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View Full Version : Low budget evaporator

03-10-2020, 11:23 AM

A little embarrassed to show my low budget, homemade system before now, but as the season winds down for year 3 in operation, she deserves a look. A weekend boiler that squeezes 2-3 boils a year. Able to produce 1.5-2 gallons of some fine syrup per day when up and running. A used pan, an old tractor cart and some used fire bricks along with some sheet metal work make it a simple little setup. Just thought it might be worth a look to one or two. Have a great day!

03-10-2020, 11:52 AM
That looks great! Nothing like making a few gallons of your own syrup for the year.

03-10-2020, 12:00 PM
Nice! Nothing to be embarrassed of there; you're making syrup!

03-10-2020, 12:26 PM
You gotta start somewhere. Just be careful because it becomes addicting if you upgrade anything. I started with 10 trees, then 40, now 90 and we may have access to 100 acres of maples across the street from me (~1,000 more taps). It gets crazy, but it is so much fun making your own food with your own trees. Farming at its best.

03-10-2020, 02:13 PM
Nothing to worry about. It works. Good for you.

03-10-2020, 02:23 PM
If it makes syrup, it's not embarassing!!
Looks good!!

maple flats
03-10-2020, 07:04 PM
The steam coming off looks impressive.

03-10-2020, 08:41 PM
You are making a product for you and your family to enjoy. Nothing embarrassing about it, the steam is impressive, you must have a very good boil rate. I bet everyone enjoys the syrup you make.

03-11-2020, 08:18 AM
Thanks for all the encouragement! I must admit that we all enjoy the final product, and the satisfaction of making something from our property. We put out 27 taps and on good weekends are able to collect about 90 gallons or more. I figure with the blower and hot fire, I can boil at 8-9 gallons per hour, maximizing the rate for the size of the pan. I expect that once I retire, the operation might get just a bit bigger, but that will be another story!! For now, just hoping to get my grandchildren excited about something other than facebook or playstation... Enjoy the fruits of your labors, all!