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View Full Version : Pan Advice for Evaporator

01-30-2020, 03:45 PM
I am looking for advice on a pan for my homebuilt evaporator. It is 2x3 with the flu pipe coming out the top, or 2x4 with it coming off the back. I currently have a 2x3 14 gauge SS flat batch pan which I suspect is too thick for efficient heat transfer, and the cause of long boils.

I am considering buying a new pan this season. What would you recommend for my typical usage? My main requirement is that I boil once per week - no more. I am used to doing batch boils, and draining 2 or 3 times per season to finish on propane. I am considering a 3 divider pan but am concerned its not ideal for the amount and frequency I boil. It also appears much more difficult to drain. However a 20 gauge 2x4 flat pan without dividers may be a bit flimsy.

It would also be nice to have near syrup always in the pan just to give off the sweet aroma. You don't get that when batch boiling fresh sap. Alternatively I could do a 2x3 + 1x1 syrup pan, perhaps even keeping the 2x3 for another year spreading out the cost.

I took two years off and looking to run about 20-25 taps this season.

For reference, SS thickness:
14 gauge - 0.078" (what I have now)
18 gauge - 0.050"
20 gauge - 0.038"

Any suggestions welcome.

01-30-2020, 04:03 PM
Tell us more about how you boil? How deep is the sap? Are you continuously feeding it as it is boiling or just filling up the pan and doing something else while it boils? Firing rate on the evap?

01-31-2020, 04:34 PM
I continuously feed sap. I run anywhere from 1-3" depending how close I want to watch it. I've tried everything. I can get a fire shooting flames out of the chimney. Magnetic thermometer on flu is usually 700-800, but I can get it to max out. Unfortunately since it's been a few years I dont really recall evap gpg. I think my pan is too thick and a poor thermal conductor, therefore not picking up enough heat. Hence the reason I want to replace the pan with something.

01-31-2020, 06:12 PM
It sounds like you might do other things while you boil? If thats the case, then a divided pan is pointless since they need constant attention to maintain a gradient.

Its tough to say why you are not getting the evaporation rate you desire. There could be a number of factors at play, the thickness of your current pan certainly being a possibility. More information about the design of your arch would help us troubleshoot that issue.

01-31-2020, 06:17 PM
On divider vs no dividers it really all depends on how your boiling rhythm is. Batch boiling is what you currently do and it seems to fit your rhythm well. A divider pan requires closer watching as syrup develops sooner than batching. Not a bad thing either way just depends on what you like. Pans are like anything, they can be super simple or very elaborate.

Another route could be to get a small ro like RO bucket. That would cut boil time down considerably.

01-31-2020, 07:28 PM
Here is a pic of the arch.