View Full Version : Rough time frame to Tap in NH?

01-27-2020, 10:53 AM
Do you guys have a rough time frame for when you plan to tap? I am looking to wait until late February, but I am seeing folks going for the early stuff. Could this be weather related?

01-27-2020, 11:04 AM
You're better off to wait. The daytime highs are tempting but the sun is still low in the sky and the trees don't have long to thaw out. That and the nighttime lows are still cold. You might get a couple decent runs but then it will most likely not run great for a while. I usually wait until after presidents day at the earliest. March is the month for syrup in NH.

01-27-2020, 12:24 PM
How are you collecting sap? Gravity (buckets, bags, gravity tubing) or with vacuum? How clean are your spouts and droplines (new, CV spouts, new drops, bleach cleaned?).

Generally gravity systems will last approx 4-6 weeks, less sanitized maybe a bit less, more sanitized a bit more. With vacuum systems it'll be 10-12 weeks, again with more highly sanitized systems lasting longer than non-sanitized systems. Thus on vacuum systems you have more leeway in terms of tapping early than on gravity systems.

Russell Lampron
01-27-2020, 05:34 PM
I'm in Loudon and usually plan to tap on Presidents Day weekend. I have tapped as early as February 1st in the past and have also waited until March 13th because of the weather. I was tempted to drill some holes yesterday but know that it's still too early despite the warm weather.

01-28-2020, 04:26 PM
Generally gravity systems will last approx 4-6 weeks, less sanitized maybe a bit less, more sanitized a bit more. With vacuum systems it'll be 10-12 weeks, again with more highly sanitized systems lasting longer than non-sanitized systems. Thus on vacuum systems you have more leeway in terms of tapping early than on gravity systems.
Interesting to have actual numbers for this. Since you have the data, how long would you expect taps to stay open for a system with CV spouts and 3/16 tubing on a steep hill pulling nearly full vacuum, but no vacuum pump?

01-28-2020, 04:57 PM
I've tapped in late January and early February many years. I have a combo of buckets and gravity tubing, no vac. Early runs are good, but it usually freezes up again and no good runs for a few weeks. I'm holding off on the urge this year.

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maple flats
01-28-2020, 06:51 PM
I'm in central NYS, but back when I had my highest tap count and had 3 college students working for me, I tapped 3 years, finishing no later than Jan 20, because they returned to school then. With good sanitation and on good vacuum 10-12 weeks can be achieved, unless you get crazy warm temps for too long.

01-29-2020, 05:09 AM
Do you guys have a rough time frame for when you plan to tap? I am looking to wait until late February, but I am seeing folks going for the early stuff. Could this be weather related?
Where in NH are you? There can be a 3-4 week difference in starting time for sugaring between the seacoast area of NH and the northern tip. In my location, Walpole NH in the hills at 1150 feet elevation, I usually tap around the 3rd week of February but watch the weather closely and adjust accordingly.

01-29-2020, 08:49 AM
We're relatively new to the hobby as this will be our fifth season, but we do keep a lot of data on our trees. The average start date for us is right around Valentine's day. We are on gravity and stay tapped in for about 7-8 weeks on average. We have a microclimate at Elevation 750 feet that keeps us cooler than most areas, so we can tolerate the warm spells better than most. We normally have snow on the ground until about May 1.

3% Solution
01-29-2020, 07:09 PM
Looking at February 14ish … no earlier …
Any sap you get between now and then is more of a nuisance sap … can't get enough to RO it and don't like boiling raw sap …
So we will just wait …
Got stuff to do to gat ready anyway …. get tanks out … get the RO ready … clean the sugarhouse …
We usually keep the taps in until mid April … so plenty of time …

01-30-2020, 06:05 AM
I’m in southern nh and it looks like I’m going to get the drill out tomorrow. I was going to wait but forecast looks great. I may just tap one of my bushes and wait on the other.

LMP Maple
02-04-2020, 03:59 PM
Still waiting here in Hudson , boy it's tempting though. 50 taps all on buckets so I would like to hold off until presidents weekend if I can. Last year I tapped on the 22nd. Still watching the forecast closely. Hoping for one more freeze then go time, we will see. Good luck to all, with weather like this all I can say is thank God this is only a hobby!

Amber Gold
02-05-2020, 09:47 AM
I'm still leaning towards next weekend as planned. The weather has been temping though.

Russell Lampron
02-05-2020, 07:22 PM
I'm tapping this weekend. I got my RO fixed last weekend and got my tanks and releaser all set up so I'm ready.

LMP Maple
02-11-2020, 04:35 PM
Looking like Sunday for tapping for me in Hudson. Looks like a nice freeze up Friday and Saturday then decent weather. I may wait until a little later in the week but if the 14 day holds by the 22 we should be in a good stretch. Would be a week earlier than 2019 but that seems about right with this pattern. If I was on tubing I probably would have gone for it last weekend. With my buckets rain, wind, and snow make it interesting :lol:

02-13-2020, 06:10 AM
I'm tapping this weekend. I got my RO fixed last weekend and got my tanks and releaser all set up so I'm ready.

Did you end up tapping Russ? I was going to tap Sunday but now next week looks crumby too. May end up waiting until next weekend.

Russell Lampron
02-13-2020, 05:50 PM
Did you end up tapping Russ? I was going to tap Sunday but now next week looks crumby too. May end up waiting until next weekend.

The forecast for this week didn't look good so I didn't tap last weekend. I'm going to tap this Sunday and Monday and hope to be boiling by next weekend.

02-13-2020, 06:27 PM
My taps went in today because I had the time available. Hoping to get a run Sunday to clean the lines then everything is getting collected. Hopefully will be in the same boat, boiling by next weekend after the freeze.

LMP Maple
02-15-2020, 01:28 PM
Think I am going to wait on tapping until next Saturday. I had thought I would tap tomorrow but looking at the forecast I only see a couple of days of the sap flowing then another freeze. Being all buckets I want to be sure to be in for what will hopefully be the whole month of March. Hopefully the 14 day forecast holds. I do think there will be a good run tomorrow and Monday. Had 0 this am in Hudson. The wife is not happy as she knows I will be pacing around the house tomorrow second guessing my decision. For those that are already tapped enjoy the boil!

Russell Lampron
02-15-2020, 05:16 PM
I'm going to tap tomorrow and Monday. The forecast still looks a little cold but it's go time!

02-16-2020, 06:03 AM
Looking at the long-range forecast, next weekend looks like the start of perfect temps! I plan to tap and set out buckets next Saturday, February 22nd.

02-16-2020, 08:17 AM
It's 30 here at 9am. Pumps are going on, time to check for leaks. It's go time!

02-16-2020, 12:56 PM
We put the tubing runs up today. The few remaining trees with buckets will go in later this week.

Russell Lampron
02-16-2020, 03:39 PM
I put about 500 taps in today. I've got a little over 200 to do tomorrow and then it's go time. I did all of the hard ones today so tomorrow will be much easier.

LMP Maple
02-24-2020, 06:17 AM
Tapped on Saturday in Hudson. Tapped in a tee shirt. Collected enough to boil last night and started to get a little sweet going. Should run well today. Then looks like a bit of a slow down. That's OK not March yet!

LMP Maple
02-29-2020, 06:22 PM
Have boiled about 4 times now in Hudson. With my rig I only need about 10-15 gallons to fire. I have been happy with the sugar content so far it has tested in the 2.5% range. Made my first syrup on 2/26. Last year first syrup was March 11th. Trees have not really kicked in yet but for buckets I am happy with the product and production thus far. Made about 6 gallons last year and I think I am pushing a gallon now. Small time but having a blast.