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View Full Version : Weather to tap or weather to wait

buckeye gold
01-29-2020, 07:15 AM
I was just looking at the weather forecast and thinking about what our weather has already been and all it done was give me a sinking feeling in my gut. I may be crazy, but I'm starting to feel pretty strongly that this is going to be a short or at best diminished sap season for my region (mid-southern Ohio, Ky. wva.). If you haven't tapped I would be seriously thinking about it, at least after next weeks warm up has passed. I fear some southern producers have already waited too long. This is the year I did not tap my fall taps and I wish I had in early December. I did put them out early (January 1st) but then we got a warm spell and they went south fast. I went all in January 17th and have boiled 6 times since. I had two days of strong runs then we went into a weather pattern of lows over night of 33-39 and highs of 38-46. Just enough to make some sap flow, but not good runs. Now, next week is forecast 60 on Monday and a week of above 40. Can anyone say slime.... I will have to shut down drain and rewash. Considering the trend I've seen since November I see a period of cold probably mid to late February, but by then all tap holes will be compromised by a long exposure of warmer than average temps. In ending I see a short season with a lot of smaller runs. It may turn colder around March, but my tap holes will be shot by then and poor sap quality. My only hope is to retap for the end of February. I am reconsidering this since listing to Steve Childs at Ohio Maple days. Just going right above the old tap hole. I may do that on one lateral from my early taps today and see what happens.

So this may be a fair warning or just me being "chicken Little", but it's something to think about. So if your holding out for traditional tapping dates, you might want to think about what's happening with the weather this year.

What's some thoughts from the sap gallery?

Delta Glen
01-29-2020, 07:24 PM
We are planning on tapping this weekend. 1/3 of taps will be new install which should help keep taps open longer. Keeping a good steady vacuum will help too.

01-29-2020, 08:35 PM
where you are and the fact that its February, i say go for it

02-01-2020, 07:29 AM
Yea , You posted exactly what Im thinking. I didn't tap everything last week and Im now regretting it. This is going to be my least productive season to date (now , that's not saying much since my best was two gallons finished). What exactly did the guy say about retapping at Ohio maple days?

buckeye gold
02-01-2020, 03:01 PM
He showed a couple slides where he put a second tap directly above the current tap for the last two week of season and got significantly more sap. He originally put a y in and run both, but later he just capped the old hole on another trial. Since most of the sap we capture comes down the tree it gets sap within the scar you created from the first tap. No new damage. I done one lateral the other day from my fall taps and picked up about .5 gal of sap from what was a dry line.

old tom
02-01-2020, 05:32 PM
you couldn't do that with pails so where to put the 2nd tap?

buckeye gold
02-02-2020, 07:15 AM
Tom you'd have to run a piece of tubing into it I gues

02-02-2020, 12:15 PM
Good info! Im gonna try it if given the opportunity!