View Full Version : Maple Mead recipes?

02-20-2020, 07:50 AM
Thinking about trying to make a maple flavored Mead (an alcoholic beverage made from/with honey)

I also said that making Maple Syrup is akin to "moon-shining" and if I could I would - so this year I staring thinking and/or trying the turn "maple sap" into a "maple mead" beverage.

Anybody have any stories about trying to make mead from sap and/or recipes to share?

02-20-2020, 12:59 PM
I have a home beer kit and want to substitute the water with sap in the 4-6 percnt range, hope to give it a lite maple taste.

02-20-2020, 11:19 PM
I have a home beer kit and want to substitute the water with sap in the 4-6 percnt range, hope to give it a lite maple taste.

Sugarsand, I make Maple Beer every year. I use 5 gallons of sap but find that when the sugars ferment out of it most of the flavor goes with it. To counter this I add 8-12 ounces of dark syrup to the beer when I am kegging it. It adds just enough flavor to make it a hit with your friends.

02-21-2020, 07:26 AM
Z man thanks for the info. I havent made any home brew in a couple years but bought a new batch of ingredients and wondered if sap would be enough to give a faint maple flavor, I'd like tokeep it beer. One batch makes around 60 bottles, does that sound right?

02-21-2020, 09:35 AM
Z man thanks for the info. I havent made any home brew in a couple years but bought a new batch of ingredients and wondered if sap would be enough to give a faint maple flavor, I'd like tokeep it beer. One batch makes around 60 bottles, does that sound right?

Typical batch of beer is five gallons, which makes two cases (you lose some from leaving it behind with the spent yeast).


02-21-2020, 03:06 PM
You can make Maple Wine with Maple Syrup. To Call it Mead it has to be mixed with at least 50% honey.
That said I made some Maple Wine last year 16% ABV which came out well with time, about 1 yr. in aging time was good.
Nice amber color but not a lot of Maple flavor, definitely packed a punch .
Trying to make a alcoholic beverage with sap alone is fruitless . You need syrup, lots of it. About 3 lbs per gallon. That is about 1 qt of maple syrup per gallon of brew.

02-21-2020, 11:19 PM
Z man thanks for the info. I havent made any home brew in a couple years but bought a new batch of ingredients and wondered if sap would be enough to give a faint maple flavor, I'd like tokeep it beer. One batch makes around 60 bottles, does that sound right?

My recipe does not give an overwhelming maple flavor. It's just enough. I don't bottle I keg it but you get 5 gallons per batch.

02-24-2020, 08:28 AM
I want to distill the sap. Run it through the RO until the sugar content is just high enough, cook it a little on the evaporator, and add the yeast. Distill it, put it in a 1 gallon charred wooden barrel that was previously filled with finished syrup so it picks up flavor and color. After the appropriate time, drain the whiskey and refill the barrel with maple syrup for the whiskey barrel flavored syrup that's all the rage now. Drain the syrup when it's done aging, and repeat fill with whiskey. Should be able to reuse the barrel to flavor whiskey and syrup over and over, just alternating back and forth.

03-06-2020, 02:37 PM
I've made a few batches of maple wine with great success. A very sweet version, dry, and now cinnamon. https://www.nathaninvincible.com/sugar-shack-special

I've also tried a maple syrup & honey blend, apparently called an acerglyn. It's been aging for quite a while and is really weird still. Gonna be sitting on that one for a while I'm guessing. https://www.nathaninvincible.com/spacerglyn

03-19-2020, 07:13 AM
Thinking about trying to make a maple flavored Mead (an alcoholic beverage made from/with honey)

I also said that making Maple Syrup is akin to "moon-shining" and if I could I would - so this year I staring thinking and/or trying the turn "maple sap" into a "maple mead" beverage.

Anybody have any stories about trying to make mead from sap and/or recipes to share?

this is the second year im working with a local meadery to do maple mead. Did it last year, but since he ages 2 years, I have only just tasted last years. It was delicious. The maple flavor doesn't really come out as you might hope, but it's more about using the sugars and being able to say your product only contains two natural local ingredients. You could always add syrup after fermentation I suppose to get more maple flavor I guess. He uses my partially cooked down sap to mix with the honey before fermenting instead of water like traditional mead. It will be called maple mead since it's at least 50% honey.