View Full Version : Maple lollipops

03-10-2020, 12:20 PM
Sorry, I’m a rookie when it comes to making candy out of syrup, but I’ve been cooking sap for years. Just bought my first lollipop mold so I can try making a few for my kids and some family members. I searched this thread and also google and found various things. I see lots of recipes that call for adding butter or heating to 300 degrees to make the hard candy lollipops.

From what I’ve read for making maple candy, it’s mostly heat up to 235 and pour into a mild. Maybe I have to stir for a bit, I fogot the YouTube video already but my question is, can I simply keep my lollipops at 100 pure maple by simply using that syrup at 235 degrees and pour into my lollipop mold with the stick in it? I assume it’s just a maple candy on a stick using a different mold at that point, right?

Thanks I’m advance.


03-10-2020, 01:12 PM
I've only made the hard candy lollipops. You might try this: https://mapleresearch.org/pub/confection-notebook5th-edition-2-2

Father & Son
03-10-2020, 02:16 PM
If you are looking for a lollipop type candy 235 degrees is nowhere near rock candy.
The link above that Doug listed lists ingredients and instructions. Very good resource.
It is all explained in chapter 7 section 6 page 98.
Temperature needed for rock candy is 300 to 305 degrees. Pure maple syrup burns at this temperature and these instructions list two different ways to overcome this.

04-12-2020, 12:08 PM
I make 100% pure maple syrup lollipops ( nothing added)by cooking to 320 degrees and quickly pouring into mold. The secret is to raise temp slowly so you don’t burn it. Use a size pan that allows you to keep sufficient depth of syrup or it will scorch.