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View Full Version : Korney Keg Top Removal ???

Zucker Lager
03-09-2020, 04:34 PM
I batch boil then finish on propane. I would like to use some Korney Kegs I got and drain my nearup into them for a better way to transfer and hold it till I finish. I would like to make them a little more user friendly, easier to pour out of so I would like to remove the plastic top. Is there an easy way to do that? I don't want to damage the kegs. I also removed the valves and will silver braze stainless steel rods into those openings that will have a heat prof handle attached Thanks Jay

maple flats
03-09-2020, 05:04 PM
I don't know about the type with a plastic ring around the top with handles molded into that ring. The type I used but later decided a different method would be better. In the meantime my production got big enough that I use 16 gal and 26.5 gal barrels (and 1 CDL 16 gal keg) For the more common type of Korny kegs I now think the best way is to weld a cover on the opening with a 2" half coupler welded on over a hole appropriately sized then use barrel bung plugs, I like the plastic ones better, because the chance of messing up the threads on the keg are very unlikely from cross threading and those plugs are about $1 ea.

03-09-2020, 06:56 PM
21190I hated my corny kegs till I had this made. Drilled a hole where the relief valve was and had a piece of 1.5” pipe welded on. Now I can pour without the mess

Zucker Lager
03-09-2020, 11:38 PM
I like that idea Wiam thanks. Do you seal the kegs with standard covers then use the modified cap for just pouring?? Jay

maple flats
03-10-2020, 08:38 AM
My issue with Korny kegs was that they are designed to seal on pressure, as the hot syrup cools it pulls air into the keg. That is why I converted them.

Zucker Lager
03-10-2020, 09:48 AM
OK so I took the kegs gave them a good bear hug and wacked the top handle as hard as I could with a 2 pound hammer about ten times..................nada. So are they just glued on or some kind of fastener molded into it??? I see on a brewery site guys talking about sawing them off with a hand saw ?? I still want to take these tops off they are all beat up and cracked anyhow. Like I said I just don't want to damage the tank. Jay

Zucker Lager
03-27-2020, 11:10 AM
I ended up cutting off the tops using a very coarse tooth saw then a sharp large wood chisel it cut easily and once down to metal I could just scrape then polish it all. I cut the relief valve off and installed a half coupling, Yes I know should have brazed in stainless instead of brass but my operation is just for family and friends. Then I used stainless screws and food grade gaskets to install the stainless handle rods through the keg fittings. Now I just have to make a pour cover like Wiam has and I"m all set. Thanks for the help Jay