected at some point. Our tiny rural village is an example I believe of what is happening in many places. As Americans we are spoiled and entitled. When we want to do stuff we do. We don't want anyone telling us otherwise. To suddenly be told you're out of a job and need to stay home isn't settling well with most. The first week schools were closed, groups of kids were out wandering the streets. The same parents that don't parent, don't now. Kids don't understand how serious this is if the rest of the family doesn't either. The offices closed. There seems to be no real action or public info. from our elected officials. They done dissapeared. The little development I live in has very few houses. Most of us know our neighbors. As soon as the stay at home order came we were shocked to see so many GROUPS of people out walking. Never saw any of them before. I don't think this is great by any means. Why not walk where you live?. As time goes by and things get even worse I see an uptick in crime coming. Especially as the weather gets nicer. I am warning my friends who are all older to keep doors locked, even when you are home, garage their car or make sure it's locked. Don't invite trouble by advertising that you "stocked up". Cut up boxes that you have that your tv came in. Be aware of what is happening around you. Security cameras and systems are a good idea. I don't think it's paranoid to be alert. There will always be people who take advantage of bad situations. I am just appalled at the number of people who refuse to take this seriously. I guarentee there will be get togethers at all the nearby houses soon. All the off gridders and preppers are getting the last laugh. Now is the time to brush up on survival skills, bake, put in a garden, work on hobbies and help out in any way you can without endangering yourself. I am learning how to use my amazon firestick. A real challenge for me. Talking to friends and family all over the world.( my dear friend in Argentina has been under martial law since this happened. They use drones to patrol the streets. Miltary arrest you if you are out without a purpose, vehicles used by permit only. They are dead serious. The pics she sends are surreal.) Taking pics and sharing those. Watching the sunset as a storm approaches. Caring for my little dog and elderly cats. Watching out for my dear older friend across the street. Worrying about everyone I love. This experience is the new norm. There is no going back. Our lives are forever changed. We can all use this as a learning moment. Come out of this better people or let it over run us and destroy us. Now is the time for all of us to reflect on who we are. How can we be better people...we have a chance to make this a better world. Maybe some jobs will never come back. Maybe now is the time to reinvent ourselves. New job opportunities will come about. Everyone, please consider others around you and all take care. We can get through this.

04-03-2020, 07:25 AM
Very well said, Highland. These are such surreal times. It feels like we're trapped in a really bad Hollywood movie with no idea who the good guy is, or the bad guy, or when this will end. That's the bad part, having no idea when any semblance of normal life will return. Totally agree that now is a time for reinvention, not only of ourselves as individuals but also society as a whole. Like you noted, we are all so entitled and spoiled and used to freedoms and we are chafing at being told to not socialize and so on. But look at what we've done to the planet - nothing but destruction. I'm not going to go Greta Thunberg, here but look at all the planet has done for us....and what have we done in return? Invented plastic. It's everywhere including in the food chain and soon it will be a source of food for us. We need to learn to tread much, much more carefully and quit taking so much for granted. Those are my thoughts on the subject. I have many more but I need to get stuff done and focus on staying positive. Take care all and be kind not only to each other, but to the Earth too.

04-03-2020, 07:53 AM
Romans 8:28


04-05-2020, 06:19 AM
Well put, Spud