View Full Version : Ugh, syrup hydrometer cracked....

Jim Foster
03-04-2020, 06:37 PM
What's the proper procedure in reading the Brix with a hydrometer? Heat hydro first then immerse in syrup just poured in the stainless steel vial? Put hydro in first and pour hot syrup in it? Somehow I fu...... up the process. Ugh! Just ordered 2 so if I fu..... Up again, I'll have a spare.


03-04-2020, 07:06 PM
Fill the vial with syrup then dump it back in the pan so the vial gets heated some. Get your reading with the 2nd fill. No need to heat the hydro. You can do it either way as far as inserting the hydro. Just make sure you place it in slowly so it doesn’t bang off the bottom. I prefer to fill with syrup then place the hydrometer in.

maple flats
03-04-2020, 07:18 PM
The hydrometer is made of pyrex or equal glass, it can take sudden temperature shock, what it can't take is a bump, especially on it's side, (or on the floor). For your info, I have at least 4 hydrometers, just in case. On any hydrometer you get, mark the top red line on the box it came it for reference, so you can determine if the paper tube inside has slid. If you never drop it or bump it hard the tube will not move, but if it slips from your fingers as you go to lower it into the test cup, the paper could slide (or the glass could break).

Jim Foster
03-05-2020, 06:27 AM
I was very careful handling the hydrometer as I make wine and whiskey as another hobby so I know about the fragile issue. Mine was a heat issue. I'll try the syrup in the vessel first and then immerse the hydrometer. I put the vessel in the pot to keep it hot, dumping the previous syrup first too. And maybe I just had a hydrometer made by a pissed off 6 year old Chinese sweat shop worker...…… Thanks for the suggestions!


03-05-2020, 06:51 AM
You may be onto something. I just bought a new hydrometer this year more so just to check the old one. We've had this one for 10 years and its never broke even after banging off the bottom by accident more than once. Like anything, probably don't make'em like they used to :(

maple flats
03-05-2020, 09:31 AM
I probably should not say this, but since 2003 my first year I've never broken one. No I'm not superstitious, in fact my wife and I got married on Friday the 13th, 1967. That has worked well too.

03-05-2020, 11:15 AM
I have broke a couple over 60 years but maybe 3 at most. Just try to be somewhat gentle with them. I have done it every way you can imagine. hot syrup in cup first, hot syrup poured in on top of hydro. They seem to be able to handle that fine. Last one I broke 3 weeks ago. top broke off. I believe I must have bumped the top of the stem? And yes I did order a spare too!:)
My best advice aside from breakage is to rinse the hydrometer and cup in between testing. I believe you will get better results.

03-05-2020, 11:52 AM
I bought my very first hydrometer last year and it cracked the very first time I used it. Finished the season using my thermometer. Ordered a new one which came in a few days ago just in time to start my first boiling this weekend so we will see what happens... I was not very impressed when it cracked but c'est la vie...