View Full Version : Daisy Chained Releaser

03-14-2020, 06:32 AM
I currently have a collection site at my vac where I have a releaser with 1000 taps on it. There is wet/dry run that has about 500 of those with both being 1 1/4 lines. I currently branch off the dry line and continue to a second releaser running 1300 taps. The distance between the relasers is about 750 feet and the wet/dry section intersects with the second relasers feed at about 450 feet. I know it is frowned upon to chain releasers and I know I don't have enough CFMs to the second releaser so I plan to run a 1 1/2 line straight to the second releaser. My question is should I run this dedicated off a T in my vac line removing the 1st releaser from the equation, or should I keep them chained as they are and add the 1 1/2 between the 2 for extra CFMs. Dedicated removes surging and issues with the first affecting the second, but keeping them chained gives me more CFMs total capacity with a 1 1/4 and 1 1/2 both feeding the releaser combined.
Other vital Details. Eventually second site with have about 2000-2250 taps on it first site will have around 1500. My Vac is a Indiana Vacuum rated at 75 CFMs. Also I work full time so I will have leaks and generally shoot to keep 24" because during the season I don't get in the woods much once the sap starts to flow since there just isn't enough daylight.