View Full Version : 2020 Looking forward to looking back

02-10-2020, 05:41 AM
I finally did it! I bought a house last year with a few maple trees and SWORE I was going to make maple sugar. Well 2/8 was a nice day so...

here is tree 1 and 2 😜https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200210/9cafd19653c93d860072aad3debb15ec.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200210/d7e5012205a5886d672e658244f5dc2a.jpg

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02-10-2020, 05:44 AM
my 3rd tree I decided to use longer tubing in hope's of a bit of natural vacuum. I think it's got too much horizontal to make much difference so next year I will tap higher. I do have more trees but my pan didnt show up yet so 😬 I didnt want to do more.

I'll just be boiling or a grill so I'll be freezing what I get atm. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200210/4268f5b7b1a2253203b69c65f827e481.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200210/61dd9b9351fabc9b6170a78a56e81e2f.jpg

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02-10-2020, 07:28 AM
I just realized I put this in the wrong place. it should be in the journals. maybe a mod can move it :-)

Also, I'm in Tolland CT!

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02-11-2020, 03:39 PM
So with temps never QUITE getting to freezing overnight Sunday into Saturday, sadly almost NO yield yesterday. just this which all but about a cup is from 9ne side of the big tree. interesting to note that it was the tree with the longest drop line that goes I to the driveway. Temps supposedly will go down to 29 tonight so I'm curious if I will se anything tomorrow. Otherwise probably nothing until Sunday when it warms up again. then as of now we should have a couple days in a row to see if I am capable of tapping lol.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200211/c93993156a910c05e563b407a3addf48.jpg

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02-12-2020, 05:33 AM
I almost didnt even check when ai got home since it didnt freeze the night before... Good thing I listened to my wife, I had nearly another gallon of sap! After this freeze on Saturday I'm going to have a LOT to boil, at least I hope!

I will be curious to see today. it did drop to about 30 last night and will be 40 today supposedly.

02-12-2020, 12:45 PM
What are you using to boil on?

02-13-2020, 11:15 AM
What are you using to boil on?

https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0029T31HY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 this year it will be this, on a standard outdoor Propane grill (that makes GREAT chicken btw).

I bought the pan specifically for this (it was inexpensive for year 1) and the family is understanding not to touch it or clean it with anything!

Upon suggestion of @raptonfan here http://mapletrader.com/community/showthread.php?35125-Home-Made-evaporatorI am going to get a new regulator if the boil on Sunday does not go well and I need more heat.

Part of the reason I have only 5 taps is I want to see how this works out 1st before I all of a sudden have to get a second grill or have to boil until the middle of the morning

02-15-2020, 12:09 PM
so excited!!!

I'm pacing around the house waiting for tomorrow like its Christmas lol

I got the grill all ready for tomorrow with my new pan. And I am about to tap a couple more trees in hope's of a really good yield in the 1st good day tomorrow. Temps were 6 last night and going to about 25 today, and get to 42 tomorrow. next weekend is supposed to be very good also! In total I should have about 10 taps.

must likley I'll get it concentrated MOST of the way, then freeze it and combine with next weeks boil to finish it down to sugar. I'll take a quart or 2 of syrup and go down to granulated sugar for the rest. I'm going to use the burner next to the pan to warm the sap up before I put it into the pan to try not to kill the boil with 40 degree sap. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200215/fdc6fd4008232c24eaaf0d6cd57f2107.jpg

02-15-2020, 05:48 PM
so... tapped morehttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200215/e417f5818c67695787804807d24cbd61.jpg

02-15-2020, 05:52 PM
and lastly... I am trying these out! they eventually will be cut down because they are in the way in the yard, so I'm not worried if they get destroyed by tapping too young... going to milk them for all they are worth!!!https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200215/6689ea6bcd0f1149e22afea2a2b1c8fb.jpg

02-15-2020, 07:00 PM
If you are going to use gas in the future, if so you should talk to your supplier to have a hookup with shut off. I had this done in my shed/shack. This way you are using a cheaper supply and not need to refill tanks.
I bought from Costco a 4 leg cook top with 3 high pressure burners. I use it now to finish syrup in pot, but I have a pan that fits on it, that I reduce a larger raw sap.
Some people build these for personal use. Good luck

02-16-2020, 08:53 AM
If you are going to use gas in the future, if so you should talk to your supplier to have a hookup with shut off. I had this done in my shed/shack. This way you are using a cheaper supply and not need to refill tanks.
I bought from Costco a 4 leg cook top with 3 high pressure burners. I use it now to finish syrup in pot, but I have a pan that fits on it, that I reduce a larger raw sap.
Some people build these for personal use. Good luckIts actually something I've been pondering... I dont have a shack this year... I'm just pretty much out there in the elements this year. next year I'm going to build some kind of pallet/tarp structure to protect me from any wind. As far as the propane hook up, my house is oil and I dont have natural gas available so the tanks make the most sense in a strange sort of way. I do think I may get a 40 gallon/pound tank vs the standard 20 for a grill. I can still transport it at least to get it filled. It all depends on how big a generator we get for the house if I get a permanent tank.

02-25-2020, 09:57 AM
2/25 Update

Well Today I should be getting my new grill! VERY excited to try it out this weekend.
I have been batching my sap, and currently have 1 gallon at about 12%. I have almost 4 gallons of fresh sap to boil down from a run yesterday. I THINK I am going to wait and freeze that tonight with whatever I get today (if anything since it didn't freeze overnight just about 33-35)

I know I have a bunch of other threads where I have asked questions so I a going to put the info in here, along with what I have learned so far.

#1 drill 2" NOT 1 1/2" especially in the older trees with thicker bark. Also do NOT mash the tap in... "tink tink thunk" and STOP... I hammered the taps in too deep and after a couple ok runs, I have almost nothing flowing aside from the 3 gallons I got yesterday from the 2 trees in the front yard by the road.
#2 Don't use the regular grill. I am lucky to get 1 GPH boiling on that thing. Also do NOT surround the pan with 2 layers of brick because it will burn my current pan.
#4 DEF check the boiling temp! 2/22 it was 210, 2/23 it was all the way down to 209.5!

02-25-2020, 04:35 PM
NOW we are talkin!https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200225/bda74963187212f510aa71c42fbbc751.jpg

02-29-2020, 12:52 PM
2/29 Update!

So I retapped the trees in the same spot... jeez, I had 2 that were barely even 1 1/4 inch. Going to pay much more attention next year and be sure they are 2". I am holding off the 3.5-4 gallons of sap I have until tomorrow to boil it because I think I MIGHT get more, altho high temp keeps dropping. Monday looks perfect. 20 the night before and 50 durring the day.

I'm currently being in the house the 100 or so oz I have of concentrate (about 15%) I didnt run the humidifier last night, and looking at my windows, I wont have to tonight lol.

Interestingly enough, water is boiling at 209° today so 216-217 it is for the syrup. holding at about 214 as I type... I am VERY excited... might even splurge and make pancakes tomorrow!

02-29-2020, 01:33 PM
and I have SYRUP!!!

1st in the new home and omg it tastes like HEAVEN!

thanks everyone for putting up with me and for all the help! I cant wait for the weather to cooperate so I can have another run or too!https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200229/7cb252b9df836874e210ae20901d227c.jpg

02-29-2020, 08:58 PM
My guess is all the headaches have been worth the effort. I would bet everyone in your family loves the taste of the homemade syrup. good luck and sty with it, the bug keeps growing on you.

03-01-2020, 06:34 AM
My guess is all the headaches have been worth the effort. I would bet everyone in your family loves the taste of the homemade syrup. good luck and sty with it, the bug keeps growing on you.Yes they have! Wife will be back home today and we are going to have a big pancake lunch!

Sugar Bear
03-01-2020, 08:54 AM
Yes they have! Wife will be back home today and we are going to have a big pancake lunch!

And my guess is that syrup will get you a free ticket out of the bed in the shed into the bed in the house.

03-01-2020, 09:33 AM
And my guess is that syrup will get you a free ticket out of the bed in the shed into the bed in the house.Not sure it will get me THAT much, but at least she won't be as annoyed at me for asking every day I THINK it would run, if there is anything in the buckets the second she is home (1 hour before me) lol

03-02-2020, 07:05 PM
My new setup and holy cow it boils much faster! I cant WAIT to get a pan that fits on this thing because WOW, it boils fantastic, and I know I'm losing a lot of heat. it will certainly do for this year tho! My father-in-law tried my already made syrup and thought it was fantastic, and he is a guy that isnt going to spare your feeling, he is as straight a shorter as they come.

My question is, do I boil it at 1-1.25" or 2"? it seems to boil quite well at both. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200303/8e1269e9dbe82a4872c916e8cddd0a52.jpg

03-02-2020, 08:13 PM
also... any reason NOT to do another pan next to the bigger one? I mean there ARE 3 burners so why not use them right? obviously more propane, but more surface area so great idea right?https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200303/84e3725ad7d649d8097305ddfbb710b0.jpg

03-09-2020, 08:42 AM
So... I didn't batch it, I just boiled straight through my 15 or so gallons, so it's super dark but WOW it tastes good!

I added brick around the edge again on the new grill and WOW what a difference in the boil! https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200309/35f682df4a190d3eabcc81291faa2326.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200309/99d2c6944f927b20b7fbf3e90f2ddebc.jpg

03-09-2020, 08:45 AM
Sadly, looking at the temps, I have a feeling the season my be over. supposed to be in the 50's and 60's all week and MAYBE hit 30 NEXT Monday night. If we don't get more, then I'll have made about 28-32 oz. Overall I'd say a successful season, I didnt break anything! and I have super tasty syrup!

03-12-2020, 12:57 PM
Look again for this weekend. I'm just north of you and it was 30° this morning. This weekend and into next week we'll have a few days with temps in the 20s. I'm not sure where you're seeing 30° but it's not here....Hartford maybe?

maple flats
03-12-2020, 02:16 PM
We have another addict, too late to get out and there is no Known cure! Welcome to the Maple Trader.
Just one observation, you might like the syrup a little better if you get a real maple filter, if small scale a cone filter and 2 or 3 pre-filters. Then dampen the filter just before you are going to pour hot syrup into it, put the pre-filters in first and pour the syrup in. Find a way to keep the syrup hot as it filters. When the top pre-filter plugs, carefully lift it, slowly pour the syrup into the next pre-filter and keep going. When you wash the filter and pre-filters just use hot water and never wring them out, just gently squeeze then let them drip dry the rest of the way. After the season make sure the filter and pre-filter are completely clean (plain hot water) and fully dry before sealing them in a plastic bag. Those filters will last for many years if cleaned properly and never put away with any moisture left in them.

03-13-2020, 05:23 AM
Look again for this weekend. I'm just north of you and it was 30° this morning. This weekend and into next week we'll have a few days with temps in the 20s. I'm not sure where you're seeing 30° but it's not here....Hartford maybe?I got down to 33 at my house... so close!

I do see a few days this weekend like you said, but I'm concerned everything has budded here. hey I'm still going to collect and try you if it runs!

03-13-2020, 05:25 AM
We have another addict, too late to get out and there is no Known cure! Welcome to the Maple Trader.
Just one observation, you might like the syrup a little better if you get a real maple filter, if small scale a cone filter and 2 or 3 pre-filters. Then dampen the filter just before you are going to pour hot syrup into it, put the pre-filters in first and pour the syrup in. Find a way to keep the syrup hot as it filters. When the top pre-filter plugs, carefully lift it, slowly pour the syrup into the next pre-filter and keep going. When you wash the filter and pre-filters just use hot water and never wring them out, just gently squeeze then let them drip dry the rest of the way. After the season make sure the filter and pre-filter are completely clean (plain hot water) and fully dry before sealing them in a plastic bag. Those filters will last for many years if cleaned properly and never put away with any moisture left in them.good advice!

I'm definitely going to get a real filter for next season. The "Honey I need" list is getting longer lol

03-13-2020, 07:37 AM
Filtering is the one thing I spend the most time experimenting with. Being small scale makes it more difficult. Like Nameless above, I'm making syrup in small batches. Usually boiling around 30 gallons or less.
The problem with a "real" maple syrup filter is, I don't have enough finished syrup to run through it. If I were to put 2 or 3 pre-filters inside the thicker bag filter, there wouldn't be much left. The 2 or 3 pre-filters soak up syrup and particles, and the thick bag soaks up the rest before it has much of a chance to run out.
I can only speak from my experience, and I'm thinking, if Nameless ran his 20 ounces of finished syrup through pre-filters and the thick bag filter, he wouldn't end up with 20 ounces.

03-13-2020, 08:48 AM
If you use good pre filters they will get a large portion of the nitter out of the syrup. You can simply decant the syrup after that. Which is to pack it up and let it sit on a shelf for a while. All the nitter will settle to the bottom of the jar. You can then pour the syrup out of the jar being careful to leave the bottom gunk. Carefully reheat to 180 and repack for storage. Or store the opened product in the fridge for use.

03-14-2020, 08:26 AM
If you use good pre filters they will get a large portion of the nitter out of the syrup. You can simply decant the syrup after that. Which is to pack it up and let it sit on a shelf for a while. All the nitter will settle to the bottom of the jar. You can then pour the syrup out of the jar being careful to leave the bottom gunk. Carefully reheat to 180 and repack for storage. Or store the opened product in the fridge for use.hah! I must have read your mind. I have a large 1 gallon glass jar that I was doing that in. I let it sit for a couple days then drained it. I didnt reheat tho so I guess I'll yo back and do it again and reheat it. I didnt think about the bacteria again.

I'm going to see how it flows Monday as it looks like a good day, my only fear is all the buds. If its meh, will it work for sugar? I'm not sure I'll even get enough if I get any, but if its buddy will sugar still work?

03-15-2020, 07:11 AM
When the trees go buddy you will taste it in the sap and in the syrup. I've already pulled my taps where I am. I haven't seen any temps below freezing for almost 3 weeks.

maple flats
02-18-2021, 10:39 AM
hah! I must have read your mind. I have a large 1 gallon glass jar that I was doing that in. I let it sit for a couple days then drained it. I didnt reheat tho so I guess I'll yo back and do it again and reheat it. I didnt think about the bacteria again.
If you use the decant method, you only need to reheat it if you will store it at room temperature. If you want, just decant it for up to 2 weeks, stored in a cool place out of the sun, then carefully pour off the clear syrup and refrigerate it. In the fridge it will last at least 5-6 months and at that scale I suspect it willo be consumed before that long.