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01-31-2020, 08:41 AM
I’d like to incorporate a few simple tube runs this year and could use some help getting started.

My plan is just have 3 or 4 runs of 3/16” tubing running downhill to collection tanks and each run will have around a dozen taps or so.

Do I just use the 3/16” tubing as the ‘mainline’ for each run, or do I have a larger mainline tube?
I assume each tap has a separate drop to the mainline from a separate tee fitting, is that correct?
Do I use a cable to support the mainline?
How do I attach the mainline to a tree if make a corner? Is there a special fitting for this?

I have done some reading, but for some reason I can’t find the answers to my simple questions.


01-31-2020, 09:11 AM
Note; I only do three runs of 3/16 (about 700' total) and last year was my first year with it.

Yes - just run each line to your tank.
Weave through and against trees, alternating sides. The tubing, once tensioned will hold its position fine. Just use something like 1/4" hollow core rope in a finger-trap setup with a trucker's hitch to tension the tubing at the end near your tank. Once I get my lines run, I start and the top and pull as I work downhill, then finish up with tension on the hollow core rope. The key is having elevation drop after the last tap to build natural vac, so make sure your taps end before the tank enough to do this. 30' will build max vac. I only get about 12-15' of drop on my setup but I'm happy with what I get.

01-31-2020, 09:23 AM
To attach to the 1st tree you can simply make a loop joint by a straight line connector OR a T with 2 sides joining the loop together and the 3rd barb for your mainline that goes towards your collection tank. OR you can by a 3/16" end of line connectors. After the 1st one is secured, just zig zag through your trees pulling a bit of tension as you go from tree to tree. At the end of the run if you dont have something to wrap the tubing around but some hollow core rope, sort of like the old chinese finger trap toys we played with as kids, and use that to tie your 3/16" line off.

Good luck

01-31-2020, 09:58 AM
Thanks – that’s a big help! Just a couple of quick follow-ups.

Do you install the drops as you work downhill, or after the line is established?
Is the vertical drop most important after the last tree, so the upper part of the run can lightly pitched?
Also, the ˝” hollow core rope is used in lieu of an end hook and plug fitting?


01-31-2020, 10:15 AM
Pete, I tend to install the line, then walk back up and install the drops and T's.

Vertical drop all the way is preferred, but if you have it at the end and the sap is flowing im sure its going to help.

Hollow core rope would be used at the opposite end of the run from where you start, use it where your collection point is if you dont have any way top secure the end of the line.

02-08-2020, 09:27 PM

I work from top to bottom when pulling the line. Then I head back up, adjusting the line for slope along the way, and turn around and cut in the drops and tees as I head down.

If you are using gravity to achieve a natural vacuum, the more vertical drop you can have from the last tap to the collection barrel, the better. It is the head from any given tap to the tubing outlet at the barrel that determines the vacuum at said tap.