View Full Version : How is everyone doing?

03-19-2020, 05:23 AM
Well our little area of the state is pretty quiet. This is a tiny farming community. Not much to shut down. Schools closed Monday. Unfortunately kids aren't being supervised, so they are wandering around. Alot of people aren't taking this seriously. Ron is boiling sap, so that is keeping him busy. I have seeds started. My gardens will get alot of attention. Everyone is walking their dogs. Lots of time calling friends and family, watching tv and hobbies..everyone stay safe.

Michael Greer
03-19-2020, 06:11 AM
Gathering sap and boiling all day is a pretty good method of social isolation. I woke up this morning feeling good that I have an all consuming hobby that makes a little money. Maybe everyone should.

03-19-2020, 08:49 AM
Good Morning,

Doing well in Southeast Missouri; as of last night eight cases and one death statewide, nothing in our area. It's going to get worse before it gets better and kids coming home from Spring Break are probably not going to help that much! We're heading towards more and more self-isolation; I've got LOTS around the house to do and I've just retired. We're in better shape than all those folks getting laid off for 'two weeks'; that will probably run longer. They're looking at a peak in 45 days and that's probably 45 days after it hits an area, so we'll probably be another week or two behind that in our area.

This hobbyist-newbee in Southeast Missouri is done for the season. Time to start kicking in the next hobby . . . beekeeping. Tried my hand at it with purchased bees about 20 years ago. This time around, I'm planning on catching a local swarm instead of purchasing. Have a Swarm Trap built and ready to go and the hive just needs the last finishing touches. Used plans from horizontalhive.com and before reacquiring hive tools, I'm in for less than $50! Wish me luck! <grin>

I'm also going to be able to put a lot more time into the garden. Have starts under grow lights in the basement and plan to put in a couple of new, raised bed gardens.

Stay well!


03-19-2020, 09:11 AM
Doing fine here in Eastern Ontario. My municipality has no confirmed cases yet. Had the silliness at the grocery stores with no TP, rationed to 2 of any item etc but lower gas prices, way less traffic, way less everything. I am fine and healthy and boiling away as my trees love this time of year and happily produce 70l a day (this from 8 trees) so I have plenty to keep me busy. I have a nest egg saved up and am used to living frugally anyway, so I'm good for the next while or so.

maple flats
03-19-2020, 09:25 AM
We are fine here. I'm still boiling, but the sap sugar % has fallen to 1.0%. Will stop when it falls below 1. At 26" of vacuum I'm only getting 200-250 gal in 2 days off 398 taps. I thus boil every 2 because it would spoil if I hold the sap longer.

03-19-2020, 10:44 AM
Good Morning,

Doing well in Southeast Missouri; as of last night eight cases and one death statewide, nothing in our area. It's going to get worse before it gets better and kids coming home from Spring Break are probably not going to help that much! We're heading towards more and more self-isolation; I've got LOTS around the house to do and I've just retired. We're in better shape than all those folks getting laid off for 'two weeks'; that will probably run longer. They're looking at a peak in 45 days and that's probably 45 days after it hits an area, so we'll probably be another week or two behind that in our area.

This hobbyist-newbee in Southeast Missouri is done for the season. Time to start kicking in the next hobby . . . beekeeping. Tried my hand at it with purchased bees about 20 years ago. This time around, I'm planning on catching a local swarm instead of purchasing. Have a Swarm Trap built and ready to go and the hive just needs the last finishing touches. Used plans from horizontalhive.com and before reacquiring hive tools, I'm in for less than $50! Wish me luck! <grin>

I'm also going to be able to put a lot more time into the garden. Have starts under grow lights in the basement and plan to put in a couple of new, raised bed gardens.

Stay well!


Sounds good. I've entertained the idea of beekeeping, but haven't jumped in yet. I did join the local beekeeping association, and attended a few meetings, and it turns out we have a fairly thriving community of beekeepers in the area. I'm just not sure I have the energy/motivation to do both syrup and beekeeping, although the seasons are pretty out of phase.

03-19-2020, 10:54 AM
Doing good here. Been busy boiling last few days alone so kind of isolation. Had to go grocery shopping for my elderly parents and us late yesterday. Nightmare finding bread and canned soup. Both college kids are now home and doing online classes for rest of semester and my wife now working from home. Internet is stressed at the moment.

03-19-2020, 12:10 PM
Me, my wife, and our two year old are holed up at home. Normally my wife and I both work, but my daughter's daycare is shut down. So my wife and I each take half a day. Neither of us are getting much work done the rest of the time, but what can you do? Here in Connecticut, things are getting pretty serious pretty fast. Folks have started dying, and the number of cases are growing exponentially. So we're not messing around - my family is taking it seriously. That said, I do feel like getting in my car and driving to the sugarbush, only stopping to get gas (and then sanitize my hands), where the nearest neighbors to our cabin and sugar shack are a quarter mile away, is pretty safe.

Pretty worried about my elderly parents in NYC. They're also taking this very seriously, but it just takes one slip-up. Fingers crossed.


03-19-2020, 06:11 PM
So far so good here in WNY. Pulled the plug on maple today. Been fighting keeping stuff clean during these warm spells and honestly I just kinda had enough. Don't need to be wearing myself out any more than I have to physically. I work at the post office and my wife works at a hospital. Seems like it is just a matter of time for us, neither one of us will be told to stay home unless we are sick.

03-19-2020, 06:12 PM
Sounds good. I've entertained the idea of beekeeping, but haven't jumped in yet. I did join the local beekeeping association, and attended a few meetings, and it turns out we have a fairly thriving community of beekeepers in the area. I'm just not sure I have the energy/motivation to do both syrup and beekeeping, although the seasons are pretty out of phase.

Here in Missouri I'm out of syruping and looking to catch a swarm in April. Look for Dr.Leo Sharashkin on YouTube and check out his website horizontalhives.com. He has a philosophy centered on catching local swarms and treatment free care - local bees are surviving without treatment. He says that beekeeping is easier than raising tomatoes! There is a learning curve, there are some good books out and lots of good information to learn from on YouTube, among other places. Local beekeeping groups are good to be involved with. I was hoping to start with mine and attend a first meeting next week - may be cancelled due to Covid-19.


MT Pockets Producer
03-19-2020, 08:01 PM
Like wnybassman, we at MT Pockets Ranch are essential employees so it is likely will be be exposed. All good to this point and praying for no issues. Our tanks are full and Looking forward to boiling away our concerns tommorow.

03-20-2020, 07:55 AM
Well, The three of us working this maple thing. Me Myself and I, I had to lay off Me and Myself, Now I have to do all the work. Since the PA lock down I have not changed my schedule. Back flushed all lines and drops, pulled spiles, picking up sap containers and pallets, and will be washing containers today. plan to start taking down tubing next week. Not looking for big crowds to mingle with at this time.
Keep boiling.

Robert K
03-20-2020, 07:20 PM
Things are pretty quiet up here in rural Ontario, most folks are keeping to themselves, strange thing the telephone is getting more use than normal with neighbours checking up and making sure everyone is o.k.
Turning cold here tonight and for a few days, maybe maple weather again by midweek. Stay safe everyone and if your out take precautions and wash your hands.

maple flats
03-20-2020, 07:43 PM
I boiled today, like Chris, I am the only one working. Fortunately my vacuum remains good, 26-27" and that is without walking lines since 13 days ago. If it drops below 25" I'll have to check for leaks. I know I likely have some squirrel chews but the pump is staying up to what I need.
I often work with 3-6 others, sometimes, Me, Myself and my BIL, plus one grandson, my oldest son and his girl friend. Since the covid 19 first landed in this country, I have told those others to stay home and I've been working solo.
My sugar has been at 1.0% the last few days, if it goes lower I'll pull the plug. Also, only half of my taps are on sugars, the rest are reds. All of the reds in the warmer section of my woods have quit, so my sap flow has been reduced for about a week.

03-20-2020, 08:05 PM
We are doing fine in the hill town of western Massachusetts. The people scared buying items is intense but we have made some great syrup so far this season. This will run its course but we wish all great health during the virus. We will all get through this.

Michael Greer
03-21-2020, 08:40 AM
This might be a good year to expand the garden a bit. We usually put enough to feed three families, but here are a dozen families on my street that don't have even a single tomato plant.

03-21-2020, 05:28 PM
I hope me and myself get paid vacation or they may not show up next year.

Robert K
04-10-2020, 08:15 PM
I hope this message finds everyone safe and well, our season is wrapped up and for me it was fun. These past few weeks have really made me reflect on what is truly important. Spending time with family, as in the family in our house. I have become so great full to live we’re we do in a rural setting. The kids and wife and I can go outside and get out of the house without much worry. I do pray for those at the mercy of this terrible virus that is effecting so many.
Take care folks, and please heed the warnings. Stay safe.

04-11-2020, 07:49 AM
Yes, those of us fortunate to live out in the countryside and even on a small parcel of property can at least go outside and enjoy the good weather and get stuff done, too. Even my humble half acre has more than enough work to keep me busy when the sun is out :-) I feel sorry for people in cities esp those jammed into apartment buildings with only a tiny concrete slab for a balcony. I have family in Toronto and they report people being out packing the streets...not safe at all. Please everyone take care and watch out for your neighbours too. Stay safe and be thankful for the rural life.