View Full Version : Fall Season Sap Collection

01-30-2020, 10:00 AM
Has anyone gained any experience in implementing a fall season for syrup production?

In theory, sap from maples run in both the fall and spring. From research I've read, collecting in the fall will reduce output in the spring and the fall sap is typically lower Brix.

Not clear however that harvesting both would not be better than simply harvesting in the spring.

Also not clear if this would stress the same tree more and that it might be better to rotate taps spring and fall.

Any experience to share?

buckeye gold
01-30-2020, 11:43 AM
I've done this for several years. You get less sap and less sugar, but you can make syrup. Just don't do it too early warm weather will kill you. I have a separate set of trees, I don't use the same trees for fall and spring, that's too much

01-30-2020, 01:33 PM
I've done this for several years. You get less sap and less sugar, but you can make syrup. Just don't do it too early warm weather will kill you. I have a separate set of trees, I don't use the same trees for fall and spring, that's too much

Thanks for the feedback! What criteria did you use to select which ones to harvest from in the fall?

Cheers, paul

buckeye gold
01-30-2020, 03:35 PM
My fall trees are on a north facing slope that is usually the last tor run in the spring, but does fine in the fall. Other than that any Maple will do

02-01-2020, 02:46 PM
Thanks. Buckeye.