View Full Version : weather

03-04-2020, 08:46 AM
I used to have a website saved in favorites on my computer for a real good weather website. Had my computer replaced and I lost it. I got it from someone on here last year. It had very localized forcasts. Anyone know what it was?

eagle lake sugar
03-04-2020, 02:45 PM
For me, Weather.com or Wunderground have proven to be the most accurate. I call Accuweather Inaccuweather LOL.

maple flats
03-04-2020, 04:33 PM
Eagle, I get info that is fairly accurate, at least as accurate 7 days out using accuweather.com , the next 7 days shows the trend but it's not a good as the first 7 days. Likely some of the issues are because some locals are really harder to forecast.

03-04-2020, 04:47 PM
Weather Underground is my goto. WUnderground.com
I also have the benefit of a neighbour's weather station in a very close proximity (3 houses down) Which is HUGE because we live 3-4 hundred feet above the next closest station and the temps are ALWAYS off there. 2x I had snow on the ground at my house and the bottom of the hill .7 miles away had nothing but rain! ELEVATION MAKES A DIFFERENCE especially with wind!

Try a few sites and see what you like, you never know if someone hooks their personal station into the area weather on different websites! 2-3° could be the difference in a freeze overnight! Mine says 32 expected tonight... so close!

03-04-2020, 05:17 PM
At our farm we had a good weather station. Then used NOAA. Here in the village I have an Accurite wireless that is really good. We have a weather station down the road at our little park. I tap into tgat at Wunderground. I am took a weather spotter class years ago. Total weather phobe(?)...have several apps on my phone.