View Full Version : Vacuum pump/releaser questions

02-05-2020, 04:39 PM
This is my first year running a vacuum pump and a releaser so naturally I have a million questions. I have a gast 1550 and a Bernard single vertical releaser.

1. When do I shut the vacuum pump off? Do people run them continuously? Obviously during a freeze up I will shut it off.

2. do I have to do anything to the releaser when I shut the pump off? All the sap should drain out correct? I would hate for it too freeze up and not work or even break it...

3. I know I'm supposed to oil the releaser but I'm not sure all the points I should get. I know the float rod, but do I oil it where the float slides? Or just the top that goes to the lever that shuts off the vacuum? What about where the line switches to move the Piston, where the line switches from one opening to the other?

Thanks for any help. Just trying to get everything in line before taps go in!


maple flats
02-05-2020, 07:09 PM
When and if you shut the pump off the releaser will dump. Most larger producers turn the vacuum on on day one and don't turn it off until the end of the season, others, myself included, turn mine off as the temperature falls to 28-29F. Sap will run after the freezing temps hit, because the tree does not freeze as soon as the air. To oil the releaser, consult the manual. My releaser gets mineral oil on the lift rod (on the float) and most of the pivot points get food grade light weight grease. Every pivot or sliding part should be lubricated, just keep it very light and only use what the manufacturer specifies. If you don't have the manual, most should be available online.

02-05-2020, 07:28 PM
Thanks Dave. I tried looking for a manual online but couldn't find anything. I'll try contacting lapierre and see if I can get a manual from them.

02-05-2020, 07:59 PM
I use food grade lubricant on my releasors. Anywhere that some part slides on another I lube, plus the gaskets.