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03-22-2020, 06:57 AM
I cannot help but to wonder how the C-19 virus could affect bulk syrup sales. Has anyone heard of any packers shying away from buying at this time. With maple being a non essential item I’m wondering just how the packers will react.


03-22-2020, 07:10 AM
I can't comment on Bulk , But my Retailers have been selling an Above average amount of Syrup. So demand has been strong so far.

Thompson's Tree Farm
03-22-2020, 07:37 AM
I was told yesterday by a buyer for Bascom that he will not be buying until the middle of May. Other negative is Canadian dollar is at 70 cents US.

maple flats
03-22-2020, 07:39 AM
My sales for Feb and March are well above any other year. By the way, I don't agree that maple syrup isn't essential and I have lots of customers who agree with me. I don't know about bulk because I haven't sold any bulk in 3 or 4 years.

blissville maples
03-22-2020, 07:53 AM
I was told yesterday by a buyer for Bascom that he will not be buying until the middle of May. Other negative is Canadian dollar is at 70 cents US.

A buyer for Bascom?? Guess I'm not sure what that means, I'll call tomorrow to find out but I highly doubt they have closed doors, sounds like a rumour, everyone wants to be the first to know something!! Spreads like wildfire.

Unless they shut down international trade bascom's won't be affected, Bruce has the market cornered. If they shut down international trade for some crazy reason that's going to be a different ball game

People please use your heads, read between the lines. Coronavirus is Killing something like less than 5% of people who became infected.

80k people died from h1n1 and they never thought about closing anything down. It doesn't make sense. On average 15-20k people dies EVERY year from the flue, I think around a few hundred from this( can't keep up with the numbers, but I DO KNOW they are low) The numbers just don't add up to the response that is happening. Germ warfare keeps coming to mind!! Implanted by a certain government. New way to go green- half the population half the pollution!! But it's not working that efficiently- haha

I just have to keep laughing. I think what happens is when people don't know something and they are unsure and they keep hearing rhetoric whether it be right or wrong they tend to believe because they're unsure to begin with so they don't know what else to do. It's human nature but it can also cause a lot of unneeded pandemonia.

The bottom line is your average person will have no issues with coronavirus same as the flu or pneumonia it's the elderly with multiple health conditions who are at risk. Same thing with the common cold it can wreak havoc for the elderly and doesn't affect the Young.

I hope there's a few people out there that haven't lost their wits. I've been selling syrup left and right more than I usually do this time of year

FYI to the over reactors I said the word "government" but that does not intend make this a political post just had to throw that out there because I'm sure somebody will feel that way

03-22-2020, 09:45 AM
well said blissville. way out of proportion

03-22-2020, 09:59 AM
lets not forget international IS affected. a big part of Europe is in turmoil along with china. this will absolutely impact sales when they cant move product elsewhere guess where it goes- right here flooded and dropping. lets hope this blows over soon. we have lost 15% of annual sales just from 2 week shut down. festivals, fairs and travel cancellations will be a 6 month recovery finacially. just think of all the people that wiped out the grocery and retail stores. at some point they have to pay for that, if its not expendable money they arent buying anything extra for a long time

03-22-2020, 10:43 AM
People who compare COVID-19 to the flu are missing the point. Yes the flu kills many thousands. However it’s the rate at which this particular Coronavirus spreads (it’s more contagious than flu) and it’s higher death rate that are causing the issues. Hospitals were never overwhelmed by the flu but that is a major concern with Coronavirus. Look at Europe’s struggles. Most reasonable people would prefer that government overreact than under react in this situation. You can pretend that you are smarter than everybody else, but the sad truth is that you’re not.

03-22-2020, 10:49 AM
Bottom line is that much is unknown at this point. There will be considerable deaths, mostly in the elderly and those with underlying health conditions. There will be severe economic and social disruption. How much remains to be determined.

This is not seasonal flu. Many people have had seasonal flu or been immunized and thus have some level of immunity. We have medicines we know work for seasonal flu. The mortality rate for flu is low. This is not H1N1. At least 1/3 of the elderly had immunity to H1N1, meaning that it had been around many decades ago before re-emerging. There were medicines that worked. A new flu vaccine type was developed quickly for H1N1 (it is a type of flu). It tended to kill younger people. The response to H1N1 was fairly quick worldwide, but it still killed a bunch of people.

Coronavirus (the current version) appears to be novel. Nobody has immunity. The mortality rate is 4-10x that of seasonal flu (hard to know for sure at this point due to low testing). It affects all ages, but kills more elderly folks. There are no medicines known to work. There is no vaccine. As testing and other info ramps up, we will know more. The point of the current response is simply to slow down the infection rate to avoid overwhelming the health care system. Rationing of care would not be pretty. Not an easy thing to decide who lives and who dies due to lack of resources.


Thompson's Tree Farm
03-22-2020, 10:59 AM
Sorry to upset you Bliss. I delivered a truckload of syrup to my buyer yesterday. Last year he purchased 20 tractor trailer loads for Bruce. He told me that Bruce wasn't buying until May. I regard that info as more than a rumor. I have no idea if Bruce is buying syrup delivered directly or not. I sell almost a trailer load of syrup each year, most of it to Bruce. I am not a rumor monger. Someone asked for info and I provided the best info I had.

Super Sapper
03-22-2020, 11:08 AM
I just talked to Chuck Hanes and he said that Roth's is not buying at this time.

03-22-2020, 11:20 AM
People who compare COVID-19 to the flu are missing the point. Yes the flu kills many thousands. However it’s the rate at which this particular Coronavirus spreads (it’s more contagious than flu) and it’s higher death rate that are causing the issues. Hospitals were never overwhelmed by the flu but that is a major concern with Coronavirus. Look at Europe’s struggles. Most reasonable people would prefer that government overreact than under react in this situation. You can pretend that you are smarter than everybody else, but the sad truth is that you’re not.

Very well said. Thank you also Thompson tree for answering my original question. Due to the fear of this virus it could indeed hurt the maple industry. I’m hoping the packers will be able to buy all the bulk that is produced.

Fred- your two comments back to back totally contradict each other.


03-22-2020, 11:22 AM
I just talked to Chuck Hanes and he said that Roth's is not buying at this time.

This was my concern and the concern of other large producers. Thanks for responding.


03-22-2020, 11:23 AM
...With maple being a non essential item...


Whoa whoa whoa, what's this about non-essential?!

03-22-2020, 11:39 AM
Fred- your two comments back to back totally contradict each other.


im answering two different questions and was probably too vague. the hype on this virus in the US has caused people to overspend which will cause a huge financial problem in the future

03-22-2020, 11:50 AM
Most of my sales are farmer's markets. They have been shut down till at least the end of April. Earlier in the week it was until April 5. My thinking is they will cancel out longer. All but 1 are on county property. The other doesn't start till the middle of May, but I and others think the local health unit will not allow it to open.

So we're advertising on our personal FB, the market FB, but no hits yet. Only made a few sales so far from the people that always call every year.

I can see people pinching nickels (no pennies here), municipal taxes have been deferred till August, income tax till June.

maple flats
03-22-2020, 12:01 PM
The biggest issue with the Covid 19 is people like Blissville who think it is just being blown up for sensationalism by the media. They are wrong. It seems anyone who gets it transmits it to, as best that can be determined at this point, 2.2 to 2.5 others. This is a significant number. If it was just 2, it would soon have hit over 1000 people because it is exponential. Meaning that 1 becomes 2, 2 becomes 4, 4 becomes 8, 8 becomes 16, 16 becomes 32, 32 becomes 64 and so forth.Those who refuse to practice social distancing are raising that number. Another issue is that a person who gets it is often asymptomatic (without symptoms) for a few days, but they can infect it with others while still being asymptomatic.
This issue is real and I would be surprised if any bulk buyers are buying until this has been curbed to a degree. While the virus likes warm temperatures, it does not like over the boiling point of water, and even if someone who touched the drum had Covid 19, the virus will die in a few days on the SS barrel.

Bruce L
03-22-2020, 02:44 PM
So far here syrup going out the door is slow. Lots of customers I have put their names on the containers to pick up at a later date when this thing settles down. Just as I am typing this someone just came in and got a gallon that had tried our syrup last year. Like argohauler lots of people buy at farmer’s markets but they are shut down,who knows for how long? Most of our customers are grateful that we are holding syrup for them,it’s the drive by customers that are staying home as they should.

Michael Greer
03-22-2020, 05:23 PM
Back on topic, People locked up in their houses need waffles.

Mead Maple
03-22-2020, 07:04 PM

Fresh maple popcorn seems to blur reality...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Delta Glen
03-22-2020, 07:04 PM
I heard from a reliable source that Bascom and Butternut Mt are holding off buying bulk for now. Our main buyer runs a successful pancake house and sells to local supermarkets. We are concerned for him and his business, pancakes aren't really a take out food. His state allowing takeout only. Speaking of that, try to support your local restaurants if you can.

blissville maples
03-23-2020, 07:09 AM
I was told yesterday by a buyer for Bascom that he will not be buying until the middle of May. Other negative is Canadian dollar is at 70 cents US.

It would be really nice if this site were full of more facts than myths. why did you not call bascom's yourself before you go spread a bunch of information that is not true. I called bascom's they have no plans on shutting down so again please keep the rumors off the site! Like I said everybody wants to be the first to know something.

Furthermore everybody knows how to do math we can all figure out how many gallons per tap we make. Well if you do the math with this coronavirus it's being blown way out of proportion very few people are dying from it it's the ones with the health issues that are being affected no difference than any other flu or pneumonia. It just coincides with the sensitive, gullible folks of today's time. I call these people modern morons because all they know is what they're told they can't figure out anything on their own.

blissville maples
03-23-2020, 07:10 AM
I heard from a reliable source that Bascom and Butternut Mt are holding off buying bulk for now. Our main buyer runs a successful pancake house and sells to local supermarkets. We are concerned for him and his business, pancakes aren't really a take out food. His state allowing takeout only. Speaking of that, try to support your local restaurants if you can.

I guess your source isn't very reliable just spoke with Dave Bascom 5 minutes ago

blissville maples
03-23-2020, 07:13 AM
The biggest issue with the Covid 19 is people like Blissville who think it is just being blown up for sensationalism by the media. They are wrong. It seems anyone who gets it transmits it to, as best that can be determined at this point, 2.2 to 2.5 others. This is a significant number. If it was just 2, it would soon have hit over 1000 people because it is exponential. Meaning that 1 becomes 2, 2 becomes 4, 4 becomes 8, 8 becomes 16, 16 becomes 32, 32 becomes 64 and so forth.Those who refuse to practice social distancing are raising that number. Another issue is that a person who gets it is often asymptomatic (without symptoms) for a few days, but they can infect it with others while still being asymptomatic.
This issue is real and I would be surprised if any bulk buyers are buying until this has been curbed to a degree. While the virus likes warm temperatures, it does not like over the boiling point of water, and even if someone who touched the drum had Covid 19, the virus will die in a few days on the SS barrel.

Again people are getting it but they're not dying, it was Triple eee West Nile virus or something a little more serious that makes your brain swell and causes comas and seizures I could see the response but again it's a flu type cold!!! All rhetoric and propaganda. Again do the math folks do the math, stop listening to every media outlet out there and you'll clearly see.
People have little immmunity to this new cold bit that just means it will spread more easily, not necessarily kill more. I think that's where people are stuck.
I guess you all can do what you want but stop talking about it, I'm so sick of hearing the B's.....it's overblown everyone shut up about it and it would go away, it's really going to screw up our economy by Summers end.

blissville maples
03-23-2020, 07:20 AM
Sorry to upset you Bliss. I delivered a truckload of syrup to my buyer yesterday. Last year he purchased 20 tractor trailer loads for Bruce. He told me that Bruce wasn't buying until May. I regard that info as more than a rumor. I have no idea if Bruce is buying syrup delivered directly or not. I sell almost a trailer load of syrup each year, most of it to Bruce. I am not a rumor monger. Someone asked for info and I provided the best info I had.

Maybe call bascom's yourself, I don't know what to tell you

blissville maples
03-23-2020, 07:26 AM
I heard from a reliable source that Bascom and Butternut Mt are holding off buying bulk for now. Our main buyer runs a successful pancake house and sells to local supermarkets. We are concerned for him and his business, pancakes aren't really a take out food. His state allowing takeout only. Speaking of that, try to support your local restaurants if you can.

Ok so I don't even sell to butternut farms but I just called them and they are not shutting the doors either. She said no no no she also said that it's unfortunate people are saying. 889-3491 call them yourself if you think I'm lying

Ya know I really don't know what is wrong with people these days but it's worse than covid. You all should start listening to Willie Clark on 105.3 country maybe he could drive it all home.

03-23-2020, 07:28 AM
Blissville, I find it richly ironic that you can simultaneously get upset about rumors spread by forum members while you spread bizarre and irrational conspiracy theories about the government and corona virus. Here's a quote in case you forgot.

"Germ warfare keeps coming to mind!! Implanted by a certain government. New way to go green- half the population half the pollution!! But it's not working that efficiently- haha"

03-23-2020, 07:55 AM
So the big question we all have is what did they tell you they are paying.

03-23-2020, 08:13 AM
So the big question we all have is what did they tell you they are paying.

Not enough.

All joking aside I do Agree with Blissville on some Levels, I know I can't believe I just said that. Although maybe not the best delivery he argues some good points .

I do however worry about the elderly people and the immune compromised folks, like people with Cancer.

The biggest problem is we just dont know enough about it to make a rational Judgment Call about weather we can go on with our Normal lives or stay sequestered for a while.

These are not easy decisions, weighing people's lives today vs people's lives tomorrow, and the Fact that people dont trust the government on both sides , doesn't help things.

All that said everyone should be doing what the can to limit the spread of coronavirus until we have more answers.

Thompson's Tree Farm
03-23-2020, 09:53 AM
It would be really nice if this site were full of more facts than myths. why did you not call bascom's yourself before you go spread a bunch of information that is not true. I called bascom's they have no plans on shutting down so again please keep the rumors off the site! Like I said everybody wants to be the first to know something.

Furthermore everybody knows how to do math we can all figure out how many gallons per tap we make. Well if you do the math with this coronavirus it's being blown way out of proportion very few people are dying from it it's the ones with the health issues that are being affected no difference than any other flu or pneumonia. It just coincides with the sensitive, gullible folks of today's time. I call these people modern morons because all they know is what they're told they can't figure out anything on their own.

I do not sell directly to Bascom, I sell to his buyer. His buyer has said they will not be buying until mid May so I take him at his word. I do not have the option of trucking my syrup 500+ miles directly to Bascom so for me I can not sell my bulk syrup until mid May.
You say this is overblown and say look at the statistics and then quote a 5% mortality rate. Do you know the infection rate? That will have a huge bearing on total fatalities. What happens when our hospitals are over run? Reliable estimates by the CDC for infection rates may eventually reach 50 to 75%. I hope to God that they don't but I'd rather err on the side of caution and be wrong.
Perhaps it is only the old with pre existing conditions that will die. Well condemn me and Flats to death then. I'm seventy and had a heart attack while boiling last year and am thankful for the opportunity to continue. I'd rather not have my life shortened by people who suggest the risk is less than it may be!

Thompson's Tree Farm
03-23-2020, 09:55 AM
Ok so I don't even sell to butternut farms but I just called them and they are not shutting the doors either. She said no no no she also said that it's unfortunate people are saying. 889-3491 call them yourself if you think I'm lying

Ya know I really don't know what is wrong with people these days but it's worse than covid. You all should start listening to Willie Clark on 105.3 country maybe he could drive it all home.

So Willie Clarke is an expert in what, propaganda?

03-23-2020, 09:58 AM
One point of clarification... Bascom buys syrup directly at his facility in NH but he also has buyers around the maple region that purchase syrup for him. Perhaps this is where folks are getting hung up and confused. For instance, one of the local CDL dealers here is a buyer for Bruce. He typically has one weekend (often in May) where be buys syrup (on commission) to be sent to Bruce. Each of these individual buyers likely has their own dates and times they buy syrup and I would imagine it is possible that they may be impacted by the C-19 social distancing measures. So, not the same thing as Bruce buying directly at his facility...

Oh and C-19, as others have stated, is not "like the flu" at all. It is a Novel Virus... feel free to google that. The implications of its novelty are still not understood hence the social distancing measures being implemented. The big concern is not how this will impact individuals specifically (though certainly a concern) but how the rapid spread (very unlike the flu) could potentially overwhelm our health care system and infrastructure. Plenty examples of this already occurring in parts of the world....

I do agree that some are unnecessarily panicking over this. Hoarding things for instance is not a rational response. Social distancing measures however are a very rational response and we should all hope they will be effective.

The long-term impacts from this are very much unknown on many levels, but personally I have already seen impacts to our sales. Cancelling of open house weekend for instance... We have been seeing an uptick of online sales and curbside sales but one of the tourist trap stores in a ski town nearby that sells our products is way down...

03-23-2020, 10:17 AM
Not to be political, but the U.S. Federal Debt now stands above $23.5 Trillion. Despite that, the government is about to pump another $1.5-2 Trillion in stimulus into the U.S. economy on top of their two recent actions. The Federal Reserve has dropped interest rates to near zero and has announced unlimited bond and mortgage-backed security purchases (quantitative easing), including corporate bond purchases (for the first time ever). So apparently a lot of our leaders on both sides of the aisles are very concerned about how this pandemic will affect the people and economy of this country.

To return to the original question. I've not heard any prices quoted yet for syrup this season. It is still early. The season is in full-swing in many of the major production areas of the U.S. and Canada. Might be a little while longer until things settle down. I have heard packers are requesting their suppliers DELAY bringing in deliveries, mostly due to reducing contact of their employees with others during this time period. I know that Butternut is not going around to visit sugarhouses this spring (as they usually do). Both of those seem to be reasonable things to do given the uncertainty right now.

03-23-2020, 12:14 PM
It would be really nice if this site were full of more facts than myths. why did you not call bascom's yourself before you go spread a bunch of information that is not true. I called bascom's they have no plans on shutting down so again please keep the rumors off the site! Like I said everybody wants to be the first to know something.

Furthermore everybody knows how to do math we can all figure out how many gallons per tap we make. Well if you do the math with this coronavirus it's being blown way out of proportion very few people are dying from it it's the ones with the health issues that are being affected no difference than any other flu or pneumonia. It just coincides with the sensitive, gullible folks of today's time. I call these people modern morons because all they know is what they're told they can't figure out anything on their own.

dude calm the hell down. no one said the doors were closing. what was said is a lot is on hold. i was at Bascoms mid february half of his warehouse was full. soooooooo , no need to buy yet, especially with whats going on. im a very small bulk buyer, we all have too much at this point without touching this years crop. we are all trying ways to move product since the normal way has been disrupted. all of us will need more but at this point its being stretched out much further.

blissville maples
03-23-2020, 03:36 PM
Blissville, I find it richly ironic that you can simultaneously get upset about rumors spread by forum members while you spread bizarre and irrational conspiracy theories about the government and corona virus. Here's a quote in case you forgot.

"Germ warfare keeps coming to mind!! Implanted by a certain government. New way to go green- half the population half the pollution!! But it's not working that efficiently- haha"

Yes comes to mind...I never told everyone that's what's happening.....so......o realize you all can't stand howni say things but it's all true.

I wasn't starting a rumour that's my opinion because it all doesn't add up- keep trying though

blissville maples
03-23-2020, 03:37 PM
dude calm the hell down. no one said the doors were closing. what was said is a lot is on hold. i was at Bascoms mid february half of his warehouse was full. soooooooo , no need to buy yet, especially with whats going on. im a very small bulk buyer, we all have too much at this point without touching this years crop. we are all trying ways to move product since the normal way has been disrupted. all of us will need more but at this point its being stretched out much further.

Oh I thought one gentleman said bascom's closing doors in may???
And no I'm not calming down because I'm not worked up believe me, you should know me In person you'll know the difference in the two

I just get sick of people spreading nonsense that they think is true play call the guy had to do was pick up the phone and call before he started saying that crap

Thompson's Tree Farm
03-23-2020, 04:26 PM
Oh I thought one gentleman said bascom's closing doors in may???
And no I'm not calming down because I'm not worked up believe me, you should know me In person you'll know the difference in the two

I just get sick of people spreading nonsense that they think is true play call the guy had to do was pick up the phone and call before he started saying that crap

Bliss, If I am the gentleman that said Bascom was closing down in May, please go read my original post. I said nothing of the sort and I would like an apology!

03-23-2020, 05:12 PM
And no I'm not calming down because I'm not worked up believe me, you should know me...

Two simple words folks “ignore settings”. :D

Bruce L
03-23-2020, 05:30 PM
Two simple words folks “ignore settings”. :D
I agree Dr.Tim,only one individual on “Trader” that I have blocked seeing,unless someone places phrases in reply with quotes

blissville maples
03-23-2020, 06:39 PM
I was told yesterday by a buyer for Bascom that he will not be buying until the middle of May. Other negative is Canadian dollar is at 70 cents US.

This is the post. In a prior post I stated to you "I thought you said he was closing the doors down in may" when I should have said "I though you said he closed the doors down until May"

I apologise I mixed that up but either way is true.
Do you mean that your buyer won't be buying from you until the middle of May, or bascom's won't be buying until the middle of may?

Either way listen, no one has closed or is closing any doors down as far as Packers go and bascom's IS currently buying syrup as well as butternut mountain.

Thompson's Tree Farm
03-23-2020, 06:45 PM
This is the post. In a prior post I stated to you "I thought you said he was closing the doors down in may" when I should have said "I though you said he closed the doors down until May"

I apologise I mixed that up but either way is true.
Do you mean that your buyer won't be buying from you until the middle of May, or bascom's won't be buying until the middle of may?

Either way listen, no one has closed or is closing any doors down as far as Packers go and bascom's IS currently buying syrup as well as butternut mountain.

My buyer will not be buying for Bascom until the middle of May at Bruce's request. Thank you for the apology

blissville maples
03-23-2020, 06:52 PM
I agree Dr.Tim,only one individual on “Trader” that I have blocked seeing,unless someone places phrases in reply with quotes

It must be quite a life for you that only can have a conversation your way and ignore any and all facts that don't support it.

Yes don't forget the ignore button. Ignore enough people and you'll just have the most wonderful conversations now won't you, ahhh!

Obviously you have been outwitted and can't handle the tenacity otherwise you'd have something to say. Dr Tim says "troll" I say "the opposition" and some can't handle that.

I have hands on experience for many years and been around it much longer than that, from tapping to filtering and selling my product all 1500 gallons of syrup, to maintaining vaccum meticulously, ripping pumps or membranes out of ro to fix or replace. whatever is in my way gets taken care of. I don't make 20 gallons a year and I'm not running around with a notebook writing nonsense down- I'm doing and seeing and doing more and nothing will beat that. No my tongue isn't pretty and I don't tip toe around the tulips but I can tell you if you wanna know something I'll probably have something worthwhile to offer.

Thanks n8hutch- listen I wear my sweatshirt to open house you ever see me come say hi you'll see I'm a pleasant guy and I guarantee you'll be surprised. One did this a couple years ago and told me he was pleased that I was able to give it back a little!!

blissville maples
03-23-2020, 06:56 PM
My buyer will not be buying for Bascom until the middle of May at Bruce's request. Thank you for the apology

But this has nothing to do with bascom's and everyone else

I guess I thought your buyer was selling to "he" meaning Bascom who isn't buying until may

I dunno man it sounds to me like your post states Bascom will not be buying until middle of may per what your guy told you...... whatever

Looking back either way it is inaccurate information.

blissville maples
03-23-2020, 07:02 PM
Sorry to upset you Bliss. I delivered a truckload of syrup to my buyer yesterday. Last year he purchased 20 tractor trailer loads for Bruce. He told me that Bruce wasn't buying until May. I regard that info as more than a rumor. I have no idea if Bruce is buying syrup delivered directly or not. I sell almost a trailer load of syrup each year, most of it to Bruce. I am not a rumor monger. Someone asked for info and I provided the best info I had.

Hmm can you explain this one to me?

Maybe I deserve the apology??

blissville maples
03-23-2020, 07:03 PM
Bliss, If I am the gentleman that said Bascom was closing down in May, please go read my original post. I said nothing of the sort and I would like an apology!

Hhmm hmm. What would this be?

What do you mean, you spread a complete rumor. I talked to Dave Bascom this morning. He said nothing of closing die to coronavirus

Is this the weak garbage you want to try to make me look wrong about? You'd better get up a little earlier, boy I'm glad I re read all the post's Ida missed that

Walling's Maple Syrup
03-23-2020, 07:06 PM
It's really quite simple to interpret and understand. Syrup is currently being bought at the docks at Bascoms. His buyers around the country are not taking in syrup on his behalf until mid May

blissville maples
03-23-2020, 07:12 PM
Yes that is simple to understand

But not his original post, that really made it sound like Bascom himself has closed the doors which is where I'll bet the majority of folks(within 3-4 hrs, most of vt) sell their syrup directly

Have fun with it I've said all I need to say

03-23-2020, 09:21 PM

Fresh maple popcorn seems to blur reality...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Could we get the recipe for the maple popcorn. All this reading has made me really hungry and it looks awesome!

Thompson's Tree Farm
03-24-2020, 04:19 AM
Drop it Bliss. I don't need your insults! I presented info to a query and you totally misinterpreted what I said. Insulting my intelligence simply demonstrates your lack of said intelligence. I accepted your apology and you keep going. I'm done!

03-24-2020, 10:30 AM
Could we get the recipe for the maple popcorn. All this reading has made me really hungry and it looks awesome!

Ha, ha! I had the same exact reaction last night so I made my first ever maple kettle corn. After searching MT and a little Googling, it looks like maple popcorn fell into two categories - a kettle corn approach and a candied approach. The candied approach seems to be the same way we make nuts - heat syrup, pour over popcorn, stir, and either cool or put it in the oven to crisp it up. I was looking for a quick fix and I know how much pounding the nuts take (talking about candy, folks) in the stirring process that I can't imagine the popcorn not getting pulverized.

So, I went with the kettle corn approach - adapted from MT:

1/3 cup corn kernels
1/4 cup oil
3 tbs white sugar
3 tbs maple sugar

-Heat oil on medium (I have a strong burner) in a heavy bottomed pan. I used my wok.
-When oil begins to smoke, put corn kernels in.
-When first kernel or two pops, add the sugar mix and stir. I stirred with one hand and held the wok lid over the wok as best I could. Hot oil and kernels were flying! My dog loved it, but it made a bit of a mess. Most of the popcorn stayed in the wok, though.
-As soon as the popping stopped, I got it right off the heat and into a big stainless bowl. When it was cool enough to handle, I broke up the clumps with my hands. The wooden spoon seemed to break too many pieces.

I tried a second batch with 4 tbs maple sugar / 2 tbs white sugar, but that had a little bit of a burned flavor. That could be because I just gave the wok a wipe with a paper towel between batches or maybe I didn't stir well enough. Will try that version again tonight as batch #1. The whole process took <10 min once everything is gathered together and you turn the burner on, so it's an easy recipe to try multiple times. My family wasn't complaining and it was sheer bliss for the dog!

03-24-2020, 10:32 AM
Drop it Bliss. I don't need your insults!

Click on "Settings" in the top right and the "Edit Ignore List" function appears right there near the bottom left (see attachment). Very simple.


Thompson's Tree Farm
03-24-2020, 10:47 AM
Click on "Settings" in the top right and the "Edit Ignore List" function appears right there near the bottom left (see attachment). Very


Thank you Dr Tim!

Mead Maple
03-24-2020, 11:06 AM

Please note, I am only the quality control specialist of this production line. She told me to let everyone know that she doubles the syrup quantity. Not sure if anyone around here would be against that but thought it was worth mentioning 😎

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03-24-2020, 04:01 PM

Please note, I am only the quality control specialist of this production line. She told me to let everyone know that she doubles the syrup quantity. Not sure if anyone around here would be against that but thought it was worth mentioning 😎

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Gotta try this tonight. We're already popcorn addicts. Thanks for posting!

Mead Maple
03-24-2020, 07:22 PM
Enjoy it. Although it has this terrible side effect that makes it hard to stop once you have a bowl in front of you!

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blissville maples
03-24-2020, 07:58 PM
Update on bascom's- an email has been sent to some stating that they are still taking syrup you will remain outside of the grading area, if you need supplies call the order in ahead, and they will bring your check out to you.

You know Thompson, the bottom line is I think it's important to keep this site factual and not a bunch of rumors and Miss information that just sounds good and spark worry amongst others. You were clearly wrong and nobody cares where you're selling your syrup and if they're buying or not.

I don't know all about these so-called buyers for Bascom but I can tell you one thing Bruce Bascom would never crap on all his clients and colleagues and close the doors like that.

blissville maples
03-24-2020, 08:00 PM
Drop it Bliss. I don't need your insults! I presented info to a query and you totally misinterpreted what I said. Insulting my intelligence simply demonstrates your lack of said intelligence. I accepted your apology and you keep going. I'm done!

Yes I kept going because you told me to find the post where you said the bascom's wasn't buying and I found the post you have nothing to say to that so you drop it you were wrong just like I said. Stop spreading rumors that aren't true just pick up the phone and verify before yourself

The apology should have never been given and was done so prematurely. There was so many responses to this thread I did not see the post, that I quoted, where you said bascom's was not buying. had I found that I would have never apologized because you are basically lying trying to say that you never said that when there it is black and white. You know one thing I can't stand is stupidity and ignorance

03-24-2020, 08:52 PM
I've said all I need to say

Then why continue with your ranting?

Maybe this will help...


"On the wholesale side, Bascom said he would be holding off on much of his bulk syrup field buying through third party buyers until he set a new syrup price sometime later in spring."

"“Because of these uncertain times, we feel in may be necessary to delay setting a syrup prices until the 1st half of May,” Bascom said in a letter to his field buyers. “We would ask that you set your buy dates for late May or June and not buy syrup until prices have been set.”"

And for those that are curious:

"Bascom was paying $2.10/lb. for Golden Delicate; $2.00 for Amber Rich and Dark Robust and $1.80 for Very Dark Strong. Processing syrup was fetching $1.10/lb. Bascom said he was paying a premium of 15 cents for organically certified."

blissville maples
03-25-2020, 06:47 AM
Because others cannot admit their faults and want to continue while trying to slam me, I never run out of gas!! What I have said is true what Thompson said is completely false. I don't know about his buyer but everything he said about Bascom was false.

Pretty simple don't post nonsense.

Ranting, troll, whatever you call it sounds ridiculous. Everybody is entitled to their opinion just cuz you don't like it....

blissville maples
03-25-2020, 06:49 AM
Then why continue with your ranting?

Maybe this will help...


"On the wholesale side, Bascom said he would be holding off on much of his bulk syrup field buying through third party buyers until he set a new syrup price sometime later in spring."

"“Because of these uncertain times, we feel in may be necessary to delay setting a syrup prices until the 1st half of May,” Bascom said in a letter to his field buyers. “We would ask that you set your buy dates for late May or June and not buy syrup until prices have been set.”"

And for those that are curious:

"Bascom was paying $2.10/lb. for Golden Delicate; $2.00 for Amber Rich and Dark Robust and $1.80 for Very Dark Strong. Processing syrup was fetching $1.10/lb. Bascom said he was paying a premium of 15 cents for organically certified."

Didn't really help..... basically what I already knew- bascom's is taking pickup truck loads of syrup

Furthermore I don't even know what bascom's private buyers have to do with bascom's docks shutting down and him not taking syrup which is where this all erupted from. These private buyers are likely just middlemen making a premium off everyone, maybe not I am not positive there

Also wasn't ranting I re-posted to let everybody know about the email that went out incase anyone missed it- my god.

03-25-2020, 07:07 AM

Please note, I am only the quality control specialist of this production line. She told me to let everyone know that she doubles the syrup quantity. Not sure if anyone around here would be against that but thought it was worth mentioning ��

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Thanks for the recipe. Do you think using maple sugar would work too in place of the regular sugar?:) Usually additional maple is not a bad thing! It looks awesome. Cant wait to try it!

03-25-2020, 07:11 AM
After trying this popcorn, I’m sorry for ever saying that maple is a non essential item. I would be willing to trade toilet paper for this stuff. :)


03-25-2020, 12:43 PM
Now the kids want to try this on rice Chex. Mead have you done that yet? Thanks again for sharing your recipe. Now that the kids are all home this gives them something to do.


03-25-2020, 01:51 PM

On the wholesale side, Bascom said he would be holding off on much of his bulk syrup field buying through third party buyers until he set a new syrup price sometime later in spring.

“Because of these uncertain times, we feel in may be necessary to delay setting a syrup prices until the 1st half of May,” Bascom said in a letter to his field buyers. “We would ask that you set your buy dates for late May or June and not buy syrup until prices have been set.”

While field buying has been postponed, barrels of syrup in the back of pickups and straight beds were piling into Bascom’s warehouse in Alstead, N.H. over the weekend. Staffers there were commenting they have never seen so many barrels come in so early.

03-25-2020, 02:10 PM
Funny. I started reading this thread because I sell through a buyer to Bascoms and this is important news, now I'm sitting here typing this as my wife is popping popcorn so I can make this recipe for my Wife, Daughter, and Nephews who all are cheering "POPCORN!" Thanks for taking a less than happy thread for me and making it sweet. ;)

Mead Maple
03-25-2020, 04:10 PM
Now the kids want to try this on rice Chex. Mead have you done that yet? Thanks again for sharing your recipe. Now that the kids are all home this gives them something to do.


I have not. But since we love Muddy Buddies so much I think you might be on to something. I will get my production manager on it and I will personally guarantee the highest level of quality control.

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bill m
03-25-2020, 08:31 PM
We started making maple popcorn back in the mid 80s. Stuff is addicting! As for how this pandemic is affecting my syrup sales yes, wholesale sales have just about completely stopped. That is starting to hurt. Retail sales are a little slower but not to bad yet.

Bruce L
03-26-2020, 05:19 AM
How is everyone protecting themselves? That’s what I haven’t really seen yet. My wife is usually on the “ front lines “ selling syrup, but you have absolutely no idea about anyone’s exposure level that comes in. I told her thought we should make a sign for people to stand outside and we will get and set their syrup outside,but there’s still the issue of payment. Cash has always been deemed dirty,but even more so now.

bill m
03-26-2020, 06:30 AM
We have 2 wall mounted hand sanitizer stations we installed last year. They get used often. We also have a container of sanitizing wipes on the sales counter.

maple flats
03-26-2020, 09:29 AM
My retail this year this year has only been done from 2 locations local and plus online. I have sold from my house. For that the customer has to call ahead and place the order, I give them the total due and instruct them to put it in an envelope and write their name on the outside. I set the syrup out on my steps and they put the envelope in my mailbox and take the syrup. I then get the envelope using gloves, verify they wrote their name on it, and then I set that envelope aside for at least a week. So far everyone has paid the correct amount. My other local retail was very well stocked 4 weeks ago, and has sold more syrup than usual for Feb and March. I'll need to figure how to restock safely because according to my daily reports my stock is running low. I will likely restock next Monday or Tuesday wearing gloves and an N95 mask. Then come home, change my clothes and take a shower. That location remains open on limited hours, opening 1 hr later and closing 1 hr earlier than normal.
While my online sales have been slightly slower, I'm still shipping syrup. All in all, my sales since this began are above what they were for the same time frame ever. Because of the success of my one outside retail outlet.

04-06-2020, 04:22 PM
Check your emails, Bascom is not taking syrup for at least a month.

04-06-2020, 04:54 PM
Check your emails, Bascom is not taking syrup for at least a month.

For those not on the email list, the info is on their webpage http://www.bascommaple.com/ and copied here.

Also note that their Spring 2020 Open House, like the others, has been cancelled.

Update 4/6/20 - Concerning Bulk Syrup
Bascom Maple Farms is committed not only to the health and safety of our customers and employees, but also the promotion and wellbeing of the maple industry as a whole. Unfortunately, due to world events beyond our control BASCOMS' WILL NOT BE PURCHASING ANY MAPLE SYRUP FOR THE REST OF APRIL. We anticipate reopening for purchasing syrup around May 4th, but please call or check the website to confirm. Recommendations from teh CDC, WHO, and State Goverments are changing constantly and could affect the reopen date.

This was not an easy decision to come to, or one that was made lightly. Management spent many hours discussing the possible different scenarios. We decided that since Bascoms' serves producers from all over the maple belt, the only way to keep everyone safe was to suspend syrup purchases completely. You are still able to call in your equipment order and have it shipped, or set outside for you to pick up.

Coronavirus Update 3/24/20
Starting March 25th, customers will not be allowed to enter the buildings till further notice, this includes our showroom. We are here to ship any equipment orders you would like, as always you can place an order online or you may call us at 603-835-6361 and we can set it outside for you to pick up. We are still taking in syrup, but ask that you stay in your truck. You will not be allowed to help unload, or watch the syrup being graded. We will however still be paying you the same day for your syrup. Once unloaded you may drive down to the front entrance and we will bring your check out to you. We hope this wont last long, but in the meantime we need to take steps to protect our employees so we can continue to serve you. If something changes we will be sure to update it here on our website.

maple flats
04-06-2020, 07:03 PM
As of today, Bascom will not be buying any bulk syrup (because of Covid 19) until May 4 at the earliest. The notice says to call ahead on or after May 4 to see if they have started buying at that time. This notice came from Bascom, with their letterhead on top.