View Full Version : Leaky DeLeval 78

03-05-2020, 10:55 AM
Hey All,

Just got my DeLeval 78 up and running. Converted it to a flood/reclaim and it pulls 27" easily with an 18hp motor. Problem is the the oil is leaking from the seams of the end plates. There's no replacement gasket so I'm wondering if anyone's had the same issue and what did you use to repair it? I'm thinking a very small amount of hi-temp RTV but I'm looking for suggestions. I will have the end plates machined at the end of the season but it's working so well now (other than the loss of oil) Thanks.

03-05-2020, 11:36 AM
I used to use several 76 and 78 DeLaval pumps. I have used either a brown paper bag to make a gasket or get some gasket sealant like this one here. https://www.permatex.com/products/gasketing/gasket-sealants/permatex-high-tack-gasket-sealant/
It will work better than RTV because you can put it on thinner and it will seal up quicker and better. RTV if it doesn’t cure well enough, it will get sucked into the pump and potential plug up the vanes or oil lines in the reclaimer.

03-05-2020, 11:41 AM
Perfect, thank you! Did you paint it on the end plate or the cylinder? How thick did you make it? How long did you let it cure before using it again? I was worried about the RTV as well. Thanks again!

03-05-2020, 05:04 PM
I used blue RTV gasket on my 76 and it’s held up for 2 years now. I cleaned the plate and the pump housing real good with brake cleaner on a rag and skimmed a little RTV on both surfaces. Let it sit 2 days. It was in the summer so it didn’t freeze. So at this time of year it might not cure properly. I’m sure there is an RTV sealant that can withstand colder temps to cure.

03-06-2020, 06:02 AM
Perfect, thank you! Did you paint it on the end plate or the cylinder? How thick did you make it? How long did you let it cure before using it again? I was worried about the RTV as well. Thanks again!
I just painted a thin layer on the end of the cylinder and put it together after a couple minutes. The stuff turns tacky pretty fast after applying it.

03-06-2020, 01:56 PM
Thanks again.