View Full Version : Bubbly Syrup

03-28-2020, 12:29 PM
Hi friends. So this morning I finished some syrup at 219 like I usually do. The syrup looks fine but there are bubbles that has formed at the top of my sealed bottles. Anyone else had this issue or should I consider it an issue ? Thanks for the help.


maple flats
03-28-2020, 04:31 PM
I won't comment on whether it is proper density, but that will often happen on my canner or my previous canner if I dispense it too fast. Generally, if you slow the flow you will net get the bubbles. That being said, it does not hurt the syrup, just the appearance of it.

03-28-2020, 04:41 PM
It might eventually go away. But it’s from what Dave mentioned. Stopping and starting when bottling will cause air bubbles.
You can tap the dude of the neck with a butter knife or let the syrup sit a while before putting the cap on. But your syrup will be cooling down while it’s sitting. My bet is that it will probley go away.

Bruce L
03-28-2020, 05:08 PM
We found that happening several times this year,especially on 1 gallon bottles. I found the trick was to set the bottles so the syrup was catching the inside of the neck so it would run down the side,much like pouring a beer onto the side of the cup to avoid getting much of a head.

03-28-2020, 05:37 PM
Not sure what your canner system looks like but a trick/tip I use, is to put a piece of cheese cloth over the filling nozzle ( held on with a tight rubber band) and it helps reduce the foam during filling. I would fill your bottles almost all the way to the top.

Maple Lady
03-28-2020, 06:29 PM
I had some bubbles this year too, never had them before and my bottling technique hasn't changed. After filtering, I had a circle of bubbles floating on top, I could take a spoon and lift it off. It had the consistency of a light meringue. Tasted good but never seen it before. They wouldn't dissipate either.