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View Full Version : membership renewed in "the Club"

02-13-2020, 03:56 PM
Hi, my name is Chickenman and I'm a sugar maker. I have renewed my membership in the scorched pan club. Uggg. Well, not bad, noticed it right off grabbed the "OS" bucket, flooded the pan hitting the spot with cold sap and a big flake of black popped off. Used the skimmer to pick it out, grabbed the copper scraper and knocked the rest loose and skimmed those out too.. Killed the fire, drained the pan, filled with water and vinegar, let it soak over night and cleaned the pan with a Magic Eraser sponge. Pan looks brand new except for the quarter sized very shallow dimple. This may pop back when I boil water before going to sap again.

Kept the sweet. It does not taste burnt. Carmel after tone but not burnt. I hope to revoke this "exclusive club membership" again as it has been 2 years.

Keep boiling. Sap should really start flowing after this cold snap/deep freeze tonight.

02-13-2020, 05:26 PM
Could've been worse. Better luck with the rest of the season.

02-13-2020, 06:02 PM
I paid my membership dues into the club this year but I have yet to receive my entrance award. It's only been a few boils so far this season so there is still plenty of time for it to arrive.

My financial backer and partner in life might kill me if she knew I applied for such a club though.....

maple flats
02-13-2020, 06:14 PM
No prize, you just earn a BIG ATTA BOY OR ATTA GIRL!

Robert K
02-13-2020, 07:42 PM
You know your apart of the club when :o

02-13-2020, 08:32 PM
Glad it was only a small area and you controlled the event! Recovery is everything!