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View Full Version : Dark syrup for candy?

4 Paws Sugar Shack
02-27-2020, 02:33 PM
I have some left over dark syrup from last year and was thinking of turning it into candies. Is there a market for more robust candy or has the typical blonde candy the industry standard?

02-27-2020, 02:52 PM
i use dark for candy at times. the folks i sell it to love it!

4 Paws Sugar Shack
02-27-2020, 02:56 PM
Good enough for me I guess I will get cooking. Thank you tcross

02-27-2020, 03:30 PM
Whether or not you are successful will depend upon the invert level of the syrup. Darker syrup can sometimes/often have an invert level that is too high to allow for proper crystallization, so you may just end up with goo.

4 Paws Sugar Shack
02-27-2020, 05:04 PM
Thank you Dr. Tim, the candies set up nicely. 21070

02-28-2020, 05:51 AM
those did set up nice!

03-05-2020, 08:16 AM
The question however is for how long will they stay "set up"? If you are planning to store your candy or if a store may be selling it for you, keep an eye on the candy as while it may have set up well initially, its quality may degrade quickly. If it is for quick eating then you are probably ok.