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View Full Version : Aargh—-Broke the glass sight tube again

Bruce L
03-22-2020, 02:58 PM
Don’t know why companies make the sight tubes glass instead of plastic,though probably for more sales. With the freeze up we’ve had here for a couple days now,checked the pans today,had distilled water from the steam away in the syrup pan,not frozen,but the little bit of sap in the sight tube on the side of the flue pan was frozen enough to break the base of the tube. Cleaned the glass out of the fitting,but now my mark for the top of the crimps is inaccurate,which brings me to my next question,what type of light bulb do you place in your hood? Last year had an LED bulb in the base of the steam away,flickered throughout the season. Upon wash up we found the base of the bulb cracked from all of the shaking from the flue pan. Put a new one in this season,only worked the first day,so I have been boiling blind with the flue pan depending upon the sight tube for height since I can’t see in the window. LED bulb in the steam hood is fine,but hood doesn’t shake violently like flue pan and steam away

maple flats
03-22-2020, 04:51 PM
For the hood light I used a shielded fixture with a screw on metal caged glass cover, and a 100 watt incandescent bulb. It was rated as moisture resistant. In the 8 years that has been installed I had to change the bulb once. In case the bulb breaks the screw on cover would catch the broken glass, but I never had it break. As far as glass sight tubes, I finally got a crack in mine, so I ordered 2 as replacements.

03-26-2020, 06:22 AM
Even though the evaporator companies charge all outdoors for the glass sight gauges, you can get them from your local plumbing supply store for less than 2.00. They are a 5/8" sight glass for a steam boiler...

Cozy maple
03-30-2020, 05:16 PM
Try polycarbonate. Available through brewer's supply companies.

Bruce L
03-14-2021, 09:47 AM
Have polycarbonate tube on order from Amazon,until then used the dremel this morning and rolled the tube around and around until it cut off fairly clean,just a few burs to grind off afterwards. Might have to tighten the compression nut up by hand and allow it to leak so I don’t bust the tube any more. Should I have the nut tight before I slide the tube in if I can push it in,or slide tube in and tighten after?

03-14-2021, 10:01 AM
I've broken tubes before. I just turn them over and use the other end until I get a new one. Tighten the nut after you put it in. Just pull on it a little until it is snug. Will take Willstrtr suggestion and check it out. If you get some you can store in a piece of 3/4" mainline they fit snug so they don't fall out.

Bruce L
03-14-2021, 04:43 PM
I’m hoping that I found the problem. After breaking the end off a sight tube again this morning I noticed that the bracket that supports the top of the tube is pulling the tube towards the pan too much. I removed the bracket,straightened it and rebent it 1/2” further away,see if that does the trick

01-17-2022, 06:34 AM
So I have a 2X3 Mason hobby evaporator and I have a LOT of trouble measuring my pan depth with all the steam I make. I saw an ad for the flue pan sight glass assembly from Smoky Lake. Seems expensive so I was wondering if anyone has made their own?

bill m
01-17-2022, 07:41 AM
A little late to this thread but what year is your max flue pan? I bought mine brand new a couple years ago, it was a left over older model. Had the same thing happen with my sight tube. Called leader and they said they had a few complaints with the 1st and 2nd generation pans. They sent me a complete new different style sight tube set up. No charge. Great customer service.

Bruce L
02-05-2022, 10:28 AM
Hi Bill,bought in fall of 2011, first boil spring 2012, only fired 4 times that year as March became summer for a few days at temperatures in the 90’s to kill the season. Purchased plastic tubes through Amazon for beer making kits,no worries on glass breaking now

02-06-2022, 06:08 AM
The glass tube in my sight glass is 3/8" OD and 1/4" ID. I'd like to get a couple extra glass tubes to have on hand since it seems like these things break pretty often. Any ideas where to get the glass tubes?

Bruce L
02-06-2022, 06:06 PM
Try Amazon,I found mine under water cooling tube

02-12-2022, 05:15 AM
I got some correct diameter glass replacement tubes for pretty cheap, but they're 24" long and I need to cut them to size. Any ideas on how to cut a glass tube to length without breaking it and leaving a relatively clean/smooth cut end?

Zucker Lager
02-12-2022, 11:30 AM
I got some correct diameter glass replacement tubes for pretty cheap, but they're 24" long and I need to cut them to size. Any ideas on how to cut a glass tube to length without breaking it and leaving a relatively clean/smooth cut end?
I cut my tubing using a dremel tool with a cutoff wheel in it. Just go around the circumference of the tube over and over with a light touch until it separates then I sand the end. But if I want the ends perfect I gently heat the tube with a low propane torch flame so as not to "shock" the glass. Keep heating and increasing the heat until the glass starts to get plastic keep rotating in the flame and it will flame polish the end. Wear a mask when grinding the glass. I've cut quite a few sight glasses this way larger and smaller and the redline ones its always worked. Jay