View Full Version : Maple cream machine opinions

03-26-2020, 03:49 PM
Looking at gear pump cream machines. Seems like they are all about the same basically, with some costing more. Any opinions on whether one brand is better than another?

03-26-2020, 04:37 PM
I have not run a real one, just my little home made one. I would look for one that is easy to clean. Especially if the pump/ pipes get clogged up.

03-26-2020, 05:07 PM
I have a lapierre and it is great. Everything comes apart and it is super easy to clean.

03-26-2020, 06:25 PM
I dont own one , but from other producers I have been told D&G has the best one out there. I've been looking at them awhile myself.

03-26-2020, 07:45 PM
Just to confuse your decision, we love our cdl unit.

Bruce L
03-26-2020, 07:50 PM
We also have the cdl unit ,Lapierre was insane on price

03-26-2020, 09:27 PM
How long have you all had your CDL machines? You love them? Currently, they are most reasonably priced. DG is most expensive, but I've heard good things about them.

Thanks for the input!

Bruce L
03-27-2020, 05:42 AM
Hi Tim ,probably had it about 5 years now. We put through about 4-500 jars a year worth of butter through it. After we’re finished with it I run hot syrup through it to take out any remaining butter,run that into a container for next time,then clean it up with hot water until next usage

03-27-2020, 08:02 AM
How long have you all had your CDL machines? You love them? Currently, they are most reasonably priced. DG is most expensive, but I've heard good things about them

Thanks for the input!

We have had ours about five years now. Easy to clean and as you mention I remember price was significantly lower than others

03-27-2020, 08:58 AM
I also have the small CDL machine and like it. I have only been running it for a few months but have made a bunch of cream with it. Way better than using a candy machine which is what I was doing previously for almost a decade.

I don't think anyone is making them with a section of plastic tubing for the pipe anymore but definitely avoid that if you see one on sale. I know CDL used to do it that way... Mine is all stainless with a sanitary fitting to make it easy to remove the pipe and clean. Also makes it easy to get the remaining cream out of the pipe.

03-27-2020, 09:41 AM
Haha General, I've been using my candy machine for cream, too. Talk about slow!