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View Full Version : Added 24" extension to my 2x3 leader evaporator

02-09-2020, 08:01 PM
Added a 15x24 pan and built an exhaust out the top of the extension. Today I did a test run with water, it seemed to take a long time to get up to boil. By way of explanation the new pan ism 24" wide and there is a divider across the middle of the pan. The sap will enter the left side, flow to the right side and pass through the divider and flow out the left side into the front divided pan. My question is will it help slow down the exhaust if I put a row of brick across in front of the stack. Also thinking of putting a 2 1/2 in. drop flue across the front of the back pan.Will that help the boil? Here are the pictures. Just don't know how to rotate. 20774207752077620777

02-11-2020, 08:01 PM
Check this out. Finally got pictures up. Did another test boil and could not get up to boil .The stack opening is 3" x20", is that to much opening. I put a row of brick in front of the stack that left 1/2" for the to exit. Base of the stack got up 500 deg. half way up the stack it was 320. Could I have too much opening. Main pan is 2x3 back pan is 15x24. AUF