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View Full Version : Multi-purpose Tubing Reel

01-20-2020, 06:39 PM
In the process of looking at what was laying around to build my own tubing reel, I came across this batting tee collecting dust until spring. It worked well right away, but once the plate got a layer of ice and snow, it zipped along. It works on the same principal as driving a stake in the ground - just without having to do that. I could move it around quickly and easily. It was heavy enough to stay put while I walked the line out.

I was going to make a piece of plywood that could fit over the T, but wanted to give it a try before putting in that effort. It worked well as is. The trick was to keep the tubing coming off the roll low. It was easy enough to find downed branches that I could work around or lay over the line coming out to keep it low. Instead of fitting plywood on top, I think I might bend some wire to put in the ground like a croqeute hoop to keep it down.

I'd still like to get a tubing reel some day, but in the meantime this does the job. I think a lot of people have one of these laying around.

buckeye gold
01-21-2020, 07:04 AM
I built one on a similar principle. The difference is I after I built the base that looks just like your batting tee, I slipped a larger piece of PVC over it and attached a piece of plywood to that (simple L brackets will do that) and a handle to the top. That way the whole spool spins. One option that helps that is find a small bucket or cylinder of some kind that fits tightly inside the spool, you just want it to be light. A carpet roll from a flooring store works well and when it tears up cut a new piece off. You can anchor it or hook the tubing to a tree and walk off with the spool and the tubing will feed off as you go (this is what I do).

I'd post a picture, but I kind of had an accident with it and it needs rebuilt. Note to self, remember that you put something in the bucket of the tractor.

01-21-2020, 07:34 AM
Take a large coffee can, screw it to a piece of plywood or 1x12- Punch a couple holes in the top of the sides of the can, tie in a piece of rope with a snap swivel. I clip a carabiner in the swivel, you can hang it from mainline, a tree limb or tie off the end and take off through the woods with it. I have 3 of em, have strung 3 1/2 miles of tubing off of em.

03-22-2022, 11:58 AM
Built mine out of 5 gallon bucket and some 1/2 pvc. Can put the lid on with a piece of pvc sticking thru lid and bottom to use as a 2 handed spool or put the swivel hook/caribeener on the handle.

Less than $10, lightweight and quick/easy to build. Coil up over 1200 feet of line on one of these. The pvc spokes are cheaper than the plywood base but serve same purpose.


03-22-2022, 12:16 PM
I built a simple and ugly version with a 2x4 and a circle cut from plywood. Added an eye hook with a few washers and locking nuts. It worked well hanging it from the mainline but doesn't sit on the ground. It also works great for storing and transporting multiple rolls of tubing around, especially rolls that you've cut the banding off already. The large carabiner worked well to hook over the mainline.

I built another using 2- 2x4s cut to 4 ft and a lazy susan bearing plate. It worked really well for running my 500ft runs of 3/4" mainline. Total cost for that one was about 12 bucks.

It still will not let me upload pictures.

03-22-2022, 02:04 PM
we had a bunch of 18inch floor dust mop frames at work that we were going to toss out. Bent 4 of them to 90 degrees, and tack welded them together, a loop welded to the center of them, a trap swivel and screw eye hanger and whala, tubing hanger like the ones they sell only free.

Much like Mapleflats, can't upload a picture.

03-25-2022, 10:39 AM
Traffic Pylon with a wood base suspended by rope on a pole- works like a charm

01-21-2023, 06:13 PM
Video of reinstalling tubing using the reel this year. Worked great. Never had an easier time putting tubing up.


Built mine out of 5 gallon bucket and some 1/2 pvc. Can put the lid on with a piece of pvc sticking thru lid and bottom to use as a 2 handed spool or put the swivel hook/caribeener on the handle.

Less than $10, lightweight and quick/easy to build. Coil up over 1200 feet of line on one of these. The pvc spokes are cheaper than the plywood base but serve same purpose.
