View Full Version : Tapping New York

12-07-2007, 11:10 PM
Hey all, this is only my second year sugaring, and from what I hear, last year (my debut) was a very odd year and nothing to try to form future game plans from.

Just wondering what you veterans are thinking about the weather right now? Seems to me that the temps we're having now are going to serve us well as far as freezing the trees (which didn't seem to really happen last year until after the sap started running in January?) I know it's way too early to start tapping, but I wonder what exactly we're going to be looking for before we start to think about tapping.

I can see already that this "hobby" is just like owning a boat... no matter what size operation you have, you're always thinking about that next step up... and we're already getting set up to double our production from last year. Can't wait to get things started! Thank goodness I've got hunting season to keep me busy for now.

We're in Broome County.. anyone else around the area on here?


12-08-2007, 05:20 AM
I dont think you can really tell what the season will be like till its over,,,from what I have been told by vetrans "all that matters is what the weather is like during the season" so if you figure you taps should run for around 4-6 weeks (no extream vacuum and used spiles) picking the right day to taps becomes the major factor in how many runs-how much sap you will get,,just gotta wacth your long term forcast,,in my area I will try to be ready to start tapping the first week in march (all depending on the weather-but I cant see tapping befor that)........... -I tend to think what closes off the sap flow is how many days you have above 50 degrees and how dirty your spiles are,,,,,,
An old dairy farmer I used to work for always said "there is no such thing as 2 bad sugaring seasons in a row",,,well we have had 3 pretty poor seasons in a row now,,so I think this will be a good one,,,

12-08-2007, 07:27 PM
I'm happy with the weather, a seemingly normal winter. But as Parker said, you never know till may what the season was like. Just cross your fingers and hope for the best, and when the sap starts to flow have fun. It aint work if it's fun!

02-16-2009, 08:30 PM
Duane, I'm in central n.y in otsego county, near norwich.I have a small back yard setup and have been doing this for five years.Like everyone I started out small cooking on a 3 burner camp stove,and every year I get a little bigger and look to boil quicker so I can tap more trees.When that maple bug bites its hard to stop.I wish I had found this site the first year I tapped,I would have done things a lot different,theres so much input from guys that know alot that it would have made my first year easier. Stan